The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2031: Does he have the confidence to compete with Tubo 1?

   Seeing Li Ke's appearance, Cheng Saburo curled his lips in disgust. "Fine, let me tell you that."

   "I just want the Tubo people to see through our true strength, but wait until they relax a little bit."

   "I will let them find out that it's just appearance. In short, what I am playing now is a strategy to neglect the enemy."

   Cheng Chubi smiled as he talked, his smile fell in Li Ke's eyes, he was like a sinister thug, looking at a lamb that was obese and giggling.

   Seeing Li Ke's goose bumps all over, he couldn't help being curious.

   "Come on, Brother Chu Bi, tell me well, what do you want to do?"

   "Now that our brothers are already squatting in Yaozhou, what else can't you say?"

   Cheng Chubi looked at the old brother, thought about it, and whispered in his ear.

   Li Ke looked at Brother Chu Bi with a stiff expression. For a long time, he went to Brother Chu Bi dryly.

   "Brother Chubi, even if we are doing things, can we be more reliable, my father only asked us to contain the forces of Tubo."

   "Even if the brothers want to make contributions, it is not impossible to regain those lost ground, even if it is a small punishment to Tubo. But you..."

   "Don't worry, I know it well for my brother."

   Seeing Li Ke's shocked and uncontrollable appearance, Cheng Chubi happily patted him on the shoulder in a complacent manner.


   The wine and delicacies of Jianchuancheng Restaurant in Yaozhou Branch of Hantang Commercial Bank are absolutely not bad.

   All those edicts from the six edicts of Erhai Lake were full of joy.

   As a guest, Zhang Lejinqiu is even more arrogantly persuading him to drink, compared to the sings and laughs of the edicts from the Erhai Lake.

   The Qiang Shou and Zhao Shou that came from the territory of Tubo seemed a little gloomy and dull, and even a little dazed.

   After drinking a glass of wine with his brother-in-law with a strong smile, Riwobuji glanced over those companions.

   His Royal Highness King Wu, the Governor of Yaozhou, seemed more friendly and more reliable.

   It's a pity that after the other party only exchanged a few words, they didn't give everyone a chance to communicate and communicate, and they left straight away.

   As for Shi Cheng Saburo, the governor of Yaozhou, he feels very unreliable. I look at the world, and you are all scumbags.

   And speaking, it's aggressive and uncomfortable.

   "I said, Brother, what are you afraid of? Isn't it good to be able to return to the Tang Dynasty?"

   Hearing Mu Deya's words, Jiwo couldn't help sighing.

   "Brother-in-law, I am really not playing tricks, but Cheng Changshi feels too unreliable."

   "No, no, no, I said, brother, don't think that Cheng Changshi is talking nonsense, he really has this ability."

   "If you don't believe me, just listen to my brother tell you about our Erhai Zhuzhao..."

  Mudya's Kankan said, Jiobuji listened with great gusto, but he still had doubts in his heart.

   After all, despite Mu Deya's endorsement, Jiwobuji's heart did not dare to gamble.


   "I can't afford to bet at all now. If it is true that Cheng Changshi said, we will provide both food and troops."

   "If those Zhaohu coalition forces are repelled by Tubo, then we wait for each Zhaogeqiang, won't we become a person from the enemy?"

   "According to the nature of the Tubo people, can there be a way for you and me to survive?"

   An edict looked at his surrounding companions rather sadly, and sighed helplessly.

   At this moment, those relatives from the Tang Dynasty are already full of food and drink, and they return to their houses to rest, but they are still worried about the leaders of Qiang and Zhao from Tubo.

   Riwobuji patted his thigh and sighed heavily.

   "With more than 30,000 Zhaohu coalition forces, want to retake those cities and fortresses from Tubo?

   This is just nonsense. Just one of our seven or eight tribes can make up 20,000 soldiers and horses. "

   "But we, dare to be confident that we can deal with five thousand Tubo elites?"

   As soon as he dried the first edict, he shook his head sadly.

   An elderly Qiang chief said, stroking Noongxu.

  "The old man remembered that when Tubo had just invaded Jianchuan City. Morqiang, the most powerful, had more than 5,000 soldiers and horses.

   was killed by Chi Gui Maben of Iron Bridge City, who led less than two thousand Tubo soldiers and horses. "

   "The head of the last head of the Qiang, to this day, still hangs on the head of the iron bridge city."

   "The people of Morzhao have all become slaves of Tubo, doing more tiring work than cows and horses, and they can't even eat pig food."

   After sighing with emotion, the people waiting fell silent again.

   For a long time, a Qiang leader said. "But, if we don't agree to Cheng Changshi's request..."

   "Unless they can beat Tubo, even if they can win for a while, they can give us some confidence in each department."

   "What I say now, I don't think it is very reliable."

   "Hey, this is really okay..."

   "But do you think it's possible?"


   "Whether it may be impossible." Riwobu stood up and said.

   "I will go to see Cheng Changshi until tomorrow. If he really has the confidence to compete with Tubo, he will definitely agree to our terms."


   Watching that Jianchuan city is sandwiched between the cliff-like rocks, Nima looked at the stone wall, the mottled color.

   and the pits and depressions on it, those must be the blood left by the Tubo warriors who attacked this fortress before, and the marks left by their crazy attacks.

   Only possible, the deepest dents that will not reach an inch, for this city wall are completely piled up with huge hard rocks.

  The thickness has reached one zhang five, and the height is almost three zhang in the case of Jianchuan Castle.

   is like those tiny scars on elephants that didn't even pierce the skin. Back then, if different from the Tubo people secretly poked and made a round of internal and external harmony.

   This Jianchuan city will not fall at all.

   And I was here, I met the little Cheng Taibao, and forged a fate with him.

   When I think of this, Nima's eyes are red. Of course it is not the memory of the days when she was trapped in the prison in Jianchuan City.

   Instead, he recalled the promise Cheng Saburo had made in Luoyang, patting his chest, and the generous expression of the emperor of Tang Dynasty nodding and smiling.

   Nyima rubbed her eyes and moved her gaze downwards. Soon, she saw the awning where the guards of the city had been staying not far from the city gate.

   There are three figures, squatting there, flipping the bamboo cards. This scene instantly made Nima feel familiar.


   And at this moment, Cheng Fa, who was playing bamboo cards with the two Cheng family members under the awning, subconsciously turned his head.

   I saw Nima, a great businessman on the plateau who was riding a horse, looking at this side dumbfounded.

   Cheng Fa couldn't help being overjoyed. He threw the bamboo card in his hand and hurried over there quickly.

   "Oh, it turns out that Nimani's shopkeeper came, and I saw Nima's shopkeeper. My son asked me to wait here for Nima's shopkeeper for a long time."

   Hearing this, Nima couldn't help but feel warm, jumped down from Malay, and said to Cheng Fa.

   "Seeing the process of sending brothers, I didn't expect Xiaocheng Taibao to be so caring, letting you wait here, it really makes the villain panic."

   "It's all right, let's go quickly, my son has been here in Jianchuan City for two days."

   Nima and his party walked towards Jianchuan city, and at this moment, Cheng Saburo was looking at Wobuji, who was kneeling and sitting in front of him on the first day of Qiang.

The name   , when Cheng Saburo was heard the most, he thought it was a very pure and rough name.

   However, the personality of the head of the Qiang is far from being as rough as his name suggests, and more like an old and scheming driver.

   But having said that, the request he made represented the worries of the leaders of Qiang and Zhao.

   After all, in their opinion, how could the miscellaneous soldiers under their hands be the elite opponents of Tubo.

   Although it seems to Cheng Sanlang that the Tubo soldiers and horses are nothing compared with the elites of Datang.

   Regarding this point, Cheng Saburo, who personally fought against the Tubo people several times in Jianchuan City, had the most say.

   With the 1,000 well-trained elites under Fang Jun's command, there will be absolutely no problem in packing up the Tubo soldiers and horses that are twice as large as their own.

   However, these tribal leaders who have been under the rule of the Tubo for a long time and are accustomed to the brutal and **** methods of the Tubo people do not dare to bet easily.

   "It seems that you all think so, don't you?" Cheng Saburo leaned back comfortably and looked at the Riwo, who was sitting tightly kneeling in front of him.

   "Cheng Changshi, if there are 10,000 elites of the Tang Dynasty like that Yaozhou I can raise the banner now and follow the governor."

   After taking a picture of his chest, Riwo's expression was a little sad.

   "But, but we have a good understanding of the combat power of the soldiers and horses of the Erhai Sea, and I am afraid that it is not far from the warriors of our Honglang tribe."

   "The villain is really uneasy. After all, we are Hong Langqiang, and we have more than ten thousand lives..."

   "Since you have reached this point, how about we make a bet?"

   "Please also Cheng Changshi to show me."

   "If this officer defeats the Tubo soldiers and horses, I will not only want you to send troops, but also you will do a few things for me..."

   Hearing this, Riwobuji directly bowed to the ground.

  "As long as Cheng Changshi can defeat Tubo, let me see the hope of returning to the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

   let me Hong Langqiang nearly ten thousand people can save their lives, can live and work in peace and contentment.

   No matter what Cheng Changshi wants, I will never frown. "

   Cheng Saburo picked up Riwobuji, and saw Cheng Fa standing at the door looking sneakily inside.

   Seeing the gaze from San Gongzi, Cheng Fa made a gesture, and Cheng Chubi was immediately happy.


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