The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2241: Your Majesty, Zheng Guang has already hanged himself in prison...

Of course not, but who? Naturally, only those aristocratic families who are powerful and powerful, and the power is intertwined, the wealthy and noble can do it.

Because of their own class, they do not need to pay taxes, and their strong financial resources also have influence on the officialdom.

It also allows them to obtain a lot of land. With land, there will naturally be a demand for manpower, so they are happy to shelter those fleeing households.

Under their protection, the rent and taxes paid by those hidden households are naturally less than those paid to the imperial court.

The aristocratic families who sheltered them were also able to earn a lot of income.

Cultivate more talents, enter the official class, and continue to work hard for the reproduction and growth of the family.

Actually, not only in Luoyang, but also in all provinces and counties in the Tang Dynasty, such things happen, but more or less.

Of course, it's like the place in Guanzhong, but under the eyes of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, all the aristocratic families are naturally much more restrained, and they dare not reach out to the people of the prefectures and counties in Guanzhong.

But the Central Plains side has naturally become an important source of population for many aristocratic families.

This is also the reason why the attitude of the Central Plains family was very ambiguous and complicated when the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty intended to move the capital.

The emperor's capital was established here. For the aristocratic families in the Central Plains, it can be said that there are advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that under the eyes of the emperor, many small actions are difficult to do.

This is also the reason why His Majesty frequently began to eat in the Eastern Capital for the civil and military officials of the imperial court, and many aristocratic families did not dare to be as reckless as in the past when it came to gathering hidden households and embezzling their property.

Cheng Saburo's moth made such a fuss, it was enough to make all the aristocratic families tremble.

Especially after Bo Zhengguang, the head of the Luoyang county government who was in charge of eliminating and changing his nationality, was taken to Dali Temple prison by His Majesty.

Just last night, a few officials from a well-known family background sent people over to say hello.

But the problem is, this is under the eyes of the emperor, he dare not and can't do anything?

After all, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who was decisive in killing, couldn't afford to offend him.

Right now, Pei Xuanji, the head of the Dali Temple, can't wait to beat that Zheng Guang violently. Since your special mother has been exposed, why don't you die quickly.

Even if you suddenly died of a sudden illness before entering the Dali Temple, there would definitely be countless aristocratic families who would like to beat gongs and drums to send a large sum of funeral expenses to your wife and children.

Just when Pei Xuanji's face was gloomy and he was madly complaining about Zheng Guang, the little **** who had been running from the palace gate took a few breaths.

Only then did he carefully shove into the hall, and lightly walked forward to the back of Pei Xuanji, the minister of Dali Temple.

Feeling that someone was calling him softly, Pei Xuanji turned his head and saw a panting little **** standing behind him.

She couldn't help frowning, she leaned over, and waited until she heard the little **** whispering in her ears.

Pei Xuanji's face changed suddenly, grabbed the little **** and shouted in a low voice. "You're talking nonsense!"

"Siqing calm down, how dare our family speak nonsense, it is your Dali Temple's Wu Sicheng who asked our family to pass the news."


Li Shimin was sitting behind the imperial case, listening to the officials below reporting on government affairs. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the commotion in the Wenchen train.

Can't help frowning, and said unhappily.

"Pei Qing's family..."

"Second brother, second brother? Huh... nephew Chubi, you are also..."

"My little nephew has seen Third Uncle Xue." Cheng Chubi quickly stood up with a smile and bowed to Xue Wanche.

Xue Wanjun patted Xue Wanche with a smile, and after the younger brother sat down, Xue Wanjun said.

"Come here, third brother, sit down quickly, there is something I want to tell you, the last time you asked Cheng Saburo to help you see a doctor, and now there is a result."

"Second brother, nephew Chubi, what do you mean?" Xue Wanche looked at the two smiling guys with a confused expression.

"It seems that Uncle Xue really forgot about this..." Cheng Chubi looked at Xue Wanjun.

Xue Wanjun shook his head and nodded with a serious expression. "Third brother, have you really forgotten what you promised me?"

"Just drinking in the mansion that night, can't you remember anything?"

Xue Wanche was stunned for a long time, then pointed to his nose. "What did I promise me?"

"You promised your little nephew to treat your condition." Cheng Chubi said with an extremely serious expression.

"Yes, I can testify."

Xue Erlang, who was as drunk as a dead pig that day, nodded vigorously, trying his best to make his expression serious to increase his persuasiveness.

"I'm not sick?" Xue Wanche was in a bad mood. He stared blankly at the old and young, always feeling that something was wrong.

Xue Erlang glanced at Cheng Chubi beside him, and could only bite the bullet and follow what Cheng Chubi told him.

"Third brother, it seems that you really forgot. The other day, Cheng Saburo told you that when you were fighting Tuyuhun, you were severely injured."

"Although your body is completely healed, you still need a period of psychological counseling. Only in this way can you truly recover..."

"Isn't it necessary? I think I'm full of energy, and there's nothing wrong with it."

Cheng Chubi cleared his throat and looked very serious.

"Uncle Xue, don't forget, the injuries you and Uncle Xue were both healed by my disciple."

"But now there are still sequelae. Since it was made by my disciple, then I, the master, will naturally be responsible for the disciple to the Otherwise, let it be delayed until you get older, Sanshu Xue. It may affect your body movements and even make you unable to lift the knife..."

Listening to Cheng Chubi's serious nonsense, Xue Wanjun, who was sitting beside him, could only silently add in his heart.

"It's mainly because you're worried that the third child is getting older, but you're not willing to marry a wife, so you won't be able to have a baby..."

As a martial arts idiot, as a rough old man and a fierce general who should only take fame immediately, Xue Wanche heard the words that he would not be able to lift a knife.

Unable to change his face, he asked Cheng Chubi urgently.

"Then what should I do, nephew, can this really be cured?"

"It's very simple, you need me to give you physical therapy and psychological counseling.

Only in this way can your body fully recover and you won't have such sequelae. "

Xue Wanche took a deep breath and nodded heavily. "come on."

"...It's not here, but I need to go to a physiotherapy room I've recently set up. I don't know when you will be free, Third Uncle Xue."

"I'm free now, nephew Chubi, when do you think you can let go of treating this old man?"

Xue Wanche was not willing to lift a knife, he had lost interest in women in his life.

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