The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2097: This notorious long history of the demon moth has made another move

A staff of Yaozhou Ning, who was gathering in the Yamen, was dealing with the internal affairs of the state, and saw a messenger rushing in.

"Good news? Come on, give it to the officer." Ning Cishi couldn't help but refreshed when he heard that it was a good news.

Yes, there are more than 30,000 imperial soldiers who want to fight against the 20,000 elites of the Tubo kingdom.

To be honest, when he heard the news, Ning Cishi's heart was guilty.

But the problem is, Wu Wang Li Ke, Cheng Saburo and others came to take charge of the military and political affairs here on the order of his majesty.

His own Yaozhou governor has become their logistics official.

After all, those high-ranking young people wouldn't listen to him as an old man.

So that after they took the team to the plateau, Ning Cishi was really a little bit unconscious, day and night difficult.

I have been silently praying that this group of young people can be more aggressive and steady, and if they can't win, they will quickly retreat to Jianchuan City.

I really didn't expect that they could really win Tubo, and now there is such a victory.

Ning Shishi wondered in his heart whether this group of young people killed a few Tubo spies and used them as a great achievement.

A group of officials in Yaozhou all looked at the face of Ning Cishi who was opening a victory report.

Then, I saw the wind and waves of Ning Cishi suddenly popped his eyes and grinned uncontrollably.

A stick seemed to be inserted into his mind, and then suddenly stirred, the whole person was directly stunned.

His exaggerated expression that had never been seen in the world made him feel itching to look at Yaozhou's official.

With such an exaggerated expression of shock, coupled with another good news, um...maybe, he really fought with those 20,000 Tubo elites and won a rare victory.

Just when everyone was thinking about it, Lu Sima stood up and cleared his throat.

"President, dare to ask if it is a victory, I don't know what the record is?"

Ning Cishi stared blankly at the victory report in his hand, and it took him a long time to realize that the victory report was not a waste of bragging.

It is a good news stamped with the seal of the Dudu Mansion of Yaozhou in Datang and the seal of His Royal Highness Wu.

Hearing what Lu Biejia said, Ning Cishi raised his head and looked at the curious Yaozhou officials.

"Tubo was defeated, and the entire army of 20,000 soldiers and horses was destroyed."

"What?!" A group of Yaozhou civil and military officials all raised their throats and yelled in disbelief.

"The Tubo was captured alive and discussed on Keer. There were dozens of generals, large and small, like this one."

"What?!" The officials shouted again with surprises all over their faces.

"Tieqiao City guards Chigui Maben and Doma Qianhu, opened the city to offer their surrender, and Tieqiao City has fallen into the hands of my Datang."

"Wow...How is this possible?" A group of Yaozhou officials felt that their brains were almost running out.

But this was not over yet, the defender of Yuben City abandoned the city and fled, and Bencheng also fell into the hands of Datang.

In addition, the Subi tribes took refuge in the Yaozhou Dudu's Mansion and attacked the city of Chavajung, the capital of southern Tubo, at night, and killed the Gesangyuben who had shaved the bald head of Hu.

Yaozhou officials screamed at first, but when they heard it, they were all dumbfounded. The expression in his eyes was full of gratitude, and he deserved to be a good brother.

Li Ke seemed to feel the gaze cast by Fang Jun, thinking that he had lost another good treasure in his secret store, although he felt a little distressed.

But for the brothers, for the sisters, and for their husband and wife life to be harmonious, it can be regarded as painstaking.

I hope this honest and honest brother will not be like the rough man of General Xue.

Sleeping in the same bed with a mother-in-law can be like a jade and make a joke.

Li Ke even hopes that they will have a baby soon, and they may be able to have a family in the future.

"Nonsense, do you think you can collect serious things for De brother?" Cheng Chubi tilted his mouth and almost uttered aloud.

What's more, that Master Xu is a serious calligraphy and painting artist, and most of his works are not serious.

That is to say, after working at Cheng's University, um... I spent most of the time painting serious things, but painting non-serious things is still his entertainment hobby.

Therefore, from time to time there will be one or two master Xu's unscrupulous masterpieces on the market, which is very popular.

And perhaps it is the reason why things are scarce. The selling price of Master Xu's paintings and calligraphy works nowadays has tripled compared to when he worked hard and worked hard in the past.

Fang Jun chuckled a few times, and quickly stuffed this thing into his arms, so baby, you must put it away, go back and try to figure it out.

"Brother Xian, do you still remember the song that I asked you to practice secretly a few days ago, didn't you leak it out?"

"Brother Chubi, don't worry, you told me before, how could the little brother leak?"

"That's good. Tonight, when you and your mother-in-law are left for a while, remember to tell her that you have a tune that you plan to play for her tonight. If..."

Cheng Chubi's voice was lowered, and he murmured softly in Fang Jun's ears, Fang Jun nodded again and again, and then bowed to Cheng Chubi convincingly.

"Thank you Xiongtai for your advice."

"Okay, UU reading, let's not say those kind words..."

Cheng Chubi heard the footsteps, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Li Ke swaying towards this side after sending away the gang of Hupenggou friends.

"Our people have all withdrawn, but Mingda is still inside, Brother Chubi, have you given anything?"

"Don't worry, it's already here for the little brother." Fang Jun happily slapped his chest, for the dear brother's good baby now belongs to him.


Cheng Saburo slapped Fang Erlang's shoulder with a big slap, wanting to wish him fame in the first battle tonight?

No, no, this auspicious remark is not appropriate here. I am not an unscrupulous person like Li Ke.

In the end, Cheng Chubi looked at the most honest little brother in the demon moth trio, and couldn't help but glance over Li Ke, huh...

The lives of these two guys were not much better, a prince who waved out of the sky, and a son of a prime minister who wore a green hat, both of them bluff early in the end.

As their superior, he led them to Cheng Saburo, who had already made a name for himself in Datang.

Hoping to help them reverse their fate, Cheng Chubi slapped Li Ke and Fang Jun on the shoulders after thinking about this.

"Okay, let's go, Brother Jun, hurry up and go back to the house. I won't say anything else. I wish you an early son, and an early sweetheart and grandson."

"..." Fang Jun stared blankly at the distance between Brother Chubi and Brother Weide. I haven't even entered the bridal chamber yet, so he's still a young unmarried man for the time being.

I actually blessed my little brother, I am happy with my grandson, how far away is this blessing?

Li Ke, who walked quickly with Cheng Saburo, slapped him with a pity, but he couldn't cooperate in time.

"Oh, I should wish him a good brother, brother Jun, who will have more children and grandchildren soon."

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