The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2088: Outside Jianchuan city, anxious Tubo slave soldiers

Guru Gatso looked at Cheng Saburo with a dumbfounded expression, if it weren't for the power of Cheng Xian who grew up in magic.

After being defeated by Cheng Xianchang, Master Jiacuo always had a sense of shame inferior to the opponent's generation when facing Cheng Xianchang.

May I ask this Cheng Xianchang, are you awake from sleep?

"Cheng Xianchang..."

"You'd better call me Cheng Changshi, I'm the Chief Shi of the Dudu of Datang Yaozhou appointed by His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

Cheng Chubi felt that he had to remind the other party, and at the same time, always remind himself that Lao Tzu is a journey through history, not a journey through fairy tales.

Hearing these words, Master Jiacuo couldn't help but feel relieved. It seems that this Cheng Xianchang is indeed a very angry Taoist man.

In the previous battle with myself, although he had already made a gambling contract, and the loser worshiped the winner as his teacher, the opponent didn't seem to care whether the gambling contract was fulfilled.

But the more so, the more shame in the heart of Gatso Master.

"Since the immortal has a life, the poor monk obeyed. Cheng Changshi, the poor monk and a group of disciples, according to Datang, we are all monks, people from outside the world."

"And this decree is only for the imperial court or the government to appear before it will be appropriate, or it is for the leaders of the tribes to read it among the tribes..."

Seeing this bald, short and chubby chubby cautiously in front of him, in a word, they were not willing to mix up these things.

"Master Gatso, do you want to be recognized by my Datang court, do you want to continue spreading your Bon doctrine on the plateau controlled by my Datang?"

Hearing this, Jiacuo's eyelids jumped wildly, raised his head, and looked at him with a meaningful smile, his eyes deep as if he could see through the heart of Cheng Changshi.

"Please also remember that Master Gatso, Songtsen Gampo, the governor of Tubo, wants to annex Xiangxiong."

"And you Bon believers respect Xiangxiong. Today, Xiangxiong has not fully succumbed to Tubo, but the owner of Xiangxiong has been imprisoned by Tubo."

"How long do you think the Xiangxiong tribes can still protect you?"

Cheng Chubi didn't speak quickly, as if he was afraid that Guru Jiacuo wouldn't understand him, he slowly spoke word by word.

Guru Jiacuo sat down in front of him with a solemn expression. The disciples behind him who were also gifted in language were all serious and listened.

After all, what Cheng Saburo said are all facts, and the situation of the Bon religion is indeed very critical today.

The Tubo Kingdom has become the most powerful force on the plateau, and the resistance of the Xiang Xiong Kingdom has gradually weakened.

If there are no new changes, the end of Bon can be imagined.

But now, Cheng Saburo, representing Datang, is willing to give Bon a chance.

"Okay, Cheng has finished talking about what should be said, and Master Jiacuo doesn't have to be here to answer..."

Master Gatso raised his head and looked at Cheng Changshi with a solemn expression on his face.

"Cheng Changshi, how long can Datang stay on this plateau?"

"Cheng can't guarantee how long he can stay, but you have to be clear, Master Jiacuo.

If you don't do it, you can only watch the decline of the Bon religion, and there is nothing you can do. "

"If you are willing to stand with my Datang officials and do these things for my Datang."

"The Bon religion, interest and chances for revival, and Master Jiacuo, you are the master of the Bon religion."

"The poor monk understands, the poor monk is willing to lead my disciples to serve the Dudu Mansion of Yaozhou in Datang."

"The Poor Monk Association will contact the Bon religions and believers that can be contacted as soon as possible, so that they can convey the will of the Yaozhou Dudu Mansion in Datang..."

Hearing this promise from Master Gatso, Cheng Chubi showed a gratified smile on his face.

"Master Gatso, one day, you will be grateful for your decision today."

"I hope so..." Master Jiacuo whispered in a low voice.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Now you need to give priority to the masters and apprentices of Jiacuo. "I went to the Taiyue Office that day and saw the many plucking instruments there, and I was immediately inspired..."

In an instant, his father's eyes were glaring, and he affectionately slapped his big slap on the shoulder of this nonsense son.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't show it to the old man to take a look."

Cheng Sanlang hurriedly opened the leather case, copied out the 16-jin-weight pipa made by Master Luo, and offered it with both hands.

General Cheng Cheng passed by with a single hand, and his weight was overwhelming, and he couldn't help but enjoy himself.

"Yeah? It's a good deal, this thing can definitely take people away."

"???" Cheng Chubi had a black line on his face, and looked at her father in amazement. This special lady's weapon is not a handy weapon, but a handy musical instrument, OK?

Lao Cheng seemed to have seen his son's dark face, haha ​​and he was happy.

"Stupid boy, Dad is teasing you, come, come, hurry up and give Dad the whole sound, let Dad check it out for you."

"..." Cheng Saburo, who was tired of not loving, took the Cheng's pipa, and saw the eldest and second elder brothers winking and snickering there, looking like a happy disaster.

Suddenly, you feel bad in your heart, don't let it go. Since you guys are in the same room and laugh at your little brother, then don't blame me.

Cheng Chu concentrated and held his breath for a while, and decided to assemble the song that his father would be happy to listen to.

With the sound of Cheng's pipa playing in the hall, Cheng Saburo opened his mouth and sang up to the sky.

"The sea laughed, and the tides on both sides of the strait..."

Although Cheng Saburo's voice is not a smoky voice, his voice is loud and strong, especially when he sings a song, he feels like a traditional baritone.

In addition, he was also the guitarist and lead singer of a non-professional heavy metal band, and he knew singing skills.

Three under five divided by two, the song "A Laugh from the Sea" instantly sang the rough masters of the old Cheng family to the utter turmoil.


Outside the door, the housekeeper Cheng Fu's eyes turned red when he heard it, and he couldn't help but recall the days when he followed the master to rob the rich and help the poor and believe in the horse.

Every time the family members heard this, they were full of emotion, and they wanted to take up the big blade and go back to the world again.

In particular, General Cheng, who has extremely rich experience in life in the arena, was moved by his experience and sighed with emotion.

Until the lingering sound disappears, UU reading still has a long aftertaste.

Cheng Chubi saw the envy and envy in the eyes of the eldest brother and the second brother, hehe... proudly raised his eyebrows at these two relatives provocatively.

This is the musical talent of your third brother, the most beautiful cub of the old Cheng family.

Cheng Chumo and Cheng Chuliang were suddenly unhappy, and they always felt that the third child was floating. He puffed up his eyes and prepared to complain to his father.

I saw my father, who had already recollected his taste, sniffed, and the big slap fell on the youngest's shoulder again.

"... Saburo, you made this thing?"

General Cheng looked at the Cheng Chubi's pipa hanging in front of him with a shoulder strap with bright eyes.

"Come, come, and tell Daddy well, how did you tinker with this thing, cough, tinker with this good baby named by our Cheng family."


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