The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1951: In addition to 3 bows and 1 step slower, it also...

Nima was still sitting in the room at the moment, the light had been blown out, but he was still very excited.

Maybe it was the joy of the upcoming success, or the misery that failure might bring, in short, the two emotions made him really not sleepy at all.

However, it has been so long since Gide left, and he hasn't turned around yet, which really makes him anxious.

At this time, the frequency of those guards patrolling the post house was also getting lower and lower, after all, it was about to dawn.

If Jidd doesn't come back, wait until the guards count the numbers.

Realizing that there is not enough manpower for her companion here, Nima knew that her destiny would not be any better than that of the Lu Dongzan father and son.

Just when he was worried and worried, he finally heard the sound of the door being knocked softly, Nima's heart tightened, and he asked in a low voice.

After hearing Ji De's whisper outside the door, he hurried to the square door and opened the door to let Ji De enter the house.

Then the door of the house was closed gently for the first time, and before the door bolt had time to fall, he heard neat footsteps from far to near.

The hearts of Jidd and Nima were hung up, until the neat footsteps faded away, the master and servant sat down on the floor in relief.

"How about it?"

"Master, don't worry, the news has arrived, and the villain saw them hit the horse to report the news with his own eyes, and then he hurried back."

Hearing this, Nima exhaled in relief, and patted Gide on the shoulder with a big hand.

"Well, well, go to the stove and take a good rest. Maybe it won't be long before we leave Luoyang."

Nima glanced at the confidants who were resting on the edge of the Zhenguan furnace, and began to calculate in her heart.

I have already passed the news on my own side, and then I will have nothing to do with myself.

At that time, if you don't rescue Cheng Saburo in time, you can't blame anyone.

Nima, who was relieved, came to the soft couch next to him, and was about to lie down when he heard a shout.

It was the guards who urged the members of the envoy to get up and pack up and set off.

Nima, who hadn't closed her eyes all night, couldn't help but cursed a few words of Tubo trash, and then she started to wake up the pros who were sleeping soundly.


A group of people rushed towards the gate of Luoyang city west like wind and wind, and at this moment, the sky was already pale...

And Lu Dongzan and Qin Ling, under Na Tashi's personal supervision, got them both on the carriage that had been parked in the courtyard.

Li Ke rubbed his sore neck, moved it, and glanced at the candle that had already burnt to the end, hurriedly shouted, letting people come in and light another one.

"It's time for you to play, hurry up..." After Li Zhen yawned, he shook his head vigorously and urged towards Li Ke.

"I'm straight, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ninety."

"...I can't afford it."

"Haha, I'm sorry, I happened to be you..." Cheng Saburo triumphantly threw out the straight that he was bigger than Li Ke.

"Isn't it?" Li Ke looked at Cheng Saburo's straight and saw the one-to-three left in his hand, which was desperate.

"Two brothers, or let's stop fighting, brother, I'm really sleepy."

Li Zhen craned his neck, looked at the window, and said.

"At any time of this, it's almost dawn. It's better to make a few more shots and get a good night's sleep. Anyway, our brothers are not serious."

Just when the three young men who had already played an all-night bamboo card had a strong fighting spirit, they decided to work hard to fight a few more times.

A hurried hoof came towards Zhengjiazhuang, and soon stopped in front of the teahouse.

So early, so fast? The three young people's hearts were stunned in an instant, Cheng Saburo and the others hurriedly stuffed the cards into their arms.

Then I heard a shout from below. "His Royal Highness and Little Cheng Taibao, where are they? The shopkeeper Nima sent a message..."

"But Li Min, come up soon." Li Ke regained his energy in an instant, taking out the bamboo card from his sleeve and shouting.

With little effort, Li Min reported to the three young people who had played cards all night the incident that had occurred in the post of the Tibetan embassy.

The three young people all blinked at the same time.

Cheng Chubi moved his neck and stood up, and his limbs were a little numb after sitting all night.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the vulgar martial arts tactics of the Tubo gang were really brutal, and they were so reckless."

"But I have to admit that those two vulgar Tubo fighters did a really good job. If they were too gentle, it would be tricky."

Li Zhen couldn't help but feel great. In the two days he was busy, he was able to encounter major events, and he also stood up and rubbed his hands.

"Brother Chubi, now are we rushing to gather people to grab another person?"

Li Ke smashed his lips and put forward his own ideas.

"Brothers, if you do something like a raid, do it once, maybe it will be successful, if you do it again, the chance will be much smaller."

"Furthermore, that gang of Tubo vulgar wives have completely tore their faces with Nalu Dongzan and his son. UU Reading

In case there are a few stunners who would rather fight for their own lives, but also solve the rebellion for the Tubo lord..."


Hearing Li Ke's words, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but smashed his mouth with some toothache. After all, the possibility he said was not small.

Moreover, the place like the post house is in Luoyang city, so you can't attack it for a sudden attack, right?

Even if it is a forceful attack, if no one can be found for a while, hehe...maybe the only ones saved by himself and others are the remains of Lu Dongzan and his son.

At that time, besides bowing three times and expressing a step slower, what else is there to use wool?

"What Brother Xian has in mind is that we shouldn't do it inside the city today, but wait until they get outside the city before we do it. It's better to hit them with a surprise attack."

Li Zhen, who likes to do things with his father, a Wu Xun child who was so dark, he hesitated after rolling his eyes for a long time.

"Since it is outside the city, we might as well pick a place far away from the city, such as the place where the envoys went for a morning and just need to rest their feet."

"That kind of place is also convenient for us to observe carefully before we start. It will surely catch the Tubo people by surprise and save the lives of Lu Dongzan and his son."

"Okay, then do it, and quickly get everyone to act. At that time, if the Tubo envoy dared to fight back, then get them."

However, with Zhuxiang's work, the three guards gathered together for hundreds of rides. Under the leadership of three young people who were still very energetic after staying up all night, they rushed towards the west of Luoyang City.

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