The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2155: When it's time to do serious things, go to play 5 body throwing to worship the m

In the early morning, I rested for the whole night, and repaired the stone wall that was a little torn by the bombing.

Instructed those Bon religions to wear their armor, make them disguised as Tubo warriors, and continue to patrol the stone wall.

Cheng Chubi and the others left the monastery with Li Mixia, the lord of Xiangxiong who had finally eaten their food.

After returning to the hillside, I looked back at the temple that seemed to have nothing happened. As usual, there were still the monasteries patrolled by Tubo soldiers on the stone wall.

The only difference is that at the moment the Guozu Master is standing on it, and beside him is a disciple of Master Jiacuo who volunteered to stay.

After all, how many people enter the valley, and how many people go out. If there is one more person, if someone finds it out, it is easy to go wrong.

Cheng Chubi let out a sigh of relief, and after waving his hand towards the top of the stone wall, he followed the team and strode towards the holy lake.

Master Guozu, the two able disciples of Jinshu and Yinshu, as well as the disciple left by Master Jiacuo, all stood on the stone wall together.

I watched this team drift away, heading towards the holy lake, which was so peaceful as to reflect the holy mountain Gang Rinpoche.

Li Mixia looked at the peaceful holy lake and the holy mountain standing proudly. At this moment, for several years, there was no chance to leave that small monastery.

Even after killing a few Tubo warriors with all his heart, he never stepped through the door of the dungeon.

When the horse under him stopped by the sacred lake Manpangyongcuo, Li Mixia stumblingly ran towards the direction of the lake.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Chubi hurriedly cast his eyes, and signaled the two fat and strong Cheng family members to follow up quickly to prevent the Xiangxiong country master from wanting to jump into the lake.

Everyone watched the Lord Xiangxiong rush to the lake, then thumped to his knees, and then faced the holy lake and the holy mountain.

It started to howl like a lone wolf, and it made everyone feel very uncomfortable to be widowed in their hearts.

And Li Mixia knelt down there, howling after another, as if it were not, it was not enough to vent the feeling of depression in her heart for too long.

Seeing this scene, Master Gatso and others all joined together as a ceremony, and began to worship in the direction of the holy mountain.

As a non-religious person, Cheng Chubi and the others rolled their eyes helplessly, and Cheng Chubi even took the telescope and began to look for the trace of the team around the lake.

Others started camping and preparing to bury pots for cooking.

But having said that, Cheng Chubi wondered if this group of religious people hated doing chores.

Whenever it's time to do serious things, I will go to play five-body throwing and worshiping mountains and waters.

But this thought Cheng Chubi was just thinking about it. Anyway, there is not much holy mountain and holy lake on the plateau. Let them, as long as it doesn't affect major events.

##### The two returned to the East Palace again and explained to Li Chengqian, the Prince of Tang Dynasty.

I heard that it was Sun Simiao and Sun Daochang. Li Chengqian was naturally overjoyed. This man has practiced medicine for decades, and no one knows that no one knows about it.

And if Sun Daochang, who also has a great reputation in the Datang medical circle, can really become the honorary curator of the Donggong Medical Museum. That's naturally the best...

"Why add the word honor before the position of curator?"

"The addition of these two words means that Doctor Sun can just put his name on him and not work.

After all, as long as he can bear his name, it will be of great benefit to the Donggong Medical Center itself. "

"Furthermore, the minister felt that not only the supernatural doctor Sun, but also Yuan Tiangang and Yuan Daochang were also drawn into our team."

"With these two famous physicians as our honorary curator and deputy curator.

There are also many well-known physicians in the Imperial Medical Office, as well as many medical doctors endorsed by the future Donggong Medical Center.

No one can question the authority of the "Datang Pharmacopoeia" that we have compiled. "

"In this way, we can attract the attention of many physicians in Datang to the "Datang Pharmacopoeia" to the greatest extent.

Let them despise the past medical writings with such errors and omissions, and go to the formal level..."

Li Chengqian realized that he was thinking too simple when he heard Cheng Chudi's jokes and cried so much.

Convincingly nodded, his eyes filled with admiration.

"I didn't expect Brother Chu Bi to be so far-sighted and considerate so well, I really admire him."

Seeing that Cheng Chubi was actually able to tell a lot of truths, this made Yu Zhining quite unconvinced.

This Cheng Saburo, who likes to be serious and nonsense, actually sometimes puts things in order and has reasons.


At dusk three days later, Sun Simiao, who was dizzy, looked at Cheng Chubi and Yu Zhining who had left with a smile on their face.

He shook his head helplessly and looked at Yuan Tiangang who was standing next to him.

"We are..."

Yuan Tiangang held a pack of looked up at the sky.

"We naturally got on the ship of the East Palace, and it was your Majesty's approval. What can you do with me?"

Unexplainably, the kid Cheng Chubi jumped over to talk to himself.

It is true that for Yuan Tiangang, it is really cool and crooked to be able to incorporate into the "Datang Pharmacopoeia" such a major event that has benefited the future for the future.

But the problem is that Yuan Tiangang is not willing to be the honorary deputy curator of the Donggong Medical Center.

After all, since the previous dynasty, no prince has been able to ascend the throne in peace.

But the problem is that in this matter, His Majesty is on the side of the prince. Yuan Tiangang is both a Taoist priest and an official of Datang.

He could only admit counsel, and he had to be ordered to accompany Cheng Chubi and Yu Zhining to persuade the Taoist friend Sun Simiao.

Fortunately, the words that Cheng Chubi had said before had already deeply moved Sun Simiao.

Therefore, he agreed to the prince's appointment and became the honorary curator of the Donggong Medical Museum.

And what he is responsible for is based on his own knowledge and experience compiled by "A Thousand Gold Essentials".

And will send him a large number of assistants to help him complete many miscellaneous tasks. For example, the sorting and transcription of his notes.

In this way, it must be able to greatly shorten the time he spent compiling "A Thousand Gold Essentials".

In addition, Sun Simiao's superb accomplishments in medicine can be used to verify and correct the "Datang Pharmacopoeia".

After all, it is Datang Shennong who can pick out more than 200 kinds of medicines from the more than 2,000 kinds of plants in Wangwu Mountain. Who else has a better say in pharmacology than him? The old Cheng family took shamelessness as a natural behavioral style, and was more suitable for being a civil official than himself.

Of course, it is impossible to say, after all, for the harmony of civil and military in the East Palace.

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