The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1946: Qinling, you need to know, we are for your good

Lu Dongzan looked at this man sitting in front of him, wiped his red eyes, and detailed his experience in these days in a very sad tone.

"Since you failed to be the prime minister and prosperous, the generals not only didn't introspect yourself when you saw Luxiang, but you also became the Tang Dynasty monarchs, making friends with Tang Dynasty emperors, and drinking endless banquets every day."

"They feel that you, the prime minister, are clearly worried about the failure of the marriage, and they have returned to Tubo's fear of being blamed by the country's lord, and you have a feeling of stagnation in the Tang Dynasty."

Lu Dongzan raised his thick eyebrows directly, but in the end, he controlled his emotions and motioned Nima to continue.

General Tashi is the confidant of His Majesty, and he is very worried that after this mission fails, he will lose the trust of the country's lord.

It happened that the mistakes you made by Lu Dongzan, why should they bear the consequences, and during this period of time, your father, son and others frequently went out to eat and drink.

The emperor of Datang has frequently rewarded you, and they have already convinced you that Lu Dongzan is in collusion with the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

"...Actually, the villain and General Ciren were in the Peony Pavilion restaurant, and indeed they heard the conversation between Lord Qinling and His Royal Highness King Wu."

"Prince Qinling was already drunk at that time, he said a few words casually and passed by drunk."

"However, General Tsering told the villain that Young Master Qinling was not only talking about that, but also attacking the lord of the country and wantonly criticizing the state affairs."

"The kindness of the villain's deep-body prime minister, I didn't want to go with him, but after all..."

Speaking of this, Nima couldn't help but raised her neck bitterly, revealing that red mark.

Seeing Lu Dongzan's eyelids twitched, it was clear that weapons such as swords could cut such marks.

"Okay, you don't have to say it anymore." Lu Dongzan patted Nima's shoulder with a big hand, and the cold light in his narrowed eyes flickered.

Seeing Lu Dongzan's surface calm, in fact, there was already a rising anger in his eyes.

Nima gritted her teeth and fell to the ground again. "Prime Minister, the villain knows that he speaks lightly, but if there is a word, he still has to tell the Prime Minister.

Please be cautious, the prime minister, don't let them look for opportunities, otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Lu Dongzan couldn't help but squatted down, grabbed Nima up, and asked sternly.

Nima's eyes reddened, and her face looked authentic.

"The villain is worried that the prime minister will be unexplained and vainly killed in this Tang Dynasty..."

"Enough!" Lu Dongzan's face turned pale, subconsciously turned his head, and glanced at the closed door.

After standing twice, he slowly stood up, then walked to the door of the room and pushed open the door.

I saw the two loyal relatives standing not far from the room, heard the movement here, and quickly turned their heads.

After Lu Dongzan slightly nodded towards the two of them, he closed the door again, looked at the ground with scorching eyes, and stood up, with an uneasy expression on his face.

In the end, Lu Dongzan showed a somewhat ugly smile. "Please tell the old man carefully, what did you mean by this just now..."


Qin Ling stared at the three people in front of him blankly, one was his good brother Li Ke, and the other was a new acquaintance, Li Zhen.

The other was the little Cheng Taibao who defeated his father and son and undermined Tubo and his pro-plans.

Now, they are standing side by side in front of them, and there is a big iron pot in front of them. Inside the iron pot, there are bamboo rats braised with soybeans.

At the moment, the alluring fragrance is really mouth watering.

Li Ke threw a piece of fragrant bamboo rat meat into his mouth, chewed it with oil, and walked towards Qinling Road with a full face of comfort.

"Come on, do what you do in a daze, hurry up and eat some, our brothers are busy drinking at noon, and we are talking while eating when we have an empty stomach."

"That is, brother Qinling hastened over and tasted these delicacies."

Qin Ling touched his empty and shrunken belly, and sat down in front of him, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and began to eat and drink.

The wind smashed down a steamed bun, a bowl of porridge, and at least half a catty of bamboo rat meat, and the whole person suddenly became more energetic.

"Brother Weide, how on earth did I appear here? Please state clearly."

"This is a long story. Do you know that Tashi and Na Tsering, the guards of your envoy, have failed to make peace with Datang this time."

"In order not to be blamed by your Tubo leader, and even more unwilling to be a scapegoat for your father and son, I decided to act first and make your father and son die."

"Huh? How is this possible?" Qin Ling's eyes bulged, and the chopsticks in his hand almost fell into the pot.

If it weren't for Weide, he is his own good brother, with a serious expression and sincere tone. Qin Ling wanted to spit out if you can make a reasonable joke.

At this time, Cheng Saburo, who had been eating and drinking without talking, finally opened his mouth.

"I said, brother Qinling, do you think his dignified Prince of Tang Dynasty needs to make such an almost absurd joke with you?"

"If it weren't for me to wait to see the opportunity quickly, I would **** you from the Tubo envoy.

Do you think you can have all your beards and tails under the evil hands of those vulgar swordsmen? "

"..." Qin Ling looked at Cheng Saburo, always feeling that his description was very problematic. With a beard and a tail, what kind of creature is that?

But this is not the point. The point is, what are the brains of the three of them.

Why would he be the son of a dignified Tubo prime minister in his own territory?


"I can't tell you clearly for a but you only know one thing, brother Qinling, we are for your own good."

Cheng Saburo's eyes are so kind, his expression is so warm, and his tone of voice reveals the kindness of an elder.

Li Ke, who was next to him, was almost blinded by the face of the elder who had been switched by Brother Chubi. Li Zhen quickly turned his head and coughed vigorously, making Xianxian choking with drunkenness.

"...The little Cheng Taibao."

"Don't call it that way, I'm older than you, just like them calling Brother Bute somewhere."

"Uh...Brother Chubi, why are you so sure that I will be harmed by my own people after I return to the mission?"

"Hehe... you are really too young, no matter what, come and come, for the sake of brother De, you can explain to him."

Li Ke, who was already eating and drinking almost, wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth, and then slowly began to speak. "Come here, call the confidant sent by the shopkeeper Nima."

"Nima? Nima's confidant..."

Qin Ling looked at someone walking up the stairs with a stunned face. After arriving at the door of this elegant room, his face was filled with the confidant of Nima's shopkeeper who was pleased with a smile.

When Cheng Chubi saw Qin Ling's incredible face, his eyes swept over the confidant sent by the Nima shopkeeper.

I had to silently praise for my inspiration, and took the opportunity of going to the Tubo envoy to get Qinling out.

By the way, let Deng Chengxin go and have a connection with Nanyima. First, let him implement a bitter plan, and second, let him send his confidant, so that after Na Qinling wakes up, so that Qinling can understand that he and others are kind. .

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