The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2150: Ben Wanhu just wanted to go into the valley to watch the excitement, what's the

Wemb Wanhu, Na Tangduo and others all looked at this plausible young patriarch Cang Yang Bangdi with a bewildered expression.

Don't let those Tubo generals be brought together? What means, is it possible that Master Gatso was infected with a contagious serious illness?

"Nephew Beng Dixian, what do you mean by this?" Tang Duo raised his little finger and scratched his itchy scalp.

The dandruff suddenly fluttered and fell like snow flakes, but the people around him who saw this scene, at most, moved aside in disgust, and there would be no unnecessary movements.

After all, this is above the plateau. Most of the altitude is above the plateau of 4,000 meters on average. The air is thin and it is easy to cause hypoxia during the bathing process.

Moreover, the local temperature is low, with an average annual temperature of less than 4°C. Even in summer, it is easy to catch a cold and cause pulmonary edema.

Especially in ancient times, lack of modern medical conditions, got pulmonary edema.

It is equivalent to a one-way ticket to **** directly issued by Lord Yan, and it is still a card that cannot be refunded.

Therefore, most of the people on the plateau will only bathe in the hottest summer.

In other seasons, at most, it's just a matter of rubbing. As for the many slaves who want to boil water for a bath? hehe…

Let's stay cool, and for the many people on the plateau who lack medical care and medicine.

The air on the plateau is good and there are few bacteria, and the body's oil layer can help resist the severe cold. On the contrary, taking a bath is not good for the body, and it is easy to uh.

It can be seen that the reason why the people on the plateau do not take a bath because of the plateau survival experience handed down from generation to generation.

Of course, those great nobles who are pampered may take a bath more often.

However, after entering the winter, if you don't take a bath, it's not that you don't like to be clean, it's because the big guys are saving their lives.

Especially when marching for a long time, even the pampered nobles rarely have time to take care of it. As for the more dandruff, the more it is, it is better than pulmonary edema.

Seeing this elder with dandruff flying, Cang Yang Bengdi almost subconsciously followed the other side's hand and scratched it.

Fortunately, as the young patriarch of the Ge clan, Cang Yang Bengdi controlled his impulse and said seriously.

"Because Guru Gatso received the blessing of the Heavenly Dragon God and was able to teach the law of heavenly thunder, but now Guru Gatso has not been able to control it yet."

"Huh?" All the Tubos looked at the young patriarch of the Ge clan who was bragging here seriously.

Wimble took a breath of toothache, and subconsciously looked aside. The meaning was clear, and he wanted to ask Don Duo.

Does the young patriarch of the Ge clan have a brain problem?

"If you don't believe me, please follow me to the place where I was bombarded by thunder. You can understand that I didn't tell lies."

"And that night, we all saw the scene of the sky thunder bombardment..."

##### "Qi Min Yao said in the art, if you are planting rice, the ground is ripe, you only need to clean the seeds, soak them for three places, and take them out;

The inner grass is in the middle. Three places in the recovery of menstruation, buds and two points of growth. Throw three liters per acre. In three days, it was a bird repellent. "

"The rice seedlings are seven or eight inches long, and the old grass rises up and invades the water stalks with a sickle, and the grass is pus and dead. The rice seedlings grow longer, and the beards become thicker.

Hearing, decisively remove the water, exposing the roots to make it firm. It is irrigated by water and drought. It will be cooked, and the water will be removed..."

Cheng Chubi looked at the silly old Liu Yuanwailang with a dumbfounded look, until the old guy finished hanging his book bag.

Cheng Chubi interrupted in time.

"Liu Yuanwai deserves to be an elite of Tuntian Division, and his endorsement ability is really top-notch. Cheng is ashamed of it."

"If Liu Yuanwai intends to serve as a faculty member in our school, it is not impossible for me to consider it."

"???" Member Liu opened his mouth and looked at Cheng Saburo who was incomprehensible in a daze. What nonsense is this kid talking about?

Although Laozi's book bag has the meaning of showing that people are old and not old, bah... Although people are old, they have a good memory.

"No, no, no, you will be wrong about Cheng Taichang. The meaning of being an official is that "Qi Min Yao Shu" has been written very clearly."

"For breeding, you only need to wash the seeds and soak them in clean water for three days. But I have never heard of them, but they have to be soaked in lime water."

Cheng Chubi looked at the senior cadre of the Tuntian Division and couldn't help grinning.

Sure enough, there is indeed a generation gap of more than 1,400 years between myself and them. It is impossible to close together by squeezing.

But how should I explain these behaviors to this group of agricultural experts from Datang?

Tell them that I am happy to do this? Doing this will only make the other person feel that he is mentally ill.

Therefore, Cheng Chubi felt that he could persuade them from another angle.

"Cheng is a healer. Lime water has anti-inflammatory and sterilizing effects. He uses lime water to soak rice seeds.

It is precisely by using the anti-inflammatory and sterilizing effects of lime water to eliminate various pathogenic factors on rice seeds. "

Cheng Chubi finished the explanation, but saw that the two Datang agricultural experts had your bragging expression on their faces. UU reading

The whole person is not happy anymore. However, I don't bother to care about these two guys now.

You can't beat them, even if you beat them to a bone, the other party won't necessarily agree with your own way.

Cheng Chubi waited until the fifty kilograms of lime water was almost filtered and poured into the empty jar.

This allowed Cheng Fa and the others to pour all the three seasons of rice that had been dried into the filtered lime water.

With the continuous improvement of science and technology, rice seed soaking and accelerating germination technology has been greatly improved on the basis of traditional seed soaking and accelerating germination methods.

Cheng Chubi often sees as many as five or six methods for soaking rice seeds in rural areas.

For example, soaking seeds with 402 liquid, or soaking seeds with lime water, soaking seeds with plant ash, soaking seeds with biogas slurry, etc.

Without exception, the seed soaking method must be soaked for forty-eight hours before it can be done.

Some convenient farmers can directly use strong chlorine to disinfect, soak and clean repeatedly to remove the peculiar smell, and then they can directly start germination.

But the problem is now in this era, not to mention strong chlorine essence, even if it is 402 liquid, what kind of ghost Cheng Chubi does not know.

Seed soaking can only be done with materials that can be obtained in this era, and the most convenient is naturally stone water ash soaking.

The main purpose is to kill the germs carried by the rice seed and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests of the rice seedlings.

This is the most basic part of rice seedling raising technology and the most important part at the beginning.

"Brother Jun, come, you help me write down what I just said."

After Fang Jun hurriedly agreed, he sat down, took up his pen, and started to record.

Cheng Chubi put the rice seeds in the air for a certain period of time, and then how much lime should be mixed with how many catties of water.

After the filtering is completed, the time for soaking the rice seeds is recorded locally.

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