The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2203: I am afraid that all the schools in the Imperial College will not be able to repair a

But now is not the time to worry about these things. Under the gracious invitation of His Royal Highness, Cheng Chubi happily accepted His Highness's invitation to go to the East Palace.

The only thing that made people happy about the banquet held by His Royal Highness Xiaona was that Fang Jun and Li Ke were afraid of Cheng Saburo's might.

No longer knowing where to go and shivering, Cheng Chubi enjoyed the feast set by His Royal Highness alone.

Cheng Chubi was eating delicious food and drinking mellow wine.

Hearing that the lonely prince, who lived with his wife and children in Chang'an, whispered here.

"My father finally came back before and asked my younger brother to serve my grandfather."

"As a result, this year, as soon as he left, he asked me to go back to Chang'an to stay, my brother..."

Li Chengqian reluctantly looked up to the sky and sighed.

"In addition to the officials of the East Palace, there are also several ministers of the auxiliary government such as Ma Zhou and Ma Qing who are still in Chang'an."

"Almost all the other ministers and servants went east with their father."

"Even the prisoner of that country has moved to Luoyang, the eastern capital, ahead of schedule."

"What?" Cheng Chubi looked at the prince in front of him and Yu Zhanshi with a bewildered expression, a little unbelievable.

You must know that when His Majesty went to Dongdu before, thousands of students from Guozijian stayed in Chang'an.

Yu Zhining laughed happily, took a sip of wine, and continued speaking after taking over the words of His Highness the Prince.

"Because the Guozi School of Guozijian was on fire before, several houses and classrooms were burned down."

"And once it's repaired, I'm afraid it will affect the students' studies."

"Your Majesty has taken into account that most of the schools under the Imperial College are in disrepair, with frequent accidents."

"It was decided to rebuild the Guozijian, but because this is a big project."

"So, Your Majesty simply ordered that all the schools of Guozijian be moved to the Eastern Capital first, and the students of the Schools of the Guozijian should go to the Eastern Capital to concentrate on their studies."

"As for Chang'an, the craftsmen can also repair and maintain the various schools of Guozijian."

Having said this, Yu Zhining couldn't help showing a somewhat helpless smile.

"Your Majesty is going too far to do this. After all, although the students of Guozijian will be the pillars of the future of the Tang Dynasty.

But there is no need for such a big fanfare. In this way, it actually seems a bit…”

"Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart, right?" Cheng Chubi reacted instantly. He rushed back excitedly and told the two brothers that he had received His Majesty's approval, and His Majesty granted him permission to enter the left guard first as a school inspector.

If he can gain a firm foothold in the army, then His Majesty will personally explain to his father Fang Xuanling and allow him to join the army.

For this, Cheng Chubi and Li Ke were quite happy for this kid.

After all, with Fang Jun's physique, it's a pity not to be a general.

And when facing the Turks that day, Fang Erlang, who had never systematically received military training.

Not only is he very brave, but he also strictly obeys orders. From these points alone, he is considered a soldier.

Besides, this kid was not willing to study literature when he was a child.

As the so-called twisted melon is not sweet, even if it is dipped in sauce, even if it is sweet, the twisted melon will still affect the image.

But these things naturally don't need Cheng Chubi's junior to consider,

"Today, this kid should be down. I'll give him some delicious food later, just the food in the army, tsk tsk..."

"What delicious food is Xiongtai preparing today?" Hearing this, Li Ke asked subconsciously.

Gu </span> If today are still those greasy dishes, Li Ke decided to fulfill the vow made yesterday and lose weight today.

After all, I have eaten too much oil these days, and some of them have been suffocated. Besides, my stomach seems to have a tendency to develop uncontrollably.

"It's not delicious either, I'm just going to make some bean curd fish with sesame seeds to change the taste."

"Is it the one we ate at Lishan?" Li Ke suddenly regained his energy, his eyes lit up and he sat up.

Cheng Chubi squinted the corners of his eyes, looked at Li Ke's belly that began to rise at a young age, and let out a contemptuous laugh.

"Brother Chubi, what do you mean?" Li Ke touched his increasingly round belly uncomfortably, and said unwillingly.

Cheng Chubi laughed and patted his abdominal muscles, which were still as hard as iron, lazily.

"Who told Cheng that he wanted to lose weight? Could it be that the person's surname is not Li, but Ke?"

"... Of course I have to reduce it, but my little brother, I have inconvenient legs and feet, so I can't reduce it if I want to."

Cheng Chubi shook his head with disdain, this guy really has no position, swears like a fart, sigh, how could he become brothers with this kind of guy?


Li Tai, the king of Wei, was sitting in the imperial palace where his mother lived, looking at his younger sister, Li Mingda, who was practicing calligraphy.

He answered the Queen Mother's question in his mouth, but from time to time his eyes fell on the plate of fried chia monkeys that were placed not far away.

Seeing Qing Que's distraught appearance, Empress Zhangsun was really dumbfounded.

He glanced at Li Mingda, his daughter, who was seriously practicing calligraphy, and at his own son, Li Tai, the King of Wei.

Empress Zhangsun said to King Li Tai of Wei.

"Eat some if you want, but don't eat it all. This is your sister's favorite snack, and she doesn't have much left."

Hearing his mother's words, Li Tai, the king of Wei, who was already too greedy for a long time, smiled ingratiatingly at his mother.

"Thank you, mother, the child will eat 100 million dots..."

As soon as the fat hand stretched out, the two monkeys disappeared. After stuffing it in their mouths, they stretched out their hands again.

"..." Empress Zhangsun looked at the blink of an eye. The number of monkeys on UU reading lost almost half, and she hurriedly picked up the plate.

Somewhat dumbfounded, they patted away the hand that King Li Taina of Wei continued to stretch out.

"Okay, let's save some for your sister..."

Empress Zhangsun didn't dare to keep this plate under the eyes of King Li Tai of Wei, but picked it up and put it in front of Li Mingda.

Li Mingda, who was practicing calligraphy seriously, saw that there were already half of the monkeys.

Some of them flattened their mouths unwillingly, but after seeing the fat face of King Wei Li Tai's flattering, he didn't say anything in the end.

However, she still indignantly ate two cicada monkeys, and continued to practice calligraphy seriously.

Li Tai smacked his mouth endlessly, alas... it's a pity.

As expected, it was the fried monkey made by Cheng Saburo's **** stuff. The original version is different, both in terms of materials and heat.

He is much better than the cook he brought with him, but unfortunately, this kid has a mortal hatred with him. "Days like this are really too happy, no wonder my father always finds a way to spare time to escape the heat."

"By the way, brother Chubi, do you think that brother Jun can endure the hardships of the military camp?"

"I don't know, but then again, this kid has killed himself.

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