The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2166: As long as you can recite this scripture, Tianlei will not...

After hearing that King Gatso would use the sky thunder to help out, Cangyang Bangdi and Na Tangduo, who had already seen the power of the sky thunder, immediately lifted their spirits.

And the Gongbu, who had already known the power of King Gatso from these two members of the Dange clan, was suddenly energetic.

But he couldn't help but asked Cang Yang Bengdi in a low voice. "If King Gatso casts the sky thunder, what is the sign?"

Cang Yang Bengdi rolled his eyelids for a long time, and finally there was a flash of light in his mind. "Come here, let me tell you a verse..."

"Dawei Tianlong..." Gongbu looked at Cang Yang Bengdi in a daze. "What a weird scripture, but what's the point of reading this scripture?"

"Brother, you don't know anything. As long as you can recite this scripture, the sky thunder cast by King Gatso will not fall on you."

"I saw this scene with my own eyes that day..."

Cheng Saburo, who was arranging an out-of-town raid, heard Rondo, who had a strange expression, translated the answers of the two guys, and didn't know what to say for a long time.

But having said that, this is a good way to avoid accidental injuries in the dark.

Time passed bit by bit. At the beginning, the Tubo riders were very vigilant, making a tour almost every stick of incense.

So back and forth, but with the passage of time, two quarters of an hour after the time of getting a child, I only saw one time.

And just after they finished their patrol, Cheng Chubi personally took the lead, led the elite cavalry of two thousand three tribes, and led the war horse wrapped in thick cloth with hoofs.

Every soldier had two small stones stuffed in his mouth, naturally to prevent someone from accidentally crying and howling.

As for sanitation, right now is not the time to consider so much. You can't even use alcohol to carefully disinfect everyone's stones, right?

In almost two quarters of an hour, the two thousand cavalrymen finally lined up in the darkness below the wall.

The job cloth who had been defeated for a while, this time he took the initiative to ask for an attack again, whether it was shame or more credit, it was a little bit.

Cheng Chubi touched the pair of iron maces, and touched the grenade tied around his waist.

Tonight, I must let those Tibetan dog thieves who like to engage in slavery have a taste of Lao Tzu's good treasure.

The two thousand cavalrymen quietly lurked under the torch above the wall that could not be reflected by the torch. After everyone had checked their armor and equipment.

They all turned over and jumped on their horses. At this time, the patrol cavalry from Tubo just strode past... "You always watch and watch it. Anyway, about Xue Sanshu, I have done my last bit of strength..."

Seeing that this kid was extremely depraved, Xue Wanjun hurriedly smiled and grabbed the kid.

"Why is your boy so tempered? Don't the old man just make a joke with you, don't you think it's always the case?"

Seeing that the old driver was finally in the process of advancing and retreating, he gave up his thoughts, and Cheng Chubi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After Xue Wanjun personally sent Cheng Chubi and Li Ke out of the mansion, he quickly sent someone to find out whether his third brother was in the mansion or the princess mansion.

After that, he picked up the package, and then rushed away, who made himself the elder brother.

I hope it's like what Cheng Chubi said, this book, which doesn't know what the **** is, can be helpful to the third brother.

But the question is, why does this book have to be opened before the third brother goes to bed?

Xue Wanjun racked his brains and couldn't figure it out, but he didn't bother to think about it anymore. After the youngest opened it, he would turn around and ask the kid if he didn't understand.


Time passed bit by bit, and finally it was night again.

Princess Danyang once again sat in front of the couch, the makeup on her face had been removed, and the maid quietly retreated outside the house.

Gu The princess of Datang Danyang was quite entangled in her heart.

Maybe yesterday, it was the husband who was exhausted because of the toss about the marriage.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to leave me unmoved by such a charming, lush and tender beauty?

Yes, it must be like this...

Princess Danyang tried her best to cheer herself up in her heart, while quietly waiting for her husband's arrival.

At the same moment, after washing up and before going to the dormitory, Xue Wanche, the fierce brother, suddenly thought of the package that the second brother Xue Wanjun had handed over to him.

It is said that there are special medicines for eradicating the roots of one's own disease, and they cannot be seen early or late.

It's best to watch it before you go to bed.

Xue Wanche picked up the package, thought about it, and decided to follow the instructions of the second brother, so he carried the package and came to the bedroom.

Princess Danyang, who was nervously hypnotizing herself for a long time in the dormitory, finally saw the tall and majestic husband appear outside the door.

After the two politely saluted each other, they sat down without knowing what to say.

Then, Princess Danyang, who had nothing to talk to, fell on the package in his hand.

"Husband, what are you bringing here?"

No matter how naive Xue Wanche is, it is impossible for Xue Wanche to tell this newlywed wife that he is only to say haha ​​casually.

"Oh, this is a gift from my second brother, I don't know what it is yet..."

"My second brother said that this thing can only be opened before going to bed, so I brought it here."

Hearing this, the curious Dan Yang blinked his watery eyes and looked expectantly at his husband not speaking.

But the meaning was quite clear. Looking at those watery eyes, Xue Wanche stroked his nose.

He really didn't know how to refuse. Since he couldn't refuse, he would naturally watch together...

The couple sat on the edge of the couch, and then Xue Wanche untied the package.

The greased paper was exposed. After Xue Wanche tore the greased paper in the outermost house, there was still a layer inside. After tearing it off again, the booklet inside was exposed.

"The Newlyweds' Life Guide Book One?" Princess Danyang and Xue Wanche read out this weird title at the same time. What the **** is this?

Princess Danyang finally couldn't bear her strong curiosity, stretched out her hand and copied it from Xue Wanche's hand and turned it over.

Then I saw on the first page inside it was written, the world is first divided, male is yang, female is yin, marrying a husband and wife, the side is the complement of yin and yang...

Both husband and wife looked at the words above that seemed a bit clever.

Xue Wanche continued to read in a low voice.

"Everyone hopes that their married life can be happy and joyful. This book scientifically discusses the nightlife in couples' lives, helping those pure unmarried men and women to mature?"

After reading this, Xue Wanche's expression was still full of confusion, and Princess Danyang continued to look down.

With little effort, Princess Danyang’s pretty face began to glow like a red rose...

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