The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2085: Brother Chubi, do you think I should promise Niang Shang Lu Man...

"But in the end, it was Zampo's high butcher knife that killed my Niang family."

"The villain was lucky enough to get rid of, and can only live a life of drifting and wandering, fearing that Songtsan Gambo will know that I am still alive."

Looking at the tearful Lu Man, listening to the miserable experience of the Niang family, and the hatred of this Lu Man for the Tubo master Songtsan Gambo.

At this moment, Cheng Chubi's thinking was obviously a little unfocused, and he began to diverge.

See who are the Tubo people gathered around you? His uncle, who was regarded as a threat by Songtsen Gambo, was on Cole.

And Songtsen Gampo did everything possible to expel the Bon believers. For this, he even introduced Tianzhu Buddhism and became a platform for Tianzhu Buddhism.

There is also the great Xiangxiong businessman Nima, who is like a fish in the noble circle of Tubo, but never forgets the hatred of subjugation.

And the orphan of the former Tubo's most loyal and powerful former prime minister, Shang Nang, who was loyal to Songtsen Gambo, but ended up being annihilated by the clan.

There is also a Gardongzan who was born in another big clan, Xue clan, and now he has served in the Tang Dynasty.

Become a minister in the palace of the Tang Dynasty.

Also, among the more than 10,000 elites captured, the slave households stood at the number of 7,000, and a small number of slave owners and ordinary people in Tubo remained.

And those slave households will also become the target that Datang wants to fight for.

Tsk tusk...This made Cheng Chubi couldn't help being a little proud, and a large group of groups or individuals gathered around him who had vowed to fight against Songtsan.

When I think about it, no matter it is his old husband or Songtsen Gampo, the leader of the Tubo kingdom, he would never think that he wanted to play a big game now.

Generally enough to change the history of the entire plateau, it can even be said that this plateau, which was originally out of the jurisdiction of the Central Plains, can become the inherent territory of Datang at least hundreds of years in advance.


Lu Man, or Niang Shang Lu Man, should be called Niang Shang Lu Man, after having learned the hardships and sufferings of their Niang family.

To Li Ke expressed the hope that Datang would be the master of his Niang family and return them to innocence.

The remaining forces of the Niang family are willing to make their due contributions to Datang.

"As long as His Royal Highness can agree, Lu Man is willing to offer Chavajong City to Tang."

"??" In an instant, Cheng, Li, and Ren all looked at this Niang Shang Lu Man, who had fallen down in front of him, with a dumbfounded expression.

Cheng Chubi hurriedly stepped forward and pulled up the Niang Shang Luman. I'm afraid that the raw materials consumed by 30 kilograms of compressed dry food are enough to buy one hundred kilograms of millet.

But the problem is that if Cheng Saburo produced compressed dry food, one catty can fully meet the energy consumption of a day of Tang Dynasty soldiers.

However, Xiaomi needs almost two and a half catties, so it can only carry a ration for ten days.

That is, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who carried almost 25 catties of rations.

It is equivalent to carrying a ration for twenty-five days. If you add another five catties, you don’t need any supplies for one month.

Not only has it greatly alleviated the difficulties of Datang's logistics and transportation, but also improved the operational efficiency of the army.

Li Ji also saw His Majesty's expression, took a step forward, and whispered towards Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, the minister wants to take these compressed dry food and give them a try.

See if it is really as resistant to hunger as Cheng Saburo said, and it can also make the soldiers strong to march and fight. "

"If it is really feasible, you can also try to produce a batch in case of emergency."

"Especially if my Datang Wuben needs to rush long distances and penetrate deep into the enemy's hinterland, if we can have such rations, we can solve many difficulties."

Hearing what Li Ji said, Li Shimin couldn't help but nodded deeply.

"Since Li Qing, you have said this, then take it and let the soldiers have a try according to your words..."

Standing on the side, Cheng Chubi heard the discussion between the two elders and couldn't help but interject.

"My nephew feels that if Uncle Li Ji wants to experiment, it will be a group experiment in the end."

Hearing Cheng Chubi whispering around him, Li Ji, who was worried about his salary for half a year, was suddenly unhappy.

"It seems that Nephew Chu Bixian has his own ideas, right? Come on, tell the old man well."

Cheng Chubi saw Li Ji's gaze, but he didn't bother to care about this elder.

After all, he will soon become a winner, there is no need to care about the unlucky ghost who is about to lose.

"No, no, my nephew means that you can divide the pilots into two groups, and one group will still distribute rations according to the past rations."

"The other group uses this compressed dry food as military rations. In this way, it is easier to compare the results."

Although Li Ji was upset, after hearing Cheng Chubi's advice, he slapped Cheng Chubi's shoulder heavily.

"Okay, you kid, this is a good way, what does your majesty think?"

When Li Shimin saw Cheng Chubi with a black line rubbing his shoulders with a grin, he almost came out with joy.

Forget it, too lazy to pay attention to their small movements underneath, Li Shimin stroked his long beard and nodded.

"Since you think Cheng Saburo's suggestion is good, so be it."

As for the gambling agreement between the two people, it is natural to wait until the experiment has a result before the outcome can be determined.


In the early morning, it was the early morning again. The officials were walking towards the Hall of Liangyi, and an official approached a colleague who knew him well.

"Xiongtai, yesterday my wife went to your house to visit his wife, saying that the Zhenguan furnace is already in use in your house."

"It turned out to be a virtuous brother, that's right, I just pulled it back the day before yesterday, you know, it's not good inside.

So I heard that burning peat in the Zhenguan furnace was much stronger than using wood charcoal for heating, so Liu asked his servants to order the goods. "

"In the old days, if the house was heated, the charcoal consumed would cost tens of kilograms a day, and it was not warm yet."

"Since I used the Zhenguan furnace, the whole house is warm like spring. UU read and there is no smell at all. It is really comfortable."

"Yes, Gu also started to complain after hearing his wife returned to the house, saying that the house was not warm at all.

It's like Xiongtai's mansion, burning the Zhenguan furnace, the whole person is warm, and there is no peculiar smell. "

"So I just wanted to ask Xiongtai where they ordered the order, so I will order a few..."

Several officials not far away, the subject they discussed was also the Zhenguan furnace that burns peat.

With the promotion and promotion of the iron stove in the newspapers, almost immediately, the blacksmith shops in and outside Chang'an and the surrounding states and counties almost went crazy... "So I want to ask Xiongtai, which shop is it? Yes, I'll be free soon, so I'll go and book a few..."

Several officials not far away, the subject they discussed was also the Zhenguan furnace that burns peat.

With the promotion and promotion of iron stoves in newspapers, almost immediately, the blacksmiths in and around Chang'an City and surrounding counties

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