The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2119: I also feel that the Tibetans on the plateau have been bitter and hard for a long tim

Cheng Yaojin raised both eyebrows and glanced at Changsun Wuji, but he didn't say a word. Although General Cheng was crude on the surface, he was definitely not an ignorant person.

Of course, I can understand that Changsun Wuji's remarks are by no means aimless, after all, those things done by the boys like Saburo and the others.

Regarding the ruling class of the Tubo Kingdom, it is absolutely unreasonable and exhausting.

And at this moment, another **** came to report that Li Jing, the army **** of the Tang Dynasty, who was recuperating in the mansion, had already arrived.

With little effort, Li Jing, who was walking slowly, stepped into the Temple of Ganlu.

And Li Shimin stepped forward personally.

"Old Aiqing is ill and shouldn't be disturbed, but the matter is so involved, I have to ask Lao Aiqing."

"Thank you, your Majesty, for believing in the old minister..." Li Jing half-littled Li Shimin, and several fat and strong military ministers pushed him into position and sat down.

With little effort, my brother, the master Li guest who is addicted to birds, carefully informed his elder brother of the two good news that Datang received today.

Of course, I didn't forget, and took the letter handed over by Zhao Kun to my brother.

After receiving the hand, Li Jing looked carefully at it for a long time, and couldn't help but feel a little painful.

You don't know how to describe those little boys. Well, using derogatory words is a monster moth, and using praise words is bold and careful.

In the Tang Dynasty, the army used the lion to fight the rabbit, strangling Xue Yantuo and shaking the world.

Li Jing didn't think there was anything wrong with this strategy, but the problem was that Tubo, who was originally ambitious, was beaten in the face frequently by Datang.

Surely he would not miss the opportunity, although his Majesty also made arrangements to send the group of young people to Yaozhou, and let Li Jing, a resourceful man, go to Tuyuhun.

But Li Jing understood from the beginning that His Majesty was not optimistic about the offensive against Tubo, and it could even be said.

If Tubo came to clinging too hard, when necessary, Datang would even abandon Tuyuhun to ensure the continuity of fighting Xue Yantuo.

After all, Tubo poses a threat to Datang, but in comparison to the degree of threat, Xue Yantuo is the most pressing issue.

But right now, this group of young people have done something that even he is deeply admired. "This position of confidentiality is by no means decisive. It shouldn't be my uncle's idea..."

Yu Zhining nodded his beard, his eyes swept over Cheng Chubi Road aside.

"It seems that these four appointments should be the instructions of your majesty, otherwise, based on the relationship between the grandson of the official department and our general Cheng, ha ha..."

Hearing this ridiculously full of huh, Cheng Chubi suddenly became unhappy.

"I said Yu Zhanshi, what do you mean, my relationship with the eldest grandson official department is not good, but that is also because our concepts are not in line with each other, it is not a private complaint."

Yu Zhan almost came out happily and asked seriously.

"Yo, dare to ask General Cheng, you and the grandson official department are inconsistent with the idea, why don't this officer know?"

Cheng Chubi didn't want to give a natural answer.

"Our elder Cheng family abandoned literature to martial arts, and his eldest Sun Wuji wants to abandon martial arts to literature. Isn't this an inconsistency of ideas?"

Li Chengqian, who was drinking chrysanthemum tea with a cup next to him, choked out a sip of tea from his nose and eyes. He smiled and coughed before stopping for a long time.

Next to him, Yu Zhining had a black line and looked at Cheng Chubi blankly, unable to refute such an answer.

After a long while, he shook his head helplessly, rolled his eyes, and decided not to talk to this vulgar swordsman today. Valley

After Cheng Chubi finished Yu Zhining, he finally felt a lot more comfortable, but at the moment he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Currently, there are not many officials born in the poor family in the middle of the dynasty. It is difficult for the four of them to truly gain a foothold."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help laughing. "Brother Chubi, you said this wrong."

"That Xin Mao will take on the heavy responsibility of the living man, and will always serve the imperial court."

As long as he can be enough, he will definitely not stay in that position for too long. After all, this post is generally performed by the subordinates or advising doctors.

Such a person, lonely believe that no one dare to offend easily.

As for the other three who also entered the eyes of the father, if you want to deal with them blatantly, you have to consider my father's attitude.

What's more, they came from your sect. How can you be a good-natured character in Lu Guo Mansion..."

These words made Cheng Chubi's eyes brighten, but he really looked at the Prince Prince who was stripped and meaty.

Unexpectedly, he has such a clear understanding of everything here, and he deserves to be an excellent talent for ten years as a prince.

"Thank you for your highness. These words really made the minister feel more at ease and feel more at ease..."

Seeing Cheng Chubi's nonsense, he opened his mouth, making Li Chengqian a little shy and a little shy, but Yu Zhining, who couldn't see it, could only snorted and turned his head away.

The least willing to take care of this brazen flatterer, but now, he and he are both the confidants of His Royal Highness, alas...

Thinking of this, Yu Zhining felt that his future was really...

Following the prince, it must be infinitely bright, UU reading but this Cheng Chubi squatting next to him.

It will make people feel that there are not only beautiful scenery along the way, but also demon moths that pop out from time to time along the way.

Cheng Chubi rode a horse, swaying home, thinking in his heart what he learned from his exchanges with His Royal Highness and the old driver Yu Zhining.

Li Chengqian has grown a lot more now than when he first met, perhaps because he didn't like performance in the past, and he just hid it in his heart without telling it.

But now, he has begun to show up, showing his clever mind.

At least he was much better than his fat and oily fourth Michelin brother, and that buddy didn't want to think about the attitude of his father to those family members.

Actually got so close to those aristocratic families, and together they made a copy of "Chang'an Collected Works" to fight against Cheng. Gee...


When Cheng Chubi thought of the Wei Wang Li Tai, he hesitated, and then he heard a sound of hooves coming from behind him.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw his father Cheng Yaojin rushing from behind, and quickly strangled his horse's head. "father!"

Seeing General Cheng's horse riding up to him, a dashing reining horse stopped abruptly, stroking the needle-like thick beard, and marching side by side with Cheng Chubi.

The father and son continued to head towards Lu Guo Gong's Mansion while chatting, but only then did they come to the corner of the street and realized something was wrong.

Both the father and the son saw a sturdy, brow-faced big man, Li Jing, the army **** of the Tang Dynasty.

However, at this moment, the military **** uncle stood at the gate of the mansion with a bad expression on his face, and several family members of Cheng's mansion were far away.

Only the butler Fu Uncle was flattering at the Wei Guogong and didn't know what he was saying, but the military **** Li Jing bowed his eyebrows and closed his eyes, and didn't let a fart.

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