The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2158: And the 1,000 Tubo cavalry, don’t they just vote...

Cang Yang Bengdi looked at the dry and thin monkey Uncle Tang Duo, at this moment, his mouth was turning quickly.

Uncle Tang Duo, who is timid and afraid of death, and has no power to restrain the chicken, could actually use his brain so well.

"But Uncle, even if we say that, what if the country masters don't believe us?"

Tang Duo glared at Cang Yang Bengdi with hatred of iron and steel, and pointed at the five Tibetan messengers who had been pierced into hedgehogs.

"Isn't this just a vote of fame? Don't forget, there are also the thousand Tubo cavalry."

"As long as we can rush to give the heads of those Tubo thieves before the masters of Gatso **** them out."

"Tell the lord again that tens of thousands of Tubo troops are about to arrive. At that time, even if the lord is unwilling in his heart, he can only forgive you and me..."

"Thank you for your advice, Uncle, without further ado, let's go..."

Cang Yang Bengdi looked at the five corpses on the ground, and then thought of the few Tubo corpses inside, immediately pulling Tang Duo away.

"Hey hey... What do you want to do, I said, nephew?"

Cang Yang Bengdi strode forward without looking back.

"My nephew, I really don't worry, Uncle, if you are here alone, it is better to follow my nephew to make suggestions."

Two quarters of an hour later, the Tubo cavalry camp, which had set up a battalion outside of the Ge clan, suddenly heard the sound of fierce fighting.

Thousands of Tubo elite cavalry were caught off guard, most of the Tubo elite didn't even say they were armored, and they didn't even touch the sword.

It was shot and killed by the thousands of warriors of the Ge clan who had surrounded him in the camp separated by Jian.

Hundreds of Bomi, who were left by the Wembley households to preside over the affairs of the camp, were shot directly outside the camp when the first wave of arrow rain arrived.

Cang Yang Bengdi looked at the corpse all over the floor, and there was a faint voice of struggle and groaning.

"What are you doing in a daze? Kill them all and send them near the wall."

After finishing the order, looking at the large group of Ge clan warriors who had poured into the Tubo barracks, Cang Yang Bangdi turned his head and looked at the uncle Tang Duo who was full of disgust and unwilling to watch the **** scene beside him.

"Uncle, when will your people arrive, you'd better send someone to remind you."

"Uncle, don't forget, we are in the same group. If something goes wrong with my Tribe, the fate of your tribe will not be much better."

Looking at the husband who only had a niece in his head full of thoughts, Tang Duo really didn't know whether to praise this guy or scold this guy.

I nodded helplessly and rubbed his face vigorously. Li Zhen seemed to have found his acquaintance. "Brother Xian, did you see it too? Tsk tusk seems that my judgment is not a problem."

Li Ke took a breath of toothache and looked at the newlyweds who were about to disappear from sight with an expression of hatred for iron and steel.

"Could it be that General Xue San doesn't even know this?"

"You two, what the **** are you muttering?!"

Cheng Chubi unwillingly put one hand on one hand and two big hands, exerting heavy pressure on the two brothers who were cutting chicken heads and burning yellow paper.

"Brother Xian, you can inquire about this kind of adult affairs... Hiss, it hurts... Let it go, I said, I said it's not alright?"

Cheng Chubi withdrew his hand with a grimace, and the same curious brothers around him would also squeeze over.

Li Zhen rubbed his shoulders grinningly, quietly. "In Li's opinion, I am afraid that General Xue San is still a virgin today."

"That's it?" The sneaky young boys who came to eavesdrop on the gossip looked dumbfounded.

Cheng * Tong Nan * Chu Bi and Fang * Tong Nan * Qian Ai both looked at Li * Zha Nan* beside them for virtue.

Li*scum-male*weide and Li*the old driver* looked at each other and laughed, and a sense of superiority emerged spontaneously.

Li*Tie Nan* and Li*Tong Nan*Siwen are disappointed...

Li Siwen couldn't help but tugged at his brother's shirt and asked curiously.

"You mean, Sanshu Xue and his wife slept in the same room for nothing?"

The expressions of the two old rascals, Li Ke and Li Zhen, were distorted. God sleeps for nothing, but how should this be explained?

Just when they were tangled, they heard a slapping sound coming from the side.

"I see, it's all because we haven't finished the last step of treatment."

"???" A group of friends, friends and friends all focused on Cheng Chubi.

"It depends on what I did. Originally, the last step of treatment was for Li Ke to accompany Xue Sanshu to go to the bar to complete it. As a result, this kid..."

"Brother Chubi!" Li Ke's face was green, can you talk nonsense about your special mother. Lao Tzu is also a prince anyway, can you give me some privacy?

"Staring at me, we are talking about serious medical treatment."

Cheng Chubi glared back at Li Ke unwillingly.

"What do you do now, on the one hand, it's your aunt. Then Sanshu Xue is now your cheap uncle, don't you hurry up and think of a solution for your uncle?"

"What can I do?" Li Ke smiled directly.

"Is it possible to take him to feel it now? If I dare to do this, my father can't kill me, and my emperor's grandfather must kill me too."

"Forget it, I know I can't count on you." Cheng Chubi smashed his lips and began to figure it out.

Since Xue Wanche, who has just been married, cannot be taken to such an improper place for fertility guidance, what else can be done?

Seeing that Brother Chu Bi frowned deeply, as if something difficult had happened.

"...Brother, do you think Chu Bixian can think of a way?"

"I don't know, I want to know that I am not Li Sanlang, but Cheng Sanlang."

"Puff..." Fang Jun let out a dumb fart without losing the opportunity.

When Cheng Chubi heard Li Ke's sorrowful words, his eyes bulged.

Seeing that Brother Chu Bi was about to eat people, Li Saburo, who knew he had failed, quickly smiled flatteringly.

"Little brother, you should fight, you don't know what to do, Brother Chu Bi, you can think of a way."

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke's humble expression, suddenly flashed a flash of inspiration, and showed a relieved smile.

"I thought about it. As expected, you are not from a virtuous brother. You can't help."

Hearing this and seeing Brother Chu Bi's ill-intentioned expression, Li Ke's head shook like a fast-forward splashing drum.

"Me? No, no, no, Brother Chubi, I really want to live for a few more decades. Or, let him help you."

Seeing Li Ke's pointing finger, Li Zhen's face was green, who had just understood what it meant from their response.

Take the bridegroom officer to practice in such an unconscionable place? Who dares this special lady? !

"No, no, no, you're more popular in the bar, you are more suitable for leading the way."

"What are you talking about? I'm talking about serious things." Cheng Chubi couldn't help but furious.


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