The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2062: Brother Chubi, don't step too far if you have 0 thousand steps

Facing Cheng Saburo's question, Lun Keer and the Chigui Maben were almost speechless.

Especially that Chigui Maben, as the chief general of Iron Bridge City, has been in Iron Bridge City for more than 20 years.

It can be said that if you are too familiar with Tieqiao City, you can easily go back and forth without touching fixed obstacles.

In addition, the general who stayed behind in Tieqiao City was his powerful deputy, Thomas Thousand Households.

This Thousand Thousand Households was pulled up by him with one hand, and he won his trust, but this person was a bit stubborn.

"The old man is now a prisoner of the Tang Dynasty, and he is willing to go to Iron Bridge City and say surrender, but if the Thousand Domas insist on resisting..."

Speaking of this, Chi Gui Ma bowed to Cheng Saburo with some difficulty.

"At that time, Cheng Xianchang wants to use methods, and I will naturally be unable to stop it, but I also ask Cheng Xianchang to be more kind and let go of the people in Iron Bridge City..."

"Don't let them go, let's talk about it when the time comes, what else you need to provide about Iron Bridge City, it is best to make it clear, and you will join the army and you will be responsible for the collection."

After hearing this, Cheng Chubi greeted Ren Yaxiang beside him, then pulled Li Ke to the side.

"Brother Xian, seeing these two guys and the unlucky looks of those prisoners of war, I have a bold idea."

Hearing this, Li Ke asked tentatively, looking at the eagerness of Brother Chu Bi.

"Brother Chubi, you want to take advantage of the fire to rob, oh no... call the grass to beat the rabbit, and take down the Iron Bridge City by the way, right?"

"No, no, no, how can an Iron Bridge City be enough to fill our appetite."

Cheng Chubi happily gave Li Ke's heart palpitations with those brilliant eyes.

"Brother Chubi, don't step too far, let's be safer."

"At this time, our soldiers and horses really want to jump to those logical cities, not enough for the Tubo people."

Hearing Li Ke's guess, Cheng Chubi glared at this His Royal Highness, who dared to think more than himself, with a black line, unwilling to speak authentically.

"...Am I that crazy?"

What I want to do is something that can be done, not like Li Ke like this guy who brags here.

Li Ke almost laughed out loud, dare you say this in front of the thousands of people in the Tang Dynasty, in front of the countless Jiannan Daohan, Zhao, and Hu people who were tossed by your monster moths. ?

Of course, such a question can only be frantically complained in his heart. On the surface, Li Ke smiled very easily.

"Haha...well, Brother Chubi, you are a hard-working person, my brother is wrong."

"Then dare to ask Brother Chubi, what else do you want to do besides taking down the Iron Bridge City?" Listening to His Majesty's unhappy tone, Zhao Kun tried hard to control his emotions, his expression was very serious. Nodded.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the minister will confess to that kid in a moment."

"Hmm..." Li Shimin stroked his long beard and heard a voice from inside again, as if it was Guanyin's maid deciding to become a monkey again.

Forget it, it seems that I still wander around the big camp and come back again, so I don't have to see that stuff uncomfortable.

Early in the morning of the next day, before the brigade headquarters was pulled out of the camp, Cheng Saburo, who had been reminded by Zhao Kun, led a group of relatives out of the camp.

Re-walk the road that I walked yesterday and head straight to Chang'an.

Although Cheng Saburo left, in the days to come, people will still come in and out of the camp in the name of arresting the monkey.

This made Chai Shao feel very evil in his heart, and he was helpless. On one side was the Supreme Emperor and the other was His Royal Highness Wei Wang, what could he do?


Cheng Saburo finally rushed back to Chang'an again, but he rushed to the East Palace as soon as he entered the city.

After all, before, I could only communicate with Chang'an through letters to understand the situation of Crown Princess Su, but now Crown Princess Su is in her third trimester.

If I don't know the situation in time, I can't worry about it.

Just as Cheng Sanlang rushed to the gate of the East Palace, Zuo Nei, who was patrolling there at the moment, had a thousand cattle ready for Helan Chushi.

Seeing the former Donggong Zouuchi Deputy Shicheng Saburo unexpectedly appeared here, I couldn't help but stay in a daze.

"Vice Cheng Cheng?"

Cheng Chubi also saw this poker friend from the time he was in the East Palace, and he couldn't help but enjoy himself.

"Haha, it turned out to be Brother Chu and Shi, don't want to be an official. Cheng is now a flat-headed citizen."

Hearing this, Helan Chushi couldn't help grinning. You said that you are a flat-headed people. Only stupid people take it seriously in this world.

After a few greetings, his own little **** greeted him quickly, and Cheng Chubi said goodbye to Helan Chushi and strode away.

Helan Chushi looked at Cheng Saburo's back and couldn't help being a little stunned. He had heard that Cheng Saburo was going back to Chang'an before.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would come so quickly, and counting the days, it was not far from the time for the old man and the others to act.

"I said He Qianniu, what do you think?" The paoze on the side could not help asking when seeing Helan Chushi in a daze.

"It's nothing, just feel that this one returned to Chang'an, there is no suppression by your majesty and the emperor, hehe..."

Hearing this, a group of soldiers in Zuo Nai Li couldn't help but laugh out loud.

No way, what kind of person Cheng Saburo is, can his old comrades still be unclear?

I still remember that when this guy had just entered the post, he took His Royal Highness to the outside of the palace to release himself, and then started to talk to the officials of the East Palace, Cheng Il.

Either he squatted with Brother Yipiao to play cards in the East Palace, or encouraged His Royal Highness to raise pigs in the East Palace.

Well, if you count the troubles that Cheng Saburo had made in the East Palace in those years, you can't count them with ten fingers.


Li Chengqian stood beside him with excitement and anxiety, watching the long-awaited brother Chu Bi who kindly asked the princess Su's diet, daily activity, and a series of questions.

Wu Meiniang on the side also looked at Cheng Saburo with a serious face with a radiant face.

I haven't seen it for a No process Saburo is still like that, still funny when he smiles, and the hot eyes are still hot.

He couldn't hear enough of his nice voice, so that Wu Meiniang, who was in charge of the recording, was distracted several times.

"Uncle, uncle, there will be nothing wrong with my mother, right?"

The little guy Li Xiang, since Da Cheng Saburo arrived, has found a backstage backer to support him, and he is not afraid of his father's bulging eyes.

Cheng Sanlang also liked this tiger-headed tiger-brain very much, and Pi Shi was very similar to his three younger brothers, Li Xiang.

"Don't worry, there is a minister, your mother will definitely be fine."

With Cheng Saburo's assurance, Li Xiang retreated back to his father's side contentedly, demonstrating authenticity.

"Father, my uncle said that there will be nothing wrong with my mother."

"Okay, Dad knows, you go and play..."

"No, Uncle Cheng is rare to come over, the child needs to accompany him."

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