The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2255: 1 knife poor, 1 knife rich, 1 knife to wear sackcloth, 1 knife...

As an excellent medical worker in a township health center, the salary is not high and the performance is high, but Cheng Chubi also hopes that he can have the experience of traveling abroad when he is young.

Due to the lack of money, Cheng Chubi finally considered neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.

After the advice of the vice president of the township health center who has traveled abroad and traveled to many neighboring countries in South Asia.

Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are purely consumer travel destinations, and it doesn’t make much sense to go there.

If you want to go, you have to go to some places where you can make a fortune and not only pay for whoring for free (it must be made clear, this is a serious word).

Maybe if you are lucky, you will be able to live happily and carefree for the rest of your life.

Well, this kind of travel destination for consumption and getting rich is the seven-day trip to the Myanmar border.

Not only can it take you to visit the beauty of the upper reaches of the Oolong River in the northwest of Menggong in northern Myanmar.

It also allows you to hold a few red soft sister coins, and you can have the dream land of getting rich overnight. Of course not gambling, but gambling stones.

Especially when he saw the vice-principal's spittle pointing at the beautiful green jade ring on his yellow-faced woman's index finger and telling a drinker.

That is after he spent ten yuan to block a small stone like a broken stone on the side of the street, and the good treasure that came straight out.

Cheng Saburo and two good brothers from the township health center embarked on the road of no return for a seven-day trip to the Myanmar border.

In the end, what came back in exchange was some very useless things that were green or not, and that they needed water without water.

Fortunately, everyone is silently thankful that they are poor people who don't even have credit cards.

Gambling stones didn't cost a lot of money, so it was a pleasure to buy them.

However, after traveling back to this era, especially after the Erhai Lake six edicts were settled, the history of blood and tears of stone gambling in the previous life made Cheng Sanlang unforgettable.

Naturally, it is impossible to leave behind such a good treasure that has been contaminated with his hard-earned money.

Before, he had already discovered mineral deposits and started to make jade wares. Cheng Chubi also brought back a lot of trinkets, which were even loved by the female family members of the family.

And it has also been circulated on a small scale in the market, which is well received.

However, these precious treasures shipped this time are not finished products, they are all rough stones.

And they are all good treasures specially obtained by those masters who are good at identification and beneficiation.

Of course, the reason is not to gamble on stones. After all, Cheng Saburo doesn't like money now, but a feeling.


It was the day of Xiu Mu again. Early in the morning, Li Shimin had already sent someone to take his pregnant daughter, Li Mingda, into the palace.

After all, Li Mingda was pregnant for the first time, and His Majesty the Tang Emperor was very worried about the situation of his own daughter.

Originally wanted to jump out of the palace gate, but in the end, considering the impact, he huddled behind the palace gate, chatting with Empress Changsun in a low voice, turning his head to look at the palace gate from time to time.

Finally, when I saw the carriage that was sent to stop slowly, I saw my daughter get off the carriage under the gentle support of Wu Meiniang.

Then, I saw Li Mingda walking towards the palace gate with light steps as always.

"This girl, she's already pregnant, so she's not afraid of trouble even when she walks."

Li Shimin couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

Gu next to the Empress Changsun nodded in agreement, and added fuel to it. What is filial piety to father and daughter. , I can't help but recall this old courtier who had served as the three princes and masters and was very knowledgeable. Unfortunately, he left too early.

At this time, Li Shimin was also interested, and continued following the words of his eldest son, Li Chengqian.

"And the reason why I called this cool summer food as Sushan, the bottom of Sushan is covered with ice and covered with soufflé.

It is shaped like a mountain, and flowers and colorful trees are inserted to show its elegant beauty. "

Hearing that, Cheng Chubi really wanted to take a look at it, but he looked at Li Ke, who devoured it and his eyes lit up.

As for the Prince who was licking the ice cream gently and quickly, Cheng Chubi smiled confidently.

"This is amazing, I just don't know if the ice cream can taste as good as the ice cream I made."

"..." Li Shimin couldn't see Cheng Sanlang's shy look the most, but he didn't tell lies.

He could only stare angrily at this little **** who couldn't speak, and continued to lick and bite the whole ice cream, stuffing it into his mouth together with the cone.

Only then did he slap his mouth with all his senses. I have to admit that although this thing doesn't look good, the taste is really beautiful.

Cheng Chubi looked at the food of the father and son of the family, and a sense of superiority naturally arises, fearing that it will be the baby of the Li family in the future, all beer belly.

"Uncle, you and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are discussing national affairs. I won't delay you, little nephew. Look..."

"Well, save another one for me and Chengqian, and you can go wherever you fall in love." Li Shimin waved his hands angrily.

Although Cheng Saburo is not happy to see this, but after all, you need to taste more delicious food.

Anyway, it's not far from the beginning of summer, so eating more cold food is just to reduce the anger.

Cheng Chubi reluctantly made two more ice cream cones and handed them to the two, and then he resigned from the Nectar Palace.

It just didn't occur to me that Zhao Kun took the initiative to send them off personally and sent Cheng Chubi and Li Ke down the steps.

"Your Highness should be in Lizheng Your Highness should be there too, do you want me to take you there?" Zhao Kun touched the food box in Cheng Chubi's hand with his scabbard intentionally or not.

Cheng Chubi naturally heard the song and knew the elegant meaning, so he quickly brought another one to the old driver Zhao Kun.

Only then did Zhao Kun, the bearded-faced head of the guards stand in place, with a relieved smile on his face, watching Cheng Chubi and Li Ke disappear into the distance.

Seeing this fat, stout, hairy-faced guard, he was licking the ice cream cone with his carrot-thick fingers.

In that scene, Cheng Chubi was reminded of a video he saw on the Internet that later generations saw on the Internet of a fat man holding a bottle with **** and drinking water.


Cheng Chubi came outside the Lizheng Hall, and saw Wu Meiniang who was mumbling with some pretty young ladies and sisters.

One of the young ladies who was facing this direction also saw Cheng Chubi and Wu Wang Li Ke, and hurriedly teased Wu Meiniang who was beside her.

"Mei Niang, who do you think is here?"

As soon as Wu Meiniang turned her head, she saw Cheng Sanlang waving his hand towards her, subconsciously smiled and raised her hand in response.

Immediately, he felt inappropriate, so he and a few little sisters hurriedly saluted over there. "I have seen His Royal Highness King Wu, and the process of meeting is too frequent."

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