The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2094: Can someone refuse to give us a city given to us?

Cheng Sanlang, who received the news, rushed to Li Ke's house and saw Li De, who was escorting the master and apprentices to Jianchuan City, playing to Li Ke in the house.

"What happened to the prisoners of war in Jianchuan City?"

Li De saluted Cheng Saburo, recalling the **** scenes of those two days, and took a breath with a toothache.

"The long history of the return journey has been dealt with, but it was a little troublesome when it was finished. There were almost no Tubo nobles left among the prisoners of war."

"However, those prisoners of war are very willing to join my Datang Army."

Li Ke poured a cup of tea for Cheng Saburo before he sighed with emotion. "Speaking of which, it's the Tubo aristocrats who have committed crimes and cannot live..."

"Our people under the rule of the Tang Dynasty, compared with the people on this plateau, are far too happy."

Ren Yaxiang nodded his head with deep approval, with a thankful expression on his face.

"Fortunately, your majesty is wise and martial artist, and he did not form a kingdom with this Tubo. What I have seen and heard on the plateau these days is really unbearable."

"By the way, brother Chubi, what should I do with those Tubo slave soldiers who are willing to loyal to my Datang?"

"Of course we need to make the best use of everything. With them, it will be easier for us to stabilize the work of the southern part of Tubo."

Cheng Chubi happily took a sip of tea.

"It's not that we were still worried before, there are really not many Bones in this area.

I want to bring all the serfs and slave soldiers on this land to our side, for fear that this will be a long and long project. "

"But now, there are nearly seven thousand prisoners of war willing to loyal to my Datang."

"Let them come from Tubo slaves, but now they have become prisoners of war for my Datang preparation soldiers, and cooperate with the Bon religions such as Master Gatso."

"With what they have said, the slave households and slave soldiers who live in the aquatic heat, are they still willing to continue to be the cattle and horses of the slave owners?"

"The ready-made soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, who were born in seven thousand slaves, just in time formed a team of them and went deep into the countryside of Tubo."

"Do a good job of ideological work for those enslaved slaves, as for those who dare to oppose the law of abolishing slavery promulgated by the Dudu Mansion of Yaozhou in Datang."

"Whether it is a Tubo slave owner or a slave owner of any other race, hehe, all have been arrested and sent here for trial."

"But if the slaves are too excited to kill the slave owners, what should they do?"


Li De reminded quietly. "At that time, outside Jianchuan City, it was because the slave soldiers were aroused to blood, and wanted to culminate the Tubo slave owners, there was almost a big problem."

"Kill it, kill it. As a slave owner, whose hands will be clean?"

"They don't know how many slaves' blood was contaminated on their hands, otherwise why those slaves have such strong emotions."

Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes for a long time, and finally gave an explanation.

"Furthermore, since those who still want to maintain slavery, staying under our data will not be conducive to our governance of this land."

"Brother Chubi, you don't have to worry about playing off, now my little brother, how come I feel that you are acting more and more..."

Seeing Li Ke with a worried expression on his face, Cheng Chubi spoke earnestly and honestly.

"Brother virtuous, there is nothing we can do. If we want to cause turmoil in Tubo in the shortest possible time.

So that Songtsen Gambo, the leader of the Tubo kingdom, could not raise the nation's soldiers to deal with us who were not firmly established. "

"Then naturally use as many methods as necessary, otherwise, wait until the main force of Tubo arrives.

Our Tang Jun can only jump down to the plateau in a desperate way. Wouldn't it be in vain? "

Hearing this very reasonable explanation from Brother Chu Bi, Li Ke frowned. "Don't worry, nephew, this is the old man who asked a skilled instrument to take out, mainly to see if the tone changes after taking it out."

His Majesty the Emperor of Tang, who doesn't talk about martial ethics, continued to smile and said to Cheng Saburo, who was staring at the lead in a daze with a black line on his face.

"As a result, I forgot to put it back, or else, I will leave it here for a while, and you will come and get it when you have the time to install it for you?"

"No, no, my nephew has to figure out a solution by himself, uncle uncle is bothered."

Cheng Chubi shook his head flat and refused. It is impossible to find the dead and leave the baby with you. Who special mother knows whether the period of time you are talking about is a year or a lifetime.

"You kid, is it possible that the old man can still be greedy for something from you?"

Cheng Chubi didn't dare to answer, so he could only pretend to be stupid with a smile, to be honest, maybe he would be kicked by this old demon moth.

Don't tell the truth, what should he do if he wants to molest his simple and simple Cheng family again?

"Okay, yes, Ke'er, you accompany him to give this little gadget to your sister, the old man has something to do, so I won't keep you."

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke bid farewell wittily. Just after leaving the Temple of Ganlu, Li Ke lifted his head and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Hey, what's going How do I feel that my father is in a bad mood? He is joking and laughing, but it makes people think he is grinding..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Ke stopped for a while, because he saw the embroidered clothing ambassador who was standing under the steps with an ordinary appearance and a sense of coldness.

Cheng Chubi was also very witty and didn't say anything. The brothers swiftly walked away from the Ganlu Temple.

After taking more than ten steps, he saw from the corner of his eye that the embroidered ambassador stepped into the Temple of Ganlu under the guidance of Zhao Kun.


"Brother Chubi, could it be the Donggong incident..." Li Ke narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice.

"Does this still need to be said? Almost all the time, I am afraid there is a clue to the arson."

Cheng Chubi was also like Li Ke and reacted instantly.

How could his Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty really wipe out the arson in the East Palace lightly?

That's because the emperor of Tang Dynasty didn't want to cause a shock between the ruling party and the opposition, so only the embroidered clothes ambassador of the emperor would produce such a plain result for everyone to see and suppress the rumors by the way.

The conclusion has been made on the bright side, and I am afraid that in fact, the embroidered clothes ambassador is still concealed to continue to do things.

After all, it has been concluded that those people will feel that the emperor has scruples, and they will relax their guard if they want to suppress this matter.

"Walk around, hurry up and see your sister, these things are not something we can do with unauthorised young people like us."

"Brother Chubi is reasonable, so go and go."

Li Keyile, that's right, Chu Bi's current status is an unemployed vagrant with a title.

He is an empty prince who was assigned to the vagrant by his father.

I can’t afford to mix things up, and I don’t want to mix things up.

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