The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2144: What else to do

Baihu raised his head and looked at Master Rondo, the major disciple and spokesperson of Guru Gatso.

Well, the master of Gatso is still so unpredictable, no matter who he faces, he still looks like he doesn't care.

"I have seen Master Rondo, since Master Gatso came here by Zanpu's order, is there a manuscript?"

"Why, does it make the hundred households think that my master is arbitrarily unsuccessful?"

Rondo's face sank and he yelled unwillingly. He took out the manuscript from his arms and handed it under the eyelids of Baihu.

For the rude behavior of Master Rondo, Baihu smiled and respectfully accepted it.

"It's not that I deliberately embarrassed Master Gatso, but that I and Ang Ri Qianhu gave Zampo's death order. Without Zampo's manuscript, no one is allowed to cross that stone wall."

After speaking, Baihu opened the manuscript and carefully looked at the familiar handwriting and seal for a long time.

Then he smiled and took the hand-instruction into his arms and bowed to Master Rondo.

"Since Master Gatso has a warrant from the Lord, I naturally want to let it go, but..."

"But what?" Guru Jiacuo, who had always been dressed as an arrogant, cold eyebrow, raised his eyebrows before making Baihu look at him.

Facing this master of the Bon religion, who was highly cultivated and was highly regarded by Tubo ministers and even Zanpu.

Only then did he quickly replied in a deep and respectful manner. "It's just that there are too many people in your team, Master."

"That monastery is not big, and there are so many soldiers guarding the monastery, so many people will go immediately, I am afraid that there will be no place to stay."

"Please also Jiacuo Master..."

Seeing Master Najacuo’s sharper gaze, Hundreds of households couldn't help but become stressed and buried their heads lower and lower.

But he still insisted stubbornly, and only a small number of disciples led by Master Gatso could climb the mountain.

Guru Jiacuo's face turned dark, and he always felt that he was shamed in front of King Cheng Fa, and he was about to raise his eyebrows.

Seeing the gaze that Cheng Saburo handed over, he finally gave a vicious muffled grunt.

In the end, Master Gatso ordered three disciples, as well as seven Cheng family members who were in class with Cheng Chubi.

Tell the people who stayed, let them camp at the foot of the mountain, and wait for them to return.

Afterwards, the Gatso Master pulled his face, and passed it proudly before letting the Hundred Households strode forward to climb the mountain.

After seeing this scene, Baihu was really hard to say anything. After all, Guru Jiacuo had left most of his manpower and all the horses at the foot of the mountain.

If I was squeaky again, it would really annoy this one, and I would not be able to afford it.

Touched his nose, and quickly followed. "Unexpectedly, the old man has only left Chang'an City for a few years now, and there is actually such a young talent."

"Actually speaking, the reason why my nephew came to Lin Yiguo to look for the three-season rice was also due to the guidance of Brother Chu Bi."

"Is this what he told you?"

After Gu Da saw Li Dezheng nodding with a dazed expression, he really didn't know what words to use to describe it.

But no matter what, Cheng Saburo's kid will definitely become the most eye-catching among those founding fathers.


Xue Wanche drank a drink, and appeared to walk into the bridal chamber of the newlyweds a little bit tightly.

Under the reflection of the red candle, she walked to the wedding couch and looked at the princess Danyang, who had lowered her neck a little bit shyly.

"His Royal Highness..."

Princess Danyang lifted up her bright eyes and looked at the tall and stalwart husband.

Qiao Lian looked away hotly, and said nervously.

"Husband, at this time, you should call your concubine a lady."

Seeing Princess Danyang's timid appearance, Xue Wanche's heart was soft, and his face showed a simple and honest smile.

"A good lady, don't be afraid of a lady. Although your husband is a rough person, he will definitely not bully you."

Hearing the words bullying, Princess Danyang's neck was blushing, and her head was almost buried in her ditch...

Then he turned around and lay back on the couch. "Concubine body, concubine body is sleepy..."

After saying this, Princess Danyang was like a soft and cute little white rabbit, nervous, scared, and slightly expectant.

Especially the shameless instructional drawing textbook that the nurse gave herself, which made Princess Danyang feel ashamed when she thought of it.

It's no wonder that the older sisters all told themselves with slanderous smiles that after the wedding night, they would know what the happiness of a real woman is.

Oops... I'm so ashamed... Princess Danyang almost can't control her rolling on the couch.

And Xue Wanche just sat on the edge of the couch, staring blankly at the lady who had gotten into the quilt.

Seeing that the other party went in wearing clothes, would he be too rude if he took off his clothes?

Since the treatment of femininity, I have been able to get along with women peacefully, but for things like marriage.

Xue Wanche is really inexperienced, but the problem is this kind of very private matter, so he is embarrassed to ask people.

I asked my second brother, who only knew that he had a shameless smile on his face and told himself that he would know it when he slept on the same couch with his mother-in-law ~ What ghosts do ghosts know?

After being at a loss for a long time, Xue Wanche took off his coat awkwardly, and was cautious, for fear of encountering this soft, white and cute lady.

Then he lay there, lying stiffly, looking at the ceiling.


Hearing the sound of **** next to her, Princess Danyang became stiff, and then she dared not move and maintained this posture.

I'm so scared, I don't know what to do next, do you want to take it off?

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing to ask your husband to undress yourself? Do you want to take it off by yourself? No, no, doesn't it seem too unreserved to take it off by yourself?

Huh? ...It seems that in the painting book, it is also possible to wear clothes like that.

Princess Danyang was full of wild thoughts when she heard a snoring sound.







"...That's it?" Princess Danyang slowly lifted the quilt that covered her face with a black line on her face.

He glanced at the husband who was lying next to him, who was snore, and couldn't help rolling his round eyes.

Then... the grunt that was not inferior to Xue Wanche's also rang...

One snoring has not yet subsided, the other snoring sounded constantly, like the symphony of destiny.

At the same moment, General Xue Wanjun was drinking alcohol, stroking his long beard, and looking at the mess before him triumphantly.

Looking at Cheng Chubi who had fallen, and the two little brats, Li Ke, as well as the children of the same family who didn't know anything about them.

Seeing that all the younger generations are heroic, a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously.

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