The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2053: Come on, don’t disappoint everyone’s expectations and careful precision...

Cheng Saburo rushed to the Cheng family who was lying high on the ridge, copying a telescope and observing the northern valley road. "Are the Tubo people coming?"

Subconsciously looking towards the opposite side, he saw the sentinel position on the opposite ridge, where Uncle Jie was lying on his stomach at the moment, holding a telescope and looking towards the north.

"Yes, the son, but from the looks of it, he should just be looking at the horse..." The Cheng family handed the telescope in their hands to Cheng Saburo.

After Cheng Sanlang took it, he looked towards the end of the yak road and saw that at the end, Shishuqi was galloping towards this side.

Cheng Sanlang waited for more than ten breaths before he could hear the faint sound of hoofs that came into his ears.

More and more satisfied with the telescope in his hand, this thing is really a good treasure for spying on the enemy.

Unfortunately, this thing can only be used during the day or in a place with sufficient light. At night, its reconnaissance effect will be greatly reduced.

"My son, the mines we planted, will they..."

Cheng Chubi gave the telescope in his hand to the Cheng family and explained in a low voice.

"Don't worry, none of our landmines are press-released. They won't detonate if they step on it."

It's not that Cheng Saburo didn't consider the whole kind of landmines, but the problem is the induction equipment of pressure-fired landmines.

It was not so easy to make before this was not standardized and there was no assembly line more than a thousand years ago.

Therefore, Cheng Chubi felt that he still had to learn from the anti-Japanese heroes in "Landmine War" he had seen.

It is still the most old-fashioned pull-type mine, that is, the loop-type mine, which is simpler in production and has a lot of safety.

At least after the war is over, when you go to clear mines, you don't have to worry about stepping on the mines you have buried.

After all, this possibility is possible. I think about it, the landmines left behind in the war zones in later generations do not know how many injuries they caused.

Just as Cheng Sanlang was thinking about it, he saw that more than a dozen riders crossed the valley road ambushed by Cheng Sanlang and others, and continued to sprint towards the south.


As the leader of the horse hunting, Qiangba's hundreds of households are racing in the forefront, and from time to time they watch the mountains on the left and right vigilantly.

Soon, I passed through this quiet valley, and continued on, five miles, for the galloping horse, it would not take much time.

When Qiangba Hundreds saw the valley road in front of them getting wider and wider, they finally suddenly saw a huge camp, appearing at the end of their sight.

Qiangba Hundreds hurriedly tightened the reins, raising their hands to signal that the horses behind him were slowing down.

"Hundred households, do we want to go and have a look?" asked a detective who rode up to Qiangba Baihu's side. "Well, let me repeat it... Well, what is the first sentence? I have to think about it, by the way, the first sentence is actually not cumbersome..."

"??" Quan Wanji looked at Cheng Saburo with a dumb face, his expression was very sincere, his tone was very eager, and the important thing was that even Te Ma's expression was exactly the same as the first time just now.

"...What kind of woman is suitable to be the side concubine of your Royal Highness?"


Quan Wanji looked at Cheng Saburo in front of him with a black line on his face.

"Cheng Changshi, you, are you here to provoke you?"

"How can you say such a thing to Elder Quan? From the beginning to now, Cheng Mou has always spoken well, respectfully, and absolutely didn't mean to provoke Elder Quan."

"Is it possible that Elder Quan can't understand the boy's heart for his friends?"

Quan Wanji turned his head, almost a quarter of an hour had passed, and when he looked back, he saw Cheng Saburo still smiling and doing his own job.

I think back to the notorious Cheng family in Chang'an, and what I heard about Cheng Sanlang's notoriety on the way to Luzhou.

Quan Wanji snorted. "Fine, since you said that, the old man has all your friendship with His Royal Highness."

"First of all, the woman's length is the same, from the top to the bottom, seven feet one inch long..."

"...Well, Elder Quan, wait a while, you said too fast, I can't remember, can you just borrow pen and ink for a while."

"In addition, I also ask Elder Quan to speak as straightforward as possible. It's like being self-defeating. Cheng doesn't understand what you are talking about."

Looking at the eyes and hearing, he was confused, Cheng Saburo, who was three thick in Wuhan University, suddenly felt the superiority of the gentleman.

Quan Wanji looked at Cheng Saburo, who started to pick up a pen and found a blank sheet of paper, looked away, thinking about how to make his language look vulgar. After all, the other party is a vulgar martial artist and can’t understand the classical Chinese used by literati. It's normal.

Glancing at the dripping of the copper pot, time is running out, Quan Wanji can only speak as quickly as possible.

"...The hair is thick and soft, but hard..."

"The eyes should be big and energetic, the eyebrows should not be too thick, and the eyebrows should not be too fierce,"

Quan Wanji didn't speak slowly. Cheng Chubi wanted to write at first, but listened to the rhythm of the other party's speech later.

Suddenly there was a black line on his face, with a brush instead of a quill in his hand, and he couldn't copy quickly at all, but fortunately, Cheng Saburo's mind was alive.

Listening to Quan Wanji's description, he suddenly had a bold idea. Then according to Quan Wanji's description, he started writing with confidence.

Quan Wanji thought about it, and combined the criteria for selecting concubines in the past dynasties, adding and subtracting them, and then turning them into straightforward spoken language.

Fortunately, his elders have been an example of others all year round, so the dictation is very clear.

At the beginning, Quan Wanji saw Cheng Saburo start writing like flying, but afterwards he said a lot, this guy seemed to have only touched a few strokes there, as if he was already done.

This made Quan Wanji couldn't help being curious, but Quan Wanji was curious and curious, so he continued.

Until the last quarter of an hour was left before the reception time, Quan Wanji was able to sum up his requirements for His Royal Highness Wu's side Looking up at Quan Wanji, Quan Wanji couldn’t help. Some are suspicious and authentic.

"What the old man said, did you write down Cheng Changshi?"

Cheng Chubi looked at his work confidently, and nodded in agreement.

"Well, I don't know what else Quan Lao needs to add?"

Just as Cheng Chubi was immersed in his recording masterpiece, the Quan Wanji's pro who just came over to add tea to Cheng Sanlang gave a subconscious glance at Cheng Chubi's masterpiece.

The whole person was ready in an instant, his eyes staring like copper bells, and his mouth grinning like a silent cry.

The teapot was slanted, and even the cup was full and I forgot to lift the pot and stop the water.

"Hey hey...what are you doing?" Cheng Chubi quickly reminded him when he saw that the water on the case table was full.

"Oh, offend offend..." I awakened my soul after a stimulus, and hurriedly closed the pot, hurriedly took a towel and wiped the water stains there.

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