The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2121: Thanks to Zanpu, the general marshal is leading his army to suppress the rebels on th

When Lu and his two daughter-in-laws arrived outside the study, they happened to hear their husband singing triumphantly.

Hearing that it was obviously out of tune, but the husband still sang quite vigorously. In an instant, Lu's almost couldn't hold back the elder's majesty and laughed out loud.

The two daughters-in-law both raised their hands to cover their mouths for the first time, laughing at the father-in-law in front of the mother-in-law, which was quite inappropriate.

After all, the mother-in-law has to endure the laughter so hard, how can you be embarrassed and presumptuous when you wait for others as juniors?

Lu Shi took a deep breath, then coughed vigorously outside.

Then I heard the singing in the study stop abruptly, and then there was a frantic sound.

Lu Shi patiently stood outside the door with his two daughters-in-law, waited for a few breaths, and then slowly opened the curtain and entered the study room.

I saw that my husband's old face was so bashful that there was a trace of redness, and there were some water stains on the case that had not been wiped away.

Lu Shi bit his mouth, and then moved forward, and the two daughter-in-laws also happily greeted the embarrassing father-in-law, and then left wittily.

After going out, the sister-in-law was about to continue moving away, but was pulled by Gao Yang.

Facing the puzzled eyes of the sister-in-law Du, Gao Yang pointed aside and made a gesture.

The sister-in-law Du, who has always been gentle in character, reluctantly let this eccentric wife pull herself to the corner outside the study.

He saw Gao Yang's special probe to look at the housekeeper who was standing at the entrance of the study.

The housekeeper was still standing on the spot dumbfounded. He seemed to be shivering from the cold. He was shrinking behind the pillar, not paying attention to the whereabouts of the two young ladies.

"Sister-in-law, let's just listen, the father-in-law is so happy, it must be something of great joy."

Seeing Gao Yang's eyes gleaming, what can Du Shi say? But having said that, she is indeed very curious, anyway, it's here, it's good to listen to it.

Seeing Fang Xuanling waited until the two daughters-in-law had left, she stretched out her hand and wiped her face vigorously.

"Madam, why don't you say hello first when you come over."

"Where did the concubine say no? It's just that the husband is very interested, and the concubine can't bear to disturb him."

"By the way, could it be that your Majesty was urgently called into the palace today, what good things happened to him?"

"As expected to be a lady, I really know me. Our Erlang kid, I'm afraid he will develop again..."

"Erlang?" Lu's eyes lit up in an instant, and the hand that picked up the kettle also paused. With little effort, Ning Zhong hurriedly returned to the side hall of Lizhengdian with several copies of "Chang'an Collected Works".

It's just that Cheng Chubi copied this "Chang'an Collected Works" and looked at it only after a few glances, and felt that the whole person was not good.

What kind of ghosts are these special mothers, it feels like those people who read the Four Books and Five Classics after reading Hipi, specially created articles for this.

The essay quoted the classics from time to time, making Cheng Chubi more and more confused. In the end, after scribbling for a long time.

As a heir to poetry, Cheng Chubi, the cultural director of the old Cheng family, had to give up the attempt angrily because of his poor classical Chinese proficiency.

Well, this is just like a new book test, poisoning Cheng Chubi to the point that his eyes turn green.

Cheng Chubi then dropped the newspaper, turned to look at Li Chengqian, and saw that the prince who was stripped and meaty pork ribs was sweating.

I couldn't help but crane his neck to look over, then twisted to look at Li Chengqian's expression, um... Cheng Chubi's mouth almost grinned to the back of his teeth. Valley

It seems that it is not only the cultural responsibility of the old Cheng family who suffers from such dyslexia, but even His Royal Highness the Prince of Tang can not stand it.

This immediately made Cheng Chubi feel much better. It wasn't the problem of his own person, that was the problem of the "Chang'an Collected Works".

"Ah this... this "Chang'an Collected Works" article is really very subtle and profound, really lonely, um, it's really a bit..."

Biting the bullet, trying to understand the deep meaning of those words, but Li Chengqian, who felt more and more difficult as he read it, couldn't help but wink a little, stammering and unable to make a sentence.

I have completely given up on the trial reading, and my mind is calm as if Cheng Chubi, who always took the last place, was just happy.

"Exquisite is not subtle, anyway, the minister can't understand it, but if one day is boring, it's boring.

When you want to sleep but can't sleep, you can use it to help you sleep. "

"...Brother Chubi is really real." Li Chengqian cried and laughed and cast aside the "Chang'an Collected Works" in his hand.

The articles on the "Chang'an Collection" are too much brainstorming to read, making Li Chengqian, who considers himself a literate person, read it a little suspicious of life.

Looking at this stuff, what you need is more than just reading the Four Books and Five Classics.

Cheng Chubi was a little disgusted when looking at these too esoteric articles, but he seemed extraordinarily relaxed in his heart.

"Such a high and low profile does not pose a threat to our "Chang'an Xunbao" at all."

Li Chengqian nodded, but still gave his own evaluation.

"But such an article will surely be sought after by those who are knowledgeable and well-educated. UU Reading"

"His Royal Highness is reasonable. After all, the audience is different. The audience of our "Chang'an Xunbao" is a wide range of people.

And this "Chang'an Collected Works" is more like it is aimed at those erudite scholars who work hard and specialize in academia. "

"It's precisely this reason, and in my opinion, if this anthology can sell ten thousand copies in Chang'an, I am afraid that it would already be thankful."

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, there will still be people who will join Wei Wang's "Chang'an Collected Works", especially those people, even if they can't sell a copy, some people will reach out..."

Hearing what Cheng Chubi meant to say, Li Chengqian's face sank slightly, and he nodded slightly.


As time passed bit by bit, Wei Wang Litai's heart was anxious, even the lard pastry, which he thought was the most tempting, was not fragrant at this moment.

What is the sales volume of "Chang'an Collected Works", which involves not only financial issues, but also the face of his talented His Royal Highness Wei Wang.

There is also the face of the well-educated scholars and erudite scholars who have devoted themselves to his service.

After all, for this second issue of "Chang'an Collected Works", these talented scholars and erudite scholars have also laid down their blood, and wrote good articles with pain and pain.

If you can’t even sell 60,000 copies, it’s not your blushing, but your face hurts.

It is not only his Wei Wang Li Tai who is anxious, but also the learned scholars whose articles were printed on the "Chang'an Collected Works".

They all made various excuses for being late or leaving early, after leaving the government office. Or it is better to dress Yiguan, dressed as ordinary people into the restaurant and tea shop.

Or they may go on a horse, hide in the car, and watch the sales of "Chang'an Collected Works" sneakily.

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