The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2078: Everyone is a prisoner of war, can you stop being so involved?

Li Ke heard the noise from the direction of Tieqiao City and saw the gate of Tieqiao City outside the cave.

I also saw the onlookers who were disappearing rapidly on the city wall, as well as those Qianhu and others in Lausanne who were racing towards Iron Bridge City and fleeing away.

He glanced at the tall and majestic brother Chu Bi standing in the setting sun.

At this moment, the corner of Li Ke's mouth raised an arc of evil charm and madness, raised his arm high, and shouted.

"Cheng Changshi is invincible and invincible!"

"Cheng Changshi is invincible and invincible!!"

The two thousand cavalry soldiers behind, and everyone around them, either raised their weapons or waved their arms vigorously, shouting in excitement.

Cheng Changshi was invincible and invincible, echoing above Tieqiao City.

The terrified Tubo people felt as if they saw a stalwart demon god, and began to use boundless mana to swallow the entire plateau...

Ren Yaxiang was also so excited that his old face flushed red, and he never thought that the civil and military were called double-full, but in fact they were His Royal Highness Wu who kept swaying half a bucket of water.

It was a brilliant idea to combine Cheng Chubi's past deeds with his methods to portray Cheng Chubi as an invincible monster, bah...a god.

At this moment, as a Datang attacking Tubo, I was afraid that it would take a lot of effort to win the important fortress Iron Bridge City.

Now it didn't cost a single soldier, only a battle between Cheng Chubi and the Bon master.

The morale of the Tubo soldiers and civilians was completely destroyed. It has to be said that His Royal Highness King Wu is indeed a good partner of Cheng Saburo.

Cedan Maben, who had been taken back to the prison car, was far away from the captured Tubo generals.

The group of prisoners of war also saw the bright white light and the thunder and thunder that followed. "Mother, it's too pitiful, my daughter's heart will be broken..." Li Mingda muttered softly with red eyes, wiped the tears on his face with a handkerchief.

But the other hand is holding tightly a book of "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" that has already been read for most of it.

Empress Changsun also had red eyes, and she sighed with emotion and clapped the "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" in her hands, gritted her teeth bitterly.

"Yeah, how could Cheng Saburo's boy be so cruel to make their fate so rough, it's simply..."

"Mother, there are third brothers." Li Mingda sniffed and quickly reminded her mother that there are two authors of this book, one is Shandong Song Yu and the other is Changan Pan'an.

The book was naturally confessed by Cheng Saburo. After the printing of the Jinyang Printing and Bookstore, he handed a few sample books to the little cute Li Mingda, the princess, in the palace.

Li Mingda couldn't put it down, so he gave a copy to his mother who also likes to read books to kill time.

As a result, the mother and daughter looked at the wonderful content, and were deeply saddened by the ups and downs of the fate of the pair of hard-working men and women.

Even Hushang Palace was driven out of the Lizheng Hall, and there were no outsiders in the Lizheng Hall. Even if you wipe your tears, you will not worry about being seen.

Just when the two mothers were holding a book and sighing with emotion with red eyes, Li Shimin's sneaky head came in.

"Daddy, why are you here?" The sharp-eyed Li Mingda saw his father for the first time, and quickly wiped away the tears that were about to drip again and stood up.

"You are..." Li Shimin looked at the eyes of his beloved wife, the eldest grandson, and his daughter Li Mingda with red eyes.

Could it be that what happened that made them both hurt and cry? But if there is such a thing, they should come to find themselves.

Seeing her husband's appearance, she knew that her husband was afraid it was the Queen's grandson, who was a little embarrassed, raised the booklet in her hand and smiled sweetly.

"Husband, Xiao Sizi sent a book to his concubine, and it is very uncomfortable to see that the concubine is widowed in body and mind."

"Daughter too, it makes me feel uncomfortable to see it." Li Mingda nodded vigorously, and after stepping forward, he took his father's arm for comfort.

Hearing the truth, Li Shimin felt relieved and couldn't help crying or laughing.

"What book, can you both look like this..."

"Daddy, it's "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" written by Cheng and third brothers."

"...Do you have this book here too?" Li Shimin took a breath of toothache. He was still curious just now, but he really didn't expect that Guanyin's maid would have it here.

As the major shareholder of Jinyang Printing House, Li Mingda can't help but be honest.

"Yes, dad, this is printed by my daughter's bookstore, and of course my daughter has a sample book."

"Come here, let Daddy see what kind of content it is that can make you look like this."

Li Shimin took the "Luoyang Peony Pavilion" handed over by Empress Changsun, and saw the two pen names that came out of the sky in the author column.

I couldn't help turning to the first page with a look of disgust, and saw that "people have sorrows and joys, and the moon is cloudy and sunny."

In just twelve words, it makes people feel like their heart is being pulled severely.

In an instant, Li Shimin's heart was swayed, and he couldn't help turning to the next page, still whispering a word in his mouth.

"That kid, how can he be so talented, just a few words, it makes people feel melancholy. No wonder the wholesale poetry and essays swept the Chinese original world..."

"???" Li Mingda's eyes lit up, and Empress Changsun couldn't help but stare at those clear apricot eyes.

However, seeing her husband intently admiring the book "Luoyang Peony Pavilion", after all, he forcibly resisted and did not ask aloud.

Then Li Shimin was there to admire intently, Li Mingda approached her mother's side, and the mother and daughter began to mutter a few words in a low voice.

Li Mingda jumped out lightly. UU Reading came to the outside of the Lizheng Hall and made a gesture to Zhao Kun, the head of the guard, who is the confidant of his father.

Not long after, Li Mingda, with his excited eyes shining brightly, slipped back quietly, and whispered to his mother's ears.

At this moment, Li Shimin was completely attracted by the content of the book, and he felt that he was slapped by the protagonist.


"??" Li Mingda, who was biting their ears with their mother, and the Queen of Longsun were all surprised.

Li Shimin smiled embarrassedly and wanted to continue, but seeing the eyes of the lady and the good girl, he could only reluctantly put down the book first.

"The two boys are still quite capable. It's interesting to be able to write something like this..."

"That girl, you have a lot more, how about giving a set to dad? When dad is idle, he can use it to flip over."

"No problem at all."

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