The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1896: The minister is the best candidate for the horse, and the Tubo master has no capital.

Li Shimin slowly stepped into the Zhenguan Hall, and then sat peacefully behind the imperial case.

With a glance, the **** on the side raised his throat and yelled. With little effort, the envoys of the monarchs began to file in.

After paying tribute to His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, they sat in their own position.

Every Fanbang envoy looked so excited, his eyes glistening, and his face looking forward to it.

Just outside, I had already seen a good show, and then finally the main banquet kicked off.

I really look forward to it. I didn't expect that Cheng Sablang, the most famous demon moth king of the Tang Dynasty, would have a conflict with the Tubo mission.

Would it be unhappy to be able to make friends with Cheng Sanlang, the great Tang's favorite minister, and to see Tubo deflated?

Li Shimin glanced away, Cheng Saburo was squatting with his father Cheng Yaojin at the moment, and the father and son whispered with their shoulders on their backs.

Li Shimin smashed his mouth and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The consequences of Cheng Sanlang and his father Cheng Yaojin are definitely not as simple as one Cheng family and one Cheng family.

The destructive power is a bit big, so you must keep your original intentions in mind and control the scene. Who is the special lady and served me tea?

Li Shimin made a look, and he had already jumped back. Zhao Kun, who was standing by his side, immediately understood, and quickly took the tea aside.

After all, his Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, at such a great dynasty meeting where all the nations came together, if there was any misconduct, it would really damage the face of the great Tang sovereign state.

The envoys from the various countries will go in every time they are called.

At this moment, Lu Dongzan, whose face was already red on the plateau, was almost completely black at this moment, breathing deeply.

He needs to control his emotions and must not be disturbed by Cheng Saburo's **** stuff.

By his side, Sangbuza shivered all over, of course, it was not a sheep's seizure, but Cheng Saburo was irritated.

His own son, Qin Ling, is not much better, his face is blue, his lips are tightly pressed, his eyes are almost spitting fire.

Unexpectedly, this notorious Cheng Sanlang in Datang actually took aim at the envoy.

It was actually because Tubo came to make friends, and this guy's brain didn't know how it grew, and he was able to come up with a reason to justify himself.

On such occasions, as the relative father of the Tubo prime minister, of course, it was impossible to explain to Cheng Saburo who was in the opposite direction.

It is even more impossible to explain to the envoys of the Tibetan kingdoms who waved the flag for Cheng Saburo.

After all, this is a problem that can be explained clearly without a few words, which is really annoying to the extreme.

If it weren't for Cheng Saburo's tall head and strong physique, it would look very uncomfortable at first glance.

Qinling, who claims to be both civil and military, can't wait to jump forward with the **** fist to fight the bastard.


Lu Dongzan's mind has turned countless thoughts, but he really can't understand what Cheng Sanlang's purpose is.

But one thing, my purpose, that is to propose marriage to His Majesty the Emperor of Tang for the Lord, must not be disturbed by distracting thoughts.

Lu Dongzan stroked his face, tried to cheer himself up, thought about it, and said to his son Qinling and his good helper Sangbuza uneasy.

"After entering the temple for a while, you two must not be stimulated by Cheng Saburo to speak."

"We must focus on the overall situation, and we must not let down your majesty's expectations."

Hearing this, Qin Ling and Sangbuzha stunned together, and bowed their heads. At this time, the delegation of the Tubo Kingdom was finally called into the palace to meet them.

Lu Dongzan took a deep breath, held his head high, and strode towards the hall.

He walked straight forward without squinting his eyes, and after reaching the position in the hall, he respectfully saluted the majestic and unangered Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

"Subordinate Lu Dongzan, see His Majesty the Emperor of Tang..."

Following Lu Dongzan's actions, Sangbuza and Naqin Mausoleum behind him also hurriedly saluted them respectfully.

"Be flat, I have long heard that you are the number one wise man in Tubo, and you are the name of Tubo. I finally saw it today."

"His Majesty the Emperor praised..."

At this moment, Lu Dongzan was talking with His Majesty the Emperor Datang in the humble posture of a subordinate, showing respect and graciousness in his words.

Cheng Saburo was moving his neck, like an excellent boxer ready to jump into the ring at any time.

General Cheng Cheng, who was on the side, was holding the shoulders of Li Daozong, the famous clan general, and was whispering to the bewildered Li Daozong, explaining something in a low voice.

And Li Ke, an excellent royal tool man, looked worried at this moment.

"Brother Chubi, I have inquired carefully, my little brother. This old man is really a very powerful person in Tubo."

"Not only is it scheming, but also eloquent, although you were just outside the palace gate, you were caught off guard by Brother Chubi."

"But next, he will definitely not give you another chance."

Cheng Chubi smiled and flicked his head, but it was a pity that he could not be confident and soft, but it did not affect Cheng Saburo's self-confidence and calmness.

"I don't need him to give me the opportunity, the opportunity is created by myself."

The turmoil between Li Shimin and Nalu Dongzan finally gradually returned to the subject.

And Lu Dongzan began to give generous speeches in order to invite marriage to the head of the Tubo kingdom.

At this moment all stayed in their respective positions, and a group of Tang officials and various envoys were whispering.

I saw Cheng Sanlang dangling out of the class, and then came to Lu Dongzan's side, standing side by side with the Tubo Zheng envoy.

"??" Lu Dongzan, who was talking so much that the stars were flying, felt that there was a difference around him, and when he turned his head, he saw Cheng Saburo actually standing next to him.

The whole person is fascinated in an instant, what does this guy want to do?

"It's okay, you continue, I'll talk about what you say." Cheng Saburo grinned at Lu Dongzan, his expression was so modest and polite.

His Majesty the Emperor of Tang, who was sitting behind the imperial case, had already straightened his back. He wanted to whisper, but when he thought of Cheng Saburo's plan, well... stop.

Lu Dongzan looked awkwardly at the emperor of Datang, but only saw the emperor of Datang smile at him gently and motioned for him to continue.

Although Lu Dongzan was very dissatisfied with the connivance of Cheng Saburo by the emperor of Datang, he continued.

"... Therefore, please also your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, give marriage to my lord..."

Before Lu Dongzan's words fell, Cheng Sanlang's violent shouts rang in his ears.

"Your Majesty, the minister opposes!"

The loudness of the voice even caused an echo in the entire Zhenguan Hall.

"Little Cheng Taibao, what do you mean?" Lu Dongzan's eyes twitched, turning his head, his eyes were fierce.

Cheng Chubi ignored this old Tubo stuff at all and shouted upright and upright.

"Your Majesty, the minister thought that the leader of the Tubo kingdom was not qualified to be my Tang's cohort, and the minister was the best candidate for the cohort."


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