The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2076: You are obedient, my methods are too powerful

On Coer, the uncle of the Tubo master who was most unwilling to return to Tubo to die, and hoped that he could stay in the territory of Tang to spend his old age.

Seeing the master Jiacuo doing frequently, while Cheng Saburo was thinking about the problem with the card, he couldn't help feeling very anxious.

"His Royal Highness, the old man thought that Cheng Xianchang shouldn't just let the master Jiacuo act like this."

"Master Gatso is the highest Bon master in my Tubo country."

Li Ke watched this **** crooked and squeezed a piece with himself, should be a Tubo argument with Datang on the side.

Said with a meaningful smile. "Don't be nervous, Cheng Changshi has his own reason for doing this."

Hearing this, Lun Keer couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

"If it weren't for my nephew to abolish the position of Youben, then Master Gatso would definitely sit in that position..."

Naturally, Ren Yaxiang also understood the situation of this Dalun in Tubo from the previous communication, and he was not surprised that his **** crooked to Datang's side.

"Don't worry, Master Jiacuo loses 100%. As for how ugly you will lose, it depends on Cheng Changshi's mood at the time."

"Really?" Lun Cole asked in a low voice, still a little suspicious.

Li Ke was immediately happy, and couldn't help but utter a sentence.

"Under the world, I can rely on his own ability to show off my brother Chu Bi. So far, this king hasn't seen it."

Of course, the group of elders who don't speak martial arts by relying on their identity to clean up Brother Chubi is really quite a lot. Including but not limited to my father Li Shimin, my grandfather Li Yuan, etc...

But if you talk about the various skills of face-to-face gongs, Chu Bi brother is really the one who can win the first place.

Li Ke knew very well that what Brother Chubi relied on was definitely not the magical magic, but the hot weapons he had invented.

Don't say what Gatso Guru is, even if it is a group of Bon masters from all over the world to dance a circle of great gods here.

It should be bombed or bombed, unless this afternoon, or the good baby that Brother Chu Bi is carrying gets damp.

"His Royal Highness, do you want to go to an official to remind Cheng Changshi, these Bon religious identities are quite prominent, if they are really killed, I am afraid..."

Hearing Ren Yaxiang's words, a picture instantly appeared in Li Ke's mind.

A gang of Bon masters danced triumphantly, jumping and jumping, and the impatient Cheng Saburo threw out the good treasure that lit the fuse.

Hearing this, Li Mingda chuckled, almost laughed, and couldn't help but slightly abducted Cheng Saburo with his elbow.

"How can anyone say that their own elder brother, they will go, if they don't go with us, I'm afraid they won't be able to leave the camp."

With this understanding and considerate Princess Jinyang speaking, the children of the martial artist suddenly opened their eyes and praised the courtesy and majesty of Princess Jinyang.

In particular, the eldest brother Cheng Chumo couldn't help but slapped his eldest son again, and then gave Li Mingda a meaningful glance.

Just ashamed Li Mingda's cute face turned into a big red cloth, and the watery eyes drooped shamefully.


At the same moment, Li Tai was walking back and forth in the big tent. Although he was panting, he didn't mean to stop.

Li Youyi, the confidant eunuch, looked at His Royal Highness, feeling helpless in his heart, so he could only say with relief in a low voice.

"His Royal Highness, this son of Cheng Saburo, but only by virtue of some good luck, and this time, everything in Chang'an is already in order."

"He Cheng Saburo is gone, what can he do with his own strength?"

"The slave and maid felt that it was a good thing to fall down. He relied on his majesty and the crown prince's favor, and he opposed his majesty over and over again."

"This time, if we can join this together..."

Hearing this, Li Tai narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly. "Yes, what if Cheng Saburo can make a fuss?"

"No matter what, Chen Guogong, who has gone through hundreds of battles, and Mr. Jiang, who is invincible, can't deal with his juniors?"

Li Tai, who had figured out this section, went away from his worries, touched his stomach, and glanced at the lard pastry above the case.

Suddenly remembered that when the army was marching today, the cry of Zhizhi that disturbed her difficulty in resting in the car.

When I thought of the annoying Zhizhi, I thought of the plump and sweet Zhizhi Monkey. When I thought of Zhi Monkey, Li Tai, who had only had dinner for a short time, couldn't help but speak.

"Li Banban, you take a few people out of the big camp, catch some Zhihou monkeys and come back. This king is a bit greedy for that kind of snacks."

"...Yes, the slave and maid obeyed." Li Youyi heard his toothache, but he could only take his orders away honestly.


General Chai patrolled the camp and was very satisfied, as Chai Shao, who was responsible for the security work of His Majesty for a long time.

Always pay attention to military discipline, pay more attention to all disciplines of the camp, strictly guard against all small flaws, and prevent accidents.

Staggered to the gate of Daying, looking at Liu Lang, who was in charge of guarding the gate today, and the elite Zuowei.

Well, the officers and men are very energetic, and Xiongxiu walks around here with vigour, holding spears and knives, in an evasive posture.

"General Liu Lang, there are no surprises today, right?"

"The final general has seen the general, and there is the final general here, how can there be an accident?" Liu Langjiang couldn't help but hehe, with his head upright and authentic.

At this moment, Su Dingfang, who was standing next to General Chai, suddenly narrowed his eyes and his face became very weird.

"It seems that there will be an accident tonight..."

"???" General Chai, who had just shown a satisfied smile on their faces, and the confident Liu Langjiang both looked at Su Dingfang with a dumbfounded look.

Then he looked in the direction pointed by Su Dingfang's big hand, and saw Jinyang Princess Li Mingda dressed as a handsome man in a hoodie.

Wherever he went, he was accompanied by Cheng Sanlang, the famous demon moth of the Tang Dynasty who was restless, and surrounded by a group of Wuxun children, he was happily jogging towards this side.

General Chai's face went dark His head suddenly rose and hurt.

Special this kid jumped over here, it's still a trivial matter, but the Princess Jinyang is actually there, hey, next to him, there is the Zhongbao who has a rigid face as if he will never have an expression. Father-in-law.

Seeing this combination, Chai Shao could guess what was going on with the little toe of his left foot.

It must have a lot to do with the call to know that one after another in the distance.

"See Her Royal Highness Princess Jinyang..."

When he got closer, Chai Shao and other Zuowei generals respectfully saluted the most favored princess of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Mingda hurriedly dismounted, after picking up Chai Shao, he obediently returned a salute, then squinted his bright eyes and smiled.

"Mingda has been to my uncle, and I have met all the generals, uncle, can I have a discussion."

"Grandpa Emperor wants Brother Cheng San to go out and get him some ingredients. Mingda was ordered to supervise him, and Father also knows..."


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