The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2230: The embroidered clothes that follow and become obedient...

However, the breakthrough can only be found from Cui Luoyang. The powerful Tang Dynasty should not continue to be clinging to it and absorbing nutrients frantically.

Before, Cheng Chubi never had a chance, but now, he has become the magistrate of Luoyang.

And Luoyang can be regarded as the most important political, economic and cultural center in the Central Plains.

And here, and even the surrounding states and counties, are also the most intertwined and intertwined forces of aristocratic families.

To be a good magistrate of Luoyang, Cheng Chubi certainly couldn't just engage in infrastructure construction.

There are many things he has to do. For example, in another historical time and space, Wu Meiniang, who by accident became a generation of queens.

It can be said that he did his best and spent a lot of hard work and time to suppress those aristocratic families.

In this time and space, she has become her own woman, since she has changed her destiny.

Then her historical burden, as her husband, Cheng Chubi, naturally has the responsibility and obligation to bear it.

Moreover, Cheng Chubi was also very unpleasant to see those big family members, so it was just the right time to raise grass and fight rabbits without delay.

However, Cheng Chubi, who had a little abacus in his heart, was able to say some things to Li Ke, but some things were hard to say.

After all, if this kind of thing was put in front of Li Shimin, the hero of the Great Tang Dynasty, the hero of the Great Tang Dynasty would also have a toothache for a long time.

Therefore, Cheng Chubi felt that if he wanted to do it, he would make himself the hero who ignited the fuse.

After all, the wise and decisive Tang Taizong Li Shimin, who had killed the unparalleled one, did not want to do it, would he let the prince with a much softer character come down to do it?

Cheng Chubi knew very well that although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had full confidence in himself, his prestige and means were far inferior to this Tang Taizong who did not speak of martial arts.

Just like in the past few years, in order to move the capital, Li Shimin suffered a huge famine in Guanzhong.

Life and life tossed the nobles and nobles of the Tang Dynasty to the point where they even wanted to spit out their tongues, drooping and not moving.

It can be said that nowadays, when the Tang Dynasty moved the capital, the opposition forces in the DPRK and China are no longer so strong.

Everyone even thought it was very annoying. What do you want to do, the emperor, can you just say it? Don't continue to grind like this.

"What shall we do now?" Li Ke saw that Cui Shen also had left, and it was no problem for the two brothers to squat here, so he simply stood up.

"How about we brothers go out for a walk?"

"Anyway, Brother Chubi, you always make decisions and then move on. Instead of sitting here and waiting, we can't pick a place. How about using some food and wine?"

Cheng Chubi raised his eyes and looked at the sky, um, it was almost noon, so instead of waiting here stupidly, it would be better to find a place to eat and drink.

The two patted their buttocks and strolled out of the Luoyang County Office. After looking around for a long time, they saw a restaurant not too far from the County Office.

Looking at the huge signboard and the people coming in and out, it's enough to see that the business is good and the taste isn't too bad.

"Let's go, let's go there." Li Ke waved his hand, and the two walked straight towards this side.

At this time, on the second floor of this restaurant, two embroidered clothes dressed as ordinary merchants, sitting in the private room, ordered two side dishes and a pot of wine, and drank slowly while looking at the Luoyang County Yamen.

"Hey, look, it seems that Cheng Saburo and His Highness are coming towards us."

"Could it be that you sensed that we were stalking?"

"It doesn't look like it. You look at the smiling faces of these two, but they seem to be preparing to do bad things."

"...Well, what you said also makes some sense." Although Li Ji was full of unwillingness, after seeing the look from Li Shimin, he could only look at Cheng Chubi, the little bastard, with a dark face.

Gu "Cheng Saburo, you kid can think about it, if you lose, you have to use your father's salary for half a year to compensate the old man, dare you?"

Cheng Chubi's eyes suddenly puffed up, what does this old guy mean, if he wants to hurt someone with a secret arrow?

I bet you, involving my father, you want me to be beaten up by my father and you are just having fun, right?

Cheng Chubi, who saw through Li Ji's evil uncle's sinister and vicious tactics, raised his neck.

"Uncle Li Ji, you have to be reasonable. It was my nephew who made the bet with you, not my father. If I lose...

Even if the little nephew is smashing the pot and selling the iron, he will definitely collect the equivalent of your half-year salary to compensate you. "

Li Shimin, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, is now like a treacherous casino owner who is sitting on the bank.

"Well... that's also possible, what do you think of Li Qing's family?"

"Forget it, since His Majesty has spoken, the old man is too lazy to care about this little bastard. As long as he can get together enough, then the minister will reluctantly accept it."


Fang Jun looked dumbfounded at the old and the young who were spitting with spit on each other with horizontal eyebrows and green eyes.

And the Emperor, who looked very kind on weekdays, had a hypocritical and perfunctory smile on his face at the moment, and his eyes were so happy.

"Why, why did you make a bet in the blink of an eye, aren't we here to deliver the iron stove?"

With a look of great interest, Li Ke took a sip of chrysanthemum tea and said happily.

"Then what should I do, whoever made Li Bingbu like to tease the younger generation, this will make Brother Chubi angry, tsk tsk..."

"I don't know if Brother Chubi really has such abilities. If so, even if Li Bingbu loses half a year's salary, he won't suffer."

"What do you mean by that?" Fang Jun humbly turned to this man with a lot of heart and his mind turned fast to ask Brother De for Li Ke raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice in Fang Jun's voice. murmured in his ears.

"Li Ji is the minister of military affairs, if it was because of his bet with brother Chubi, he really came up with military rations that would be beneficial for my Tang army to fight.

Do you think my royal father can really make him lose half a year's salary? "

Just as Li Ke and Fang Jun were chattering in a low voice, Zhao Kun had already been ordered to fetch a pen.

Then, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, wrote a gambling contract in person, and then handed it over to Cheng Chubi and Li Ji to sign and sign it.

Outside the palace, Li Ke couldn't help but leaned over to Cheng Luqing and asked.

"Brother Chubi, are you really sure you can get that kind of ration?"

"Heh... I said virtuous brother, with your tone, is it because you doubt that Cheng Mou can't figure it out?"

Cheng Chubi glared at Li Ke unwillingly. He knew very well that Li Ji had no intention of targeting him.

The old driver was worried that the soldiers would not have enough to eat, which would impair the combat effectiveness of the Tang soldiers.

However, the old driver was also a little bit quick-tempered, and he had crossed eyebrows and green eyes before he finished his explanation.

For such an unreasonable elder, Cheng Chubi felt that if he didn't give this tone, wouldn't he be blinding his reputation as the number one able-bodied person in the Tang Dynasty?

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