The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2074: The religious involution of the war has already begun on the plateau

"What are you talking about?!" Wu Wang Li Ke, who was still smiling and demeaned, turned black.

It was the gang of Tubo gangs who all looked at the Gatso master dumbfounded. What the **** does this mean?

"Master Jiacuo, this is different from what we agreed on before." Chi Guima was immediately anxious, and hurriedly said.

"Is this guy's brain pitted?" Ren Yaxiang looked at Master Jiacuo with a black line on her face.

Cheng Chubi squinted his eyes and looked at the guru Jiacuo who was speaking out loud.

Then I saw the Gatso master gave a meaningful smile.

"My master used to be the Tubo Youben, and I am also a Bon teacher. It is not too much to be your master, right?"

"What position is Youben?" Cheng Chubi looked at Lun Cole who was aside, and Lun Cole quickly explained. "In Tang Guo's words, it is a national teacher."

"Guo Shi..." Cheng Chubi was suddenly stunned. It seems that Tubo Guo Shi is a villain boss in many novels.

Unexpectedly, today I actually met such a disciple of such a villain BOSS, it seems that more reading is still beneficial.

However, seeing this Tubo national teacher with fat body and strong body really lacked the demeanor of a martial arts master. It seems that **** mudra is definitely not possible.

Such a person actually wants to accept himself as a disciple, ha ha...

Cheng Chubi considered that he needed to be in a formal battle, overthrowing the Bon master, and severely hitting the confidence and morale of the soldiers and civilians of Iron Bridge City.

This is more conducive to the rule of the Tang Dynasty over the newly occupied land, so there is no big ear to greet the past.

However, Cheng Chubi felt that he was still necessary to let this Tubo Bon master understand his own situation.

Cheng Chubi played with the whip in his hand and looked at the master Jiacuo, which was meaningful and authentic.

"Being a man requires dreams, but daydreaming is not enough."

Hearing what Brother Chubi said, the corner of Li Ke's mouth crooked and he almost came out with joy.

As expected to be Brother Chubi, he is really stunned.

Hearing these words, the Gatso master was stunned for a long time, looking at the sly and poisonous Cheng Sablang with a black face.

Before he could speak, he heard Cheng Saburo say.

"But this bet is really interesting. So, if Cheng wins you, you will call Cheng to be your teacher, and your disciple will call Cheng to be your master, how about?"

"..." In an instant, the scene fell into a weird silence, only the gentle breeze on the plateau and the roar of the Jinsha River in the distance echoed in the ears of the dumbfounded people.

Guru Gatso's complexion was more than black, it was so black that it was purple, and then red after being purple, he raised his finger and pointed at Cheng Saburo.

"Why, if I lose, I have to worship you as a teacher. If you lose, you can't worship me as a teacher. Can you not be a double standard?"

Although I don’t know what the double standard means, it’s definitely not a good thing.

Li Ke glanced at the tall and handsome, young and handsome Cheng Saburo, and then at the short, fat, bald head in his early 40s.

If there is such an old fat man next to Brother Chu Bi, who is always called Master Master, wouldn't he also become Master Uncle?

Li Ke happily, decided to push it.

"Cheng Changshi's words are reasonable, and this king also thinks, otherwise, you two will fight, and the loser will worship the winner as your teacher. This king and them are willing to bear witness for you, how about?"

"How about, think about it carefully, have you passed this village, but there will be no more shop?"

Cheng Chubi looked at this Tubo master. His master had actually been a national teacher. If such people have become their own cheap apprentices, tut tut...

After all, the national teacher Kumachi who played the flame knife, and the national teacher Ba Shiba who was good at changing the spirit of heaven and earth, and so on...

They are all the most intimidating villains that Cheng Saburo has read in his youth.

Being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the bad guys, this makes Cheng Saburo the good guy very refreshing. Don’t worry about being seen.

Just when the two mothers were holding a book and sighing with emotion with red eyes, Li Shimin's sneaky head came in.

"Daddy, why are you here?" The sharp-eyed Li Mingda saw his father for the first time, and quickly wiped away the tears that were about to drip again and stood up.

"You are..." Li Shimin looked at the eyes of his beloved wife, the eldest grandson, and his daughter Li Mingda with red eyes.

Could it be that what happened that made them both hurt and cry? But if there is such a thing, they should come to find themselves.

Seeing her husband's appearance, she knew that her husband was afraid it was the Queen's grandson, who was a little embarrassed, raised the booklet in her hand and smiled sweetly.

"Husband, Xiao Sizi sent a book to his concubine, and it is very uncomfortable to see that the concubine is widowed in body and mind."

"Daughter too, it makes me feel uncomfortable to see it." Li Mingda nodded vigorously, and after stepping forward, he took his father's arm for comfort.

Hearing the truth, Li Shimin felt relieved and couldn't help crying or laughing.

"What book, can you both look like this..."

"Daddy, it's "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" written by Cheng and third brothers."

"...Do you have this book here too?" Li Shimin took a breath of toothache. He was still curious just now, but he really didn't expect that Guanyin's maid would have it here.

As the major shareholder of Jinyang Printing House, Li Mingda can't help but be honest.

"Yes, dad, this is printed by my daughter's bookstore, and of course my daughter has a sample book."

"Come here, let Daddy see what kind of content it is that can make you look like this."

Li Shimin took the "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" handed over by Empress Changsun, and saw the two pen names that came out of the sky in the author column.

I couldn't help turning to the first page with a look of disgust, and saw that "people have joys and sorrows, and there are cloudy and sunny days."

In just twelve words, it makes people feel like their heart is being pulled severely.

In an instant, Li Shimin's heart was swayed, and he couldn't help turning to the next page, still whispering a word in his mouth.

"That kid, how can he be so talented, just a few words, it makes people feel melancholy. No wonder the wholesale poetry and essays swept the Chinese original world..."

"???" Li Mingda's eyes lit up, and Empress Changsun couldn't help but stare at those clear apricot eyes.

However, seeing her husband intently admiring the book "Luoyang Peony Pavilion", after all, he forcibly resisted without asking.

Then Li Shimin was there to admire intently, Li Mingda approached her mother's side, and the mother and daughter began to whisper a few words quietly.

Li Mingda jumped out lightly, came outside the Lizheng Hall, and made a gesture to Zhao Kun, the head of the guard, who is the confidant of his father.

Not long after, Li Mingda, with his excited eyes shining brightly, slipped back quietly, and whispered to his mother's ears.

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