The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2003: Come, tell Brother 3 if you want to marry a wife?

And it is like a clear and transparent lavender, under the sunlight, it appears more and more crystal clear.

Cheng Sanlang is about to triumphantly introduce this kind of good treasure that was made by the Yaozhou branch of Datang Hantang Commercial Bank only this year.

I saw the picturesque Wu San Niang suddenly brightened her eyes and whispered. "Emerald?"

"???" Cheng Sanlang looked at Lady Wu San with a dazed expression, and then subconsciously glanced at the purple jade hairpin in his hand.

This thing was sent from Yaozhou to Luoyang only a month ago, and I only had about 20 samples in my hand.

Seeing the appearance of the second sister-in-law, Mrs. Wu explained in a low voice.

"Before Shiro, oh no. The fourth son also gave the little girl a small jewelry of this kind of gem..."

"..." Cheng Saburo looked at the little face with a shocked look that the little face was getting redder and red, and the whole person was about to shrink to the third lady of Wu who was behind Yang.

Fortunately, he woke up in time and laughed. "That's right, this hairpin can match with your previous jewelry, it must be very beautiful."

"Thank you second brother-in-law..." Niang Wu San finally summoned her courage and walked over from behind her mother Yang, and after taking it, she bowed to Cheng Saburo.

Looking at this picture-like woman Wu San, who is somewhat similar to Wu Meiniang, Cheng Sablang's heart is straight haha...

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, my fourth son is actually very young,, that kid is not too young this year.

It's the age when we should talk about marriage, but Cheng Saburo really didn't expect that this kid actually has a rabbit mouth that specializes in eating grass on the edge of the nest.

The Yang family should also know something, as for the third lady Wu, after she accidentally said the wrong thing.

The whole person seemed a little tight, a little uneasy, and a little shy. In short, these were the results of Cheng Saburo's observation with his vicious tricks.

After leaving the house, Cheng Saburo and the housekeeper Fu uncle strode away.

She was ordered by her mother to send her second brother-in-law to the gate of the courtyard. She looked at her second brother-in-law's back, and turned her head for a long time.

He saw Yang who was smiling but not smiling behind him.

"Mother, why did you come out?"

"You..." Yang looked at the dodging daughter, and shook his head helplessly.

The third girl was just afraid that she was deliberately revealing the flaw, maybe she just wanted to test the attitude of the second brother-in-law.

"I'm your mother, how can I not know your thoughts?"

Wu San's pretty face blushed, but she quickly calmed down.

Qin Ling stared blankly at the three in front of him, one was his good brother Li Ke, and the other was the newly acquainted Li Zhen who was quite destined.

The other was the little Cheng Taibao who defeated his father and son and undermined Tubo and his pro-plans.

Now, they are standing side by side in front of them, and there is a big iron pot in front of them. Inside the iron pot, there are bamboo rats braised with soybeans.

At the moment, the alluring fragrance is really mouth watering.

Li Ke threw a piece of fragrant bamboo rat meat into his mouth, chewed it with oil, and walked towards Qinling Road with a full face of comfort.

"Come on, I'm done in a daze, hurry up and eat some. At noon, our brothers are busy drinking, and we are talking while eating when we have empty stomachs."

"That is, brother Qinling hastened over and tasted these delicacies."

Qin Ling touched his empty and shrunken belly, and sat down in front of him, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and began to eat and drink.

The wind smashed down a steamed bun, a bowl of porridge, and at least half a catty of bamboo rat meat, and the whole person suddenly became more energetic.

"Brother Weide, how on earth did I appear here? Please state clearly."

"This is a long story. Do you know that Tashi and Na Tsering, the guards of your envoy, have failed to make peace with Datang this time."

"In order not to be blamed by your Tubo leader, and even more unwilling to be a scapegoat for your father and son, I decided to act first and make your father and son die."

"Huh? How is this possible?" Qin Ling's eyes bulged, and the chopsticks in his hand almost fell into the pot.

If it weren't for Weide, he is his own good brother, with a serious expression and sincere tone. Qin Ling wanted to spit out if you can make a reasonable joke.

At this time, Cheng Saburo, who had been eating and drinking without talking, finally opened his mouth.

"I said, brother Qinling, do you think his dignified Prince of Tang Dynasty needs to make such an almost absurd joke with you?"

"If it weren't for me to wait to see the opportunity quickly, I would **** you from the Tubo envoy.

Do you think you can have all your beards and tails under the evil hands of those vulgar swordsmen? "

"..." Qin Ling looked at Cheng Saburo, always feeling that his description was very problematic. With a beard and a tail, what kind of creature is that?

But this is not the point. The point is, what kind of brains are the three of them.

Why would he be the son of a dignified Tubo prime minister in his own territory?


"I can't say it clearly for a while, but you only know one thing, brother Qinling, we are for your own good."

Cheng Saburo's eyes are so kind, his expression is so warm, and his tone of voice reveals the kindness of an elder.

Li Ke, who was next to him, was almost blinded by the face of the elder who had been switched by Brother Chubi. Li Zhen quickly turned his head and coughed vigorously, making Xianxian choking with drunkenness.

"...The little Cheng Taibao."

"Don't call it that way, I'm older than you, just like them calling Brother Bute somewhere."

"Uh...Brother Chubi, why are you so sure that I will be harmed by my own people after I return to the mission?"

"Hehe... you are really too young, no matter what, come and come, for the sake of brother De, you can explain to him."

Li Ke, who was already eating and drinking almost, wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth, and then slowly began to speak. "Come here, call the confidant sent by Nima's shopkeeper."

"Nima? Nima's confidant..."

Qin Ling watched with a bewildered look at a person walking up the stairs After arriving at the door of this elegant room, his face was filled with the confidant of Nima's shopkeeper who was pleased with a smile.

When Cheng Chubi saw Qin Ling's incredible face, his eyes swept over the confidant sent by the Nima shopkeeper.

I had to silently praise for my inspiration, and took the opportunity of going to the Tubo envoy to get Qinling out.

By the way, let Deng Chengxin have a connection with Nanyima. First, let him implement a bitter plan, and second, let him send his confidant to help Na Qinling wake up, so that Qinling can understand the kindness of himself and others. .

When Cheng Chubi saw Qin Ling's incredible face, his eyes swept over the confidant sent by the Nima shopkeeper.

I had to silently praise for my inspiration, and took the opportunity of going to the Tubo envoy to get Qinling out.

By the way, let Deng Chengxin have a connection with Nanyima, and let him implement a bitter trick.

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