The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1972: Uncle Cheng, this is the Crystal Palace where Lord Dragon lives is...

Under the sun, at some angles, there are even colorful glare, which makes people feel that they can't open their eyes and can't look directly.

Empress Changsun and Princess Yuwen looked at this crystal clear, dazzling building with bright eyes. The brilliance in their eyes might make the dragon ashamed.

As for Li Xiang's chubby bear child who is full of curiosity about the world, he is already yelling exaggeratedly.

"Uncle Cheng, this is the Crystal Palace where Lord Dragon lives, right"

"Long Lord" Li Yuan heard this and turned his head subconsciously and looked at Li Xiang, a good great-grandson.

Then he saw Li Xiang smile proudly to himself. "Great ancestor, Uncle Cheng said that the Dragon King would live on the bottom of the sea, in such a crystal palace."

"This kid" Li Yuan didn't know what to say, but then again, the prince, the emperor and grandson, has another name in the folks, and is also called the dragon son and the dragon grandson.

The Dragon King lives in the Crystal Palace, which is also a good match.

The retired old dragon king Li Yuan led Li Mingda and headed towards the building, but among everyone, the shortest Li Xiang was the shortest one.

Adults are reserved, but children are not so particular. The first one ran to the crystal palace, raised his hand, and gently stroked the exterior wall inlaid with colored glaze from the Western Regions.

Li Shimin stepped into the crystal palace, and the furnishings inside were quite normal, including the table, the soft couch, and all kinds of daily necessities.

Standing in the Crystal Palace, I felt like I was in a space I had never touched.

And there are also several directions, there are a few pieces of Western Region glazed crystals that have fallen to the ground, so that people can see the scenery outside.

Everyone was already gathered in this crystal palace, and looked outside with wonder.

And Cheng Saburo now took on the role of the preacher, explaining the benefits of this crystal palace to the members of the royal family who had their eyes shining brightly.

In fact, there is not much practical value, that is, it can prevent rain and wind. In winter, the stove is raised inside to enjoy the snowy scenery outside.

Even if you sleep here at night, you can look up and admire the night sky without worrying about mosquitoes getting in.

Especially at night, after lighting up the lights in this room and admiring it from the outside, it is absolutely magnificent.

"You can imagine, in the dark night, a crystal building with luminous interior and crystal clear as a whole reflected on the water surface. What kind of visual enjoyment it is."

Following Cheng Saburo's narration, even Li Yuan had already begun to close his eyes and spread the wings of imagination.

"Brother Cheng San, will it become more beautiful at night?" Li Mingda said with a pink face and big watery eyes looking at Cheng Saburo.

"Of course, the Crystal Palace at night will not be as dazzling as it is under the sun during the day, it will be more pleasing to the eye."

"Especially after the lights are lit inside, it looks like an incredibly huge, crystal clear crystal lamp from the outside. You say it is beautiful or not."

"Well, it must be especially beautiful." Li Mingda's eyes are already full of shining little stars.

Seeing those imperial family members whose expressions were full of shock and curiosity, Cheng Saburo also had a sense of accomplishment. Moreover, many of the Tang ministers and workers were in a rather complicated mood at the moment, and they hoped that Cheng Saburo, the demon moth, could win Nalu Dongzan.

In this way, even if the leader of the Tubo country was angry no matter how much he made promises in front of the envoys of the world, no matter how unwilling he was, he would not dare to speak without believing it. x

At least in the short term, he would definitely not be able to do anything, and he would turn back all the things the Tubo Prime Minister promised him.

In the future, Tubo will deal with other countries, and the countries will not dare to believe in Tubo's promise.

But the problem is that many of the ministers and workers present didn't deal with their old Cheng family, and vaguely hoped to see Cheng Sanlang, a **** kid, deflated.

In short, everyone's mood is very contradictory, only those military officials, and the envoys of the Fan Kingdom who regard Cheng Saburo as good friends.

They all looked at Cheng Saburo eagerly, and prayed silently in their hearts, hoping that Cheng Saburo could win a big victory. Let the master of Tubo marry a lonely

At this moment, Lu Dongchan smiled with Zhizhu already holding him, and said to Li Shimin, who was sitting behind the imperial case with a look of expectation.

"Your Majesty, the first question of your subordinates is already there. Among the gifts presented to your majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty that the subordinates serve as our lord, there are several nine-tuned orbs."

"These orbs are as big as chickens, beautiful in color, and the most peculiar thing is that they have a tortuous bead hole, which is very magical."

"Xiachen wants to try with Xiaocheng Taibao. The one who can put silk thread on the Jiuqu Orb will be the winner."

"Nine Songs Orbs" Li Shimin's eyes shifted, and soon, the **** found a few small wooden boxes among the gifts presented by the Tubo missions and sent them to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin curiously picked up a light blue orb the size of an egg, and saw that it had a hole the size of a grain of rice at most.

If you blow, you can feel the air flowing through the hole on the other side of the bead, but you can't see the opposite when you appreciate it with the naked eye.

Li Shimin couldn't help but feel a little worried. The subject was Lu Dongzan, and the tools he used were also made by the Tubo people.

In all likelihood, the Tubo people have already tried it and thought of a way to pass the silk thread through this bead.

This made him look at Cheng Saburo subconsciously. But only to see Cheng Saburo's face eager to try he can't wait. x

After Li Shimin glanced helplessly, he picked out two of them. He confirmed that the hole was a smooth nine-curved bead and sent the **** to the two of them.

They also prepared a strand of silk thread for both of them.

"The Nine Qu Orbs are given to you two. Come here, burn a stick of incense. If both of you can't pass through the hole in the incense stick, it's considered a fight."

This is the only help Li Shimin can think of, which is beneficial to Cheng Saburo.

When the incense was lit, as soon as Li Shimin ordered it to begin, the Qinling Mausoleum, who had heard the secret advice of his father, ran towards the outside of the temple for the first time.

And Cheng Saburo turned his head and left almost at the same time. "Your Majesty, the ministers will come as soon as they go."

"" Li Shimin looked at Cheng Saburo and Na Qin Ling with a dumbfounded look, what kind of monster is this troublesome?

The beads are here? The silk thread is also prepared for you. What do you want to do?

Lu Dongzan also didn't expect Cheng Sanlang to act the same as his own son, but seeing the darker expression on the face of Emperor Datang, he quickly explained.

"Your Majesty, the next official sent the dog to find a tool to wear beads." div

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