The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2129: "On long-term horse riding exercise for all kinds of hemorrhoids...

Although it is harder to move on the plateau than on the plain, the ones who accompany Cheng Saburo to move are all of quite strong physique.

It was the Hu Zhu who had been shaved bald and shaved off along with his eyebrows.

The whole person is no longer the physique of the rich man, even Hu Zhubo can already palpate his belly and touch the abdominal muscles under the fat layer.

Well, he can be sure that it is definitely the abdominal muscles, not stones or tumors, because this is the conclusion drawn by Cheng Changshi, a superb medical skill.

The reason why he wants to act with Cheng Changshi is not because of Hu Zhubo's never stable heart.

Full of positive, enterprising spirit not afraid of death, um, to put it slightly derogatory, that is, Hu Zhubo is not afraid of death in order to get promoted and get rich.

But isn't life like this? Even the salted fish knows that to turn over under the sun can it become more flavorful.

If you have a better future as a person who is unwilling to move your ass, then you can only continue to eat and wait for death in the future.

It's just that Hu Zhubo felt that his **** had been moved, Du Te Niang was about to split.

After all, riding a horse for such a long time is a cruel test for every knight's buttocks.

Whenever he had a rest, Cheng Saburo saw this group of good brothers who had been traveling long distances and rubbing their hips with a grin.

This kind of thing is really not comforting, and I can't slap every good brother's bumpy buttocks to tell them that it's hard work.


You know, for this long-distance horseback ride, Cheng Chubi has already gone through careful consideration.

Don't want anyone who suffers from the same hidden illnesses or hidden illnesses as the grandson Wuji of the country's uncle.

After all, Lao Tzu led a group of 2,000 li to attack, to do important things, to restore the state of Xiangxiong, and to suppress the ambitions of the Tubo kingdom.

It's not here to write a medical paper like "On the Effects of Long-Term Horseback Riding on Various Hemorrhoids".

What if a good brother rides on a recurrence of hemorrhoids? In this extremely harsh plateau environment, performing hemorrhoid surgery is definitely a difficult test.

Although Cheng Saburo is sure that he can heal internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, or mixed hemorrhoids.

But the question is, how do you ride a horse even after being stitched with a knife?

If you don't ride a horse, you can only lie down on the board, lying on the cart on this roadless plateau, bumping repeatedly, bumping up the wound and bleeding heavily?

That would definitely delay Datang's military affairs against the forces in the plateau area.

When you should be doing serious things, you should do serious things. When you should do something serious, you should do scientific research when you should do scientific research. Don't always think about several birds with one stone, because it is easy to make problems.

Cheng Chubi felt that he had been so considerate that he could not be more considerate for Datang's military affairs.


"Do you have heard of the Cheng University that Cheng Saburo intends to establish?"

Seeing the two continue to nod their heads, Fang Xuanling smashed her mouth, and then she got to the point.

"Cheng's University established by Cheng Saburo is not very popular with some people, so it is approaching the beginning of the school so far, but it has not been able to find enough teachers."

Fang Xuanling paused, and secretly grinded her teeth twice before she said.

"Your Majesty intends to help each other, so the old man will invite the two to come to discuss."

The eyes of Zu Guang and Assistant Professor Hu stared exaggeratedly. What does this mean? Your Majesty wants to help Cheng Tai often and help him find a teacher.

What that means is that the two of us will be kicked out of the official ranks to give him Cheng Sanlang's life?

Seeing the black lines on these two faces and the expressions that hesitate to speak, Fang Xuanling calmed down.

"Don't get me wrong, the old man meant that the official ranks of the two remain unchanged, and the two only need to go to Cheng University to teach students for three years."

"Of course, in the past three years, the salary of the two at Cheng University will be three times your current salary."

"After three years, he will naturally resume his post and return to mathematics. If it is done well, your Majesty will naturally not be stingy..."

"As for the mathematics studies, it will be handed over to two other academic officials. Fortunately, there are not many students in mathematics, and they can handle it."

Looking at Fang Xuanling who was talking about her, Zu Guang involuntarily wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Then what is it to be with Assistant Professor Hu, leave your salary, and then go to help your majesty in private work?

Is this a corner that the Emperor Datang dug himself?

"In addition, there is one more thing, the old man knows, Dr. Zu, you are considered to be from your father, and you have a family relationship. The world does not know how many people want to worship Dr. Zu."

"But because of the arithmetic school system, many talents are blocked from the outside, which is really embarrassing."

"If you are a professor of mathematics at Cheng's University, those talents who were originally unable to study can get what they want."

Hearing Fang Xuanling's words, Zu Guang couldn't help feeling a little moved. Yes, their ancestors are from a family of mathematics, and Zu Chongzhi is the most famous one among his direct ancestors

The ancestor Zu Chongzhi’s son, Zu Xuan, is also an astronomer and mathematician who has left a lot of attention in the history of mathematics. He proposed the "Zu Xuan principle" on the calculation method of the volume of a sphere.

His grandfather, Zongru, did not have much achievements in mathematics, but his father, Xiaosun, relied on his talent in mathematics and music.

Solved the problem of tuning and the twelve-tempo melody palace, and in my own generation, I also learned from my father in terms of arithmetic and music.

However, I prefer arithmetic, so I took root in the National Academy of Mathematics and stayed there for more than ten years.

And their ancestor's prestige in the mathematics world is definitely the best. Countless talents in arithmetic want to worship the entry wall.

However, his Zu Guang was a court official, so naturally he didn't have much time to accept his disciples. However, there are very few talents who can enter arithmetic to learn arithmetic.

His ancestors are in a low position and humble. Naturally, there is no way to change it. At most, in his spare time, he can give some advice to some young people who come to study.

This makes Zu Guang, who is very willing to teach and teach, feels rather regretful, but he is helpless. After all, whether the court attaches great importance to mathematics or not, this is not the matter of scientific research and technical talents like him.

Thinking about this, Zu Guang, who was already a little excited, couldn't help but subconsciously glanced at Assistant Hu beside him.

Assistant Professor Hu saw the gaze cast by Zu Guang, and realized that this familiar colleague was already in his heart, and he gently nodded to express his opinion.

Zu Guang nodded, politely politely toward Fang Xuanling.

"If Cheng Taichang is really willing to teach Xiaguan to teach mathematics in the university.

Even if the salary is less, the subordinates are willing to go, I only hope that he can allow the subordinates to recruit more talents. "

PS: It’s almost the end of the month in the blink of an eye, ask for a ticket

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