The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1964: The lord of the country wants to kill you, the little brother is willing to be with b

Lu Dongzan looked at Tashi, and finally shook his head slowly, his face full of disgust with the tunnel.

"A self-righteous, violent temperament, and recklessness. If Tubo is full of such reckless people like you, the country is in danger...

Actually, I really don't want to talk to you like a stupid generation. "

"!!!" Zhaxi raised his eyes fiercely. Although Lu Dongzan, a gentle Tubo, said that he was slanderous, Zhaxi still said that he was deeply insulted.

But he can do nothing at all except for bulging eyes. Because behind him, two fat body guards made him immobile.

Lu Lezan's gaze shifted and fell on Ciren who was on the side, and Ciren directly raised the pair of bound fingers and pointed at Tashi Dao on the side.

"The prime minister, really has nothing to do with me. I blame him, because he keeps bewitching and threatening the end."

"The final general is his subordinate. Under his coercion, he has no choice but to obey him. Please also ask the prime minister to have a pity for the final general's family..."

"Shut up!" Lu Dongzan went straight past this guy with a look of disgust, and he was more ruthless than anyone else, and he was more embarrassed than anyone, who can only be a lieutenant.

Lu Dongzan is not even willing to comment on such people.

"Yes, yes, shut up at the end, shut up." Ciren nodded his head quickly, and then pressed his mouth tightly.

Ludong walked slowly to Sambuza, and looked at this old friend who was messy-clothed, tied with his hands, and fell on the floor.

I couldn't help but shook his head with a sigh of sigh, just stood and sat silent for a long time with Sambuza before turning around and uttering a few words to Zhao Kun.

Zhao Kun glanced at the slender Tubo Sic, and under his sign, the ropes on Sambuza's hands were finally untied.

But Sambuza just rubbed his hands without saying a word, but his eyes were like a knife, staring at Lu Dongzan.

Lu Dongzan voluntarily stepped forward and sat down in front of Tunmisambuza.

"Brother Tunmi, Brother Yu has something to say, I really don't know how to say to Tashi's vulgar martial artist, but I hope you can listen to it."

"Brother Yu was born in the Xue family of Tubo, so he didn't become the prime minister, he was also the leader of the family, and he was heavily relied on by the lord. Why rebellious?"

"Furthermore, at that time, Brother Yu lost to that Cheng Saburo, not because Brother Yu didn't do his best, but because his opponent was really..."

Lu Dongzan didn't care whether Sangbuza would speak, and he said all the blood, tears and grievances he wanted to vomit.

And Sambuza looked so calm as to numbly look at Lu Dongzan, who was talking about himself, and the two have been together for nearly ten years.

During the period, they cooperated with each other and did a lot of deeds. It was the mudra princess.

It was the two of them who went out and tried their best, both intimidating and lure, and finally invited the Nibula princess to welcome back Tubo to marry the country's lord.

The fighting friendship here does not need words to express, and he also knows Lu Dongzan's abilities and methods very well.

But this time, if it fails at the beginning, it is because of the incentives planted in the "Chang'an Xunbao" by those elephants and dog thieves who published articles.

Lu Dongzan was defeated by Cheng Saburo. It can only be said that Cheng Saburo's brain is really not an ordinary person.

But after that, Lu Dongzan and his son's various behaviors made people feel full of doubts. Seeing her husband's vigorous appearance, Empress Changsun hurriedly trimmed the skirts of her clothes, and then bowed.

"It's the husband, like a forgiving and wise king, that can make the heroes of the world worship him."

Hearing what Empress Changsun said, Li Shimin hurriedly reached out to help Empress Changsun with joy, his face full of spirit and spirit.

"Haha, Avalokitesvara maid please hurry up, but what you said is indeed reasonable. As a husband and the prince of the Tang Dynasty, the heroes of the world should be used by me."

At this moment, Li De, who was about to leave the palace, saw from a distance a few people dressed differently from Datang officials, standing outside the palace gate, gesturing something there.

And an eunuch, at this moment, was walking in the direction of Wencheng Hall from there.

Li De hurriedly raised his hand to stop him, and only after inquiring did he realized that it was Na Lu Dongzan who was leading the important figure of the envoy.

Said that there is an urgent matter, please see your majesty.

Hearing this, Li De couldn't help but rejoice, alas, it really didn't come out of Cheng Saburo's demon moth's expectation.

"Lu Dongzan, deputy envoy Sambuza and general Tashi, the guard, want to see me for important matters?"

Li Shimin looked at the **** who entered the hall and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and looked at the maidservant Guanyin, his beloved wife beside him.

Then, after seeing the lady nodding at herself slightly, Lianbu moved lightly and walked towards the inner hall.

Seeing this scene, Li Shimin's mouth shook slightly, and it seemed that his beloved wife wanted to watch the excitement, oh no, it should be the excitement.

"Since it is Lu Dongzan who has important matters, let them come."

Following Li Shimin's command, Lu Dongzan, Sangbuza and Tashi soon came to the side door of the Wencheng Hall.

Lu Dongzan first glanced back at Sambuza and Tashi behind him.

Only by playing directly with His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty and retrieving his son Qinling can he prove his innocence.

However, Wu Wang Li Ke and Cheng Sanlang rushed to the post to save people, I am afraid that His Majesty the Emperor of Tang has not yet known.

How His Majesty Tang Huang would deal with him, Lu Dongzan was already a little uncertain.

But now is not the time to hesitate and entangle, Lu Dongzan took a deep breath and took a big step straight inside.

And Sangbuzha and Nazhaxi also stepped into the side hall, respectfully bowing to His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin saw the three people salute respectfully, as his majesty the emperor who intends to leave Lu Dongzan in the Tang Dynasty and serve for the Tang Dynasty.

After seeing this scene, he got up with a smile and walked over, personally stretched out his hand to pick up Na Lu Dongzan.

"Lu Dongzanqing please hurry up, UU reading, I regard you as a friend, and you don't need to be so polite."

"Well, there are two more, please get up too..." The tone of the latter sentence was very flat, even perfunctory.

With such a huge difference in treatment, Sambuza and Tashiqi behind them raised their heads and looked at the stiff Lu Dongzan.

And the Empress Changsun, who listened carefully inside, couldn't help but raise her mouth slightly. Her husband was so blatant that it must have been specially made for the other two members of the Tubo envoy.

This made the Empress Changsun had to promise that although her husband Chengri was talking about Cheng Saburo, once the two cooperated, they were in an extremely tacit understanding.

Lu Dongzan looked at the smiling, very friendly Majesty Tang Emperor, and instantly felt an urge to regret that he shouldn't have come.

At least Sangbuza and Tashi should not be allowed to meet with Emperor Tang.

It's just that at this moment, Lu Dongzan is very clear that it is useless to say anything, what is important is to be able to find Qinling and talk about other things.

Lu Dongzan Su Rong said solemnly towards this smiling majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

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