The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2025: You Qiang and Zhao, don’t worry, your relatives...

This strong fortress, lost in the hands of Tubo, returned to the embrace of Datang under his own magical scheme.

The change of Jianchuan City enabled the Datang Empire to once again gain the initiative to attack and defend in the southern area of ​​Jiannan Road.

Outside Jianchuan City, there are several roads that lead to the hinterland of Tubo, and Tubo has a large country with sparsely populated land, which gives Cheng Sanlang the opportunity to regain the Datang territory occupied by Tubo.

Moreover, what Cheng Saburo wanted to do was more than just regaining the territory originally belonged to Datang.

Presumably at this moment, the Tubo master who likes to marry princesses everywhere, it is precisely because of the powerful enemy Xue Yantuo in the northern part of the Tang Dynasty that he is going south.

This gave them a good opportunity to seize the Tuyuhun. What is certain is that the foresightful Tubo master will not let go of this excellent opportunity.

After all, if Xue Yantuo was killed by Datang, Tubo would like to find such an opportunity again.

I am afraid that I will have to wait for twenty or thirty years until a new overlord appears on the grassland, and this overlord has the courage to challenge Datang alone.

If not, tsk tsk... Then Songtsen Gambo can only pray that he can live another hundred years, maybe he can wait for new opportunities.

Cheng Saburo was very low-key, not wearing official uniforms, nor wearing helmets or armor. Instead, he looked like a bodyguard leader, leading a dartman, and jumped into the Jianchuan city.

And three days ago, a heavyweight guest had already arrived in an originally vacant mansion adjacent to the City Lord’s Mansion in Jianchuan City.

It was Li Ke, the Governor of Yaozhou in Datang, and the former Hu Master Bo, who were already lurking in this Jianchuan city quietly.

Li Ke was strolling in the pitiful garden in the courtyard. Fortunately, Zhang Jialan was by his side, so that His Royal Highness Wu would not be too bored.

His Royal Highness King Wu glanced at the heroic and charming concubine Zhang Jialan beside him.

I couldn't help but sigh, this side concubine made himself quite satisfied, whether it was **** or all aspects, but it was a bit of a waste of waist.

Seeing Li Ke looking at him subconsciously, raising his hand to support his waist, Zhang Jialan smiled, leaning to her husband's ear, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Husband, let your concubine massage you in a while."

Li Ke immediately felt that he was about to hemiplegia, and his heart shook, but his waist really had to take a good rest.


Hastened to cough twice seriously.

"No need, no, I'm afraid Brother Chubi is coming over today, cough...serious, uh... business matters."

"By the way, how about your father and them? Didn't you say that your father will also come to Jianchuan City? Why don't you come with him, but come here by yourself?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jialan curled his lips and murmured softly. It has already reached the level of frame bundling. At this time, it is natural to pour while bundling.

The main body of Zhanxianlou is bamboo-reinforced concrete, and after the pouring is completed, the floor slabs on the second and third floors will still be directly laid with thick wooden boards.

In addition, after the whole body is painted with paint, as long as it is not for exploring the subtleties, it is difficult to detect that this is actually a bamboo-reinforced concrete building.

In addition, for the sake of stability, the Sanxian Building will not be built with too many floors, but will only be built with three floors.

Calculated according to the design drawing, even if there are only three floors, plus the roof, it is almost nine feet tall.

But because it was built on a high hill. Coupled with the base station more than one foot high, it is enough to be regarded as a towering building on the bank of the Yangtze River.

Cheng Chubi sat with a golden sword under the pergola, not far from the construction site full of people.

Countless workers are doing their jobs under the command of the foremen, and trucks of mixed concrete are being pushed up the hill.

Farther afield, there are also a group of masons who are carving stone slabs there.

By the side of Cheng Chubi, the unscrupulous artist who was drawn by Cheng Saburo from Chang'an has been nurtured by Cheng Saburo over the past few years.

He has already become a tool man without any emotions, and he can understand Cheng Saburo's intentions.

For example, the large illustrations of "The Romance of Cheng Sanlang's Jiannan Road" and various postcards from earlier years were all made by him.

Now, what he is drawing is exactly the renderings that fit the beautiful scenery of the river bank after the construction of the Sanxian Tower and the three platforms.

Well, similar to later generations of real estate agents, they used to brag and criticize the effect of selling houses.

Cheng Chubi was right beside him, staring at him from time to time, watching the artistic master of indescribably affectionate his pens.

The mountains in the distance, the river nearby, and the river bank on the opposite side gradually revealed their true meaning in the picture scroll. Cheng Chubi couldn't help but remind Cheng Chubi of what it would be like after the first floor of the three platforms was built.

It is a pity that the emperor of Tang Dynasty has not left much time for himself and others, and at most he can only see the top of the Banxian Building. As for the three high platforms, I am afraid that I can only see it in the painting.

Maybe there is a chance in the future, maybe I will come to admire the sacred place of cultural tourism that I stayed in Luzhou.


A ride from a distance galloped towards this side, and soon arrived. At the foot of the mountain, he got to Cheng Saburo’s ear for a while. After greeted by the artist and the head of the construction site, they rode away.

In a short while, he rushed back to the Luzhou Metropolitan Government House. At this moment, the leaders of the various states, big and small, who had gathered together, were taking turns to speak to Li Ke, who was firmly seated on the main seat.

Li Ke maintained a gentle smile without losing the prince's dignity, and listened carefully to the opinions of the chiefs of these states.

It wasn't until he saw Brother Chubi coming on foot that he breathed a sigh of relief. When the Shunzhou leader had finished speaking, Cheng Chubi finally stepped into the hall.

A group of big and small heads stood up to bow to Cheng Saburo, and Cheng Chubi smiled after returning the gifts one by one.

"You guys, please stay calm and be quiet. When Cheng came, you already knew what you were coming from. Why, are you worried about Cheng, or your Royal Highness Wu?"

Now in the absence of Luneng, the old driver of Monza has faintly become the spokesperson of the heads of Luzhou.

Hearing this, he could only stand up and stand up. First, they expressed their regret for the departure of Cheng Changshi and His Royal Highness Wu.

Then they expressed their worries. In the end, it's just a word, a matter of interest.

What if the new officials are very upset in the future and the capitals of these states are so rich that they want to change the previous rules?

"What are you worried about? It is the Hantang Commercial Bank that has signed various agreements with you. The Hantang Commercial Bank is a private property, not the property of the Luzhou Metropolitan Government."

"So, you don't have to worry about your interests being damaged. In addition, Cheng has also shared a lot of benefits for his position in Yaozhou..."

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