The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2237: His Royal Highness King Wu who jumped into the palace to take credit

The Tang Dynasty used Ding to pay the taxes, but Brother Chubi's idea was to spread Ding into the fields. With Li Ke's mind, he naturally reacted quickly.

What Brother Chubi meant was to abolish the poll tax and only collect the tax based on the amount of land. In addition, the officials and the people are fed together.

That is to say, whether it is officials, big families, or ordinary people, they are all treated equally and pay taxes together.

Cheng Chubi couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Ke's expression of being stunned and speechless.

"Are you surprised or surprised? With these two axes, can you solve the worries of those aristocratic families who want to swallow the fields and invade the land all day long?"

"..." Li Ke saw Brother Chubi's expression that the sky was falling and he was concerned about Lao Tzu's business. Hearing this, Li Ke couldn't help but feel bad in his heart. Brother, can you be a person?

"Brother Chubi, your two moves are too vicious, aren't they?"

"The drums need to be beaten hard, and the deep pain needs strong medicine. You can talk about whether these two strategies for my brother and me can solve the problem you just complained about."

Cheng Chubi drank a lot of alcohol, but he was still very clear-headed and organized.

"Think about it, if the Tang Dynasty abolished the Ding Tax, that is, the poll tax, would those people still need to be hidden households for aristocratic families to avoid taxes?"

"Moreover, those aristocratic families have always aimed at annexing the land of the common people, and wished that all the land in the world would go into his pocket."

"And after the officials and the people pay grain together, the more fields they have, the more taxes they need to pay.

In this way, do you think those aristocratic families with hundreds of thousands of acres of land.

Will they continue to endlessly annex and confiscate land as they did in the past? "


Li Ke swayed out of the restaurant with brother Chubi, watching brother Chubi sitting on the horse, staggeringly riding away surrounded by Yi Qiancheng's family.

And he stood outside the restaurant, glanced at the palace not far away, and frowned.

After turning over and jumping on the horse's back, after walking more than a hundred steps in the direction of the Wu palace, he suddenly tightened the reins and turned the horse's head toward the palace.

"Your Highness, where are you going? That's the North City."

Li De on the side was a little worried that his Highness had drunk and turned in the wrong direction.

After all, usually, after your Highness drinks, he will habitually go to Nasikongfang for a walk, and have in-depth exchanges with those little sisters who are not clad in clothes and have beautiful eyebrows.

But the direction of the horse's head was wrong today, so he quickly reminded him in time.

"This king wants to enter and leave the palace to see the royal father."

At this moment, the strong sense of responsibility as His Royal Highness Prince of the Tang Dynasty made Wu Wang Li Ke finally overcome the physical instinct that he originally wanted to go to Sigong Square to wander.

Although Fang Xuanling and Tang Jian had also left, Li Shimin's eyes were still scrolling back and forth on the data sheets.

Empress Zhangsun had also arrived in the Wencheng Hall, and was also looking at the tables curiously.

Listening to her husband telling her about the functions of these forms, Empress Zhangsun couldn't believe it.

You must know that two days ago, the husband was still complaining about Cheng Saburo, saying that the boy was not working seriously all day long, so he knew that he was playing cards there.

This is a dazzling effort, and yet another piece of good stuff that is of great use to the country and the people has been assembled.

"My husband has already made copies of these forms and handed them over to Mr. Tang's family, who is in charge of the household department." "Your Majesty, I want to use these compressed dry rations to give the soldiers a try.

Let's see if it is really as resistant to hunger as Cheng Sablang said, and it can also give the soldiers the strength to march and fight. "

"If it's really feasible, you can also make a trial batch to prepare for emergencies."

"Especially if I, Tang Wuben, need to make a long-distance attack and go deep into the enemy's hinterland, if I can have such rations, I can solve many difficulties."

Hearing Li Ji's words, Li Shimin couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"Since Li Qing, you have said this, then according to your words, take it and let the soldiers have a try..."

Cheng Chubi, who was standing aside, heard the discussion between the two elders and couldn't help but interrupted.

"My little nephew thinks that if Uncle Li Ji wants to experiment, it's a group experiment in the end."

Hearing Cheng Chubi chattering beside him, Li Ji, who was worried that his half-year salary was going to fly, was suddenly unhappy.

"It seems that nephew Chubi has his own ideas, right? Come on, tell the old man well."

Cheng Chubi saw Li Ji's slanted gaze, but he was too lazy to bother with this elder.

After all, since he will soon become a winner, there is no need to care about the unlucky person who is about to lose.

"No, no, little nephew means that we can divide the test soldiers into two groups, and one group will still receive rations according to the past rations."

"The other group used this compressed dry ration as military ration, so it was easier to compare the results."

Although Li Ji was upset, after hearing Cheng Chubi's suggestion, he slapped Cheng Chubi on the shoulder a few times.

"Okay, you boy, this is a good solution, what does your Majesty think?"

Li Shimin almost laughed when he saw Cheng Chubi, who had a black face, grinning and rubbing his shoulders.

Forget it, too lazy to pay attention to their little actions underneath, Li Shimin stroked his long beard and nodded.

"Since you think Cheng Saburo's suggestion is good, so be it."

As for the bet between the two, it is natural to wait until the results of the experiment are available before the winner can be determined.


Early in the It was early morning again. Officials were walking towards the Hall of Etiquette. An official approached a colleague who was familiar with each other.

"Brother-in-law, yesterday, my wife went to your house to visit Mrs.-in-law and said that your house has already used the Zhenguan stove."

"It turned out to be Brother Xian, that's right, he was brought back the day before yesterday, and you know that Bian Nei's health is not good.

So I heard that peat burning in the Zhenguan furnace is much stronger than charcoal heating, so Liu asked someone to order the goods. "

"In the past, if the house was heated, the amount of charcoal consumed would be ten pounds a day, and it was still not warm."

"Since I used the Zhenguan stove, the whole house has been as warm as spring, and there is no smell at all. It's really comfortable."

"Yes, after hearing that his wife returned to the house, Gu started to complain, saying that the house was not warm at all.

It's like Xiongtai Mansion, burning the Zhenguan stove, the whole person is warm, and there is no smell at all. "

"That's why I wanted to ask Xiongtai, which store did I order from, and when my little brother is free, I'll go and order a few..."

Several officials not far away, the subject of their discussion is also the Zhenguan furnace that burns peat.

With the publicity and promotion of iron stoves in newspapers, almost immediately, the blacksmith shops inside and outside Chang'an City and the surrounding counties almost went crazy...

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