The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2016: The prince blushed when he saw his father who came back from the grain.

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When Li Chengqian thought about this, he couldn't help but feel a toothache. It seemed that his character should be the same as his mother.

"Yeah... I'm thinking for my brother, if you wait for the boy like Xiang'er to come back, these two little guys are older, don't demolish the East Palace."

When Cheng Chubi saw Li Chengqian's father's expression of helplessness and helplessness, he quickly persuaded him.

"It's not, it's not, His Royal Highness is still very sensible."

To be honest, Cheng Chubi was very envious of Li Chengqian's troubles, and it was not long before he got married.

He was kicked out of Luoyang by the old husband, and left the two beautiful ladies.

The important task of opening up branches and leaves for the old Cheng family is tantamount to pressing the pause button, which can only be temporarily postponed.

When Li Chengqian looked at the two children with infinite energy, he suddenly had an idea.

"Brother Chubi, is there any way you can make such a young baby like this? It's like this now, if it's bigger..."

Seeing the gaze cast by His Royal Highness for help, after watching the two little dolls being picked up carefully, they began to yell.

Crown Princess Su had to put them down again with a distressed look, and then began a new chase.

Cheng Saburo couldn't help thinking of the children's kings, the baby paradise, and the comprehensive infant entertainment projects he had seen before he crossed.

"His Royal Highness, this is not a difficult task. You only need to make some props, and you can let the little princes play until they are one or two years old without any problems."

With little effort, Cheng Saburo sat in front of the case in the next room, began to think about it, and then began to make ideas.

Wooden slides, wooden horses, and of course, pedal tricycles, and various other small toys, such as small **** filled with cotton.

You can let the child play for a long time, whether it's used to kick or throw, and it won't hurt people.

There is also the most suitable sand pool for infants and young children who can't operate these, can crawl, grab and pull, and need to practice their hands.

But, of course, you can't use real sand in the sand pool. The managers of the later generations have provided Cheng Saburo with a wonderful inspiration.

That is, the sand pool made by cassia seed, this cassia seed is definitely a very effective Chinese medicine.

It can not only moisturize the intestines, reduce blood fat and improve eyesight, but also treat constipation, hyperlipidemia, and high blood pressure.

It can also clear the liver, improve eyesight, diure and laxate, have a laxative effect, lower blood pressure and blood lipids.

More importantly, you can not only eat it as a Chinese medicine, but also use it as a toy.

The cassia sand pool of later generations is definitely the standard equipment of the standard children's playground.

Coupled with some wooden shovel, funnel, trolley, etc., you can exercise the children's grasping ability, and you don't have to worry about them eating sand.

For the magical talents and skills of those babies and toddlers, you never know what they will put in their mouths in the next second.


Governor Gu, personally welcomed the gang of stewards into the Governor's Mansion, put on a banquet, and had a banquet that enjoyed the guests and the host.

After that, the steward retreated very wittily, looking for a place to rest in Jiaozhou City.

Only Li Dabao, the guardian leader of Wei Guogong's confidant and Gu Da Du Du, who was the old acquaintance, and the steward sent by Gu Da's son were left behind.

With little effort, he came to Governor Gu’s study.

After a few words of greeting, Li Dabao, an old acquaintance, handed him a letter written by General Li Jing and Li Dabao.

Gu Da read this letter carefully, and it did not surprise him.

Li Jing, his former boss, Jie En Gong, expressed his appreciation for his work in Jiaozhou Dudu's Mansion.

In addition, he also hinted in the letter that his own doll is not a good tool, and he has no choice but to help the child.

I heard that Jiaozhou’s land is fertile and that it can still be harvested three times a year, so I specifically wanted to ask if I could get some fertile land.

In addition, Li Jing also mentioned the Han and Tang dynasties commercial firm, which plans to buy a large mountainous land for pepper planting in Jiaozhou.

The letter is even more directly named. This firm was established by His Majesty's personal permission. Therefore, in this matter, I hope you must cooperate with Gu Xian.

Afterwards, the steward of the Gu family handed Gu Da's letter from his son.

Gu Da glanced hastily, then raised his eyebrows.

His own son also joined this Han and Tang firm, which obviously only the top dignitaries of Datang can participate in.

Why this is naturally self-evident.

First, it is naturally that the Han and Tang Commercial Banks want to plant Uncle Hu near Jiaozhou. This thing was made by the younger generations in partnership.

And as far as he knows, His Majesty personally took the initiative to manage the shares of Hantang Commercial Bank for Princess Jinyang.

The second is that purchasing fields is the idea of ​​your country's princes, and you can't do it by the way?

Then the housekeeper also took out a thick pile of autographs of the masters of the country. Just looking at the signatures of these letters, Gu Da's eyelids jumped fiercely.

Even if he knew that the content should be similar, Gu Da still disassembled each one and read it carefully.

Li Dabao and the Gu family steward who went south together were drinking water there, quietly waiting for Gu Da to read the letter.

It wasn't until after reading all the letters that Gu Da let out a long sigh of foul breath.

The corners of his mouth were raised happily, even though the gang of great Tang military officials rushed forward like wolves.

But in fact, this is definitely an extremely rare piece of good news for Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion, which is vast and sparsely populated.

Because they are willing to purchase fields here, it means that the court and the important officials in the court will pay more attention here.

And when you make your own achievements, it is naturally easier to be seen.

Regardless of the pepper plantation, or the families wanting to purchase fields in Jiaozhou, Gu Da thought about it for a long time.

I don't have any reason to refuse.

Thinking about this, Gu Da took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on Li Dabao.

"Come and come, Brother Dabao, I'm afraid our brothers will have to talk at night today, so we can have a conversation."


Naturally, Li Dabao would not conceal it, and the two of them flew wildly for almost all night.

The next day, Li Dabao left the Dudu Mansion with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, with a look of excitement on his face.

In the following days, each family purchased about 50,000 mu of wasteland. That's right, it's the wasteland...

After all, if it’s converted into fields, even if it’s Jiaozhou’s fields, one acre of paddy fields, how embarrassed you are not to be consistent?

But the wasteland is different. An acre of wasteland is only three hundred dollars. If you reclaim the land, it will only collect your land fortune, instead of letting you pay for it again.

But you have to figure out that this is Jiaozhou, which happens to be located in the Red River Delta, and the land is very fertile.

Moreover, the dense water network is most suitable for rice cultivation.

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