The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2258: This kid is a jerk...

Master Yan stood beside him in a daze, and then he couldn't help but take two steps back, looking at this excellent and stable workbench.

He moved forward again, although he was very unwilling to deal with the Cheng family, but at this moment, he was the best civil engineering architect and mechanical expert in Datang.

Yan Lide reluctantly squeezed out a smile and asked Cheng Sanlang.

"Xiao Cheng Taibao, can this thing be used to sharpen knives?"

Seeing that the Yan family, who had been taken advantage of countless times by him, appeared again, he actually took the initiative to talk to him.

Cheng Chubi couldn't help laughing, and hurriedly stopped the work he was doing, and introduced him to this Yili very conspicuously.

"Of course, hey, it turned out to be Master Yan. I'm disrespectful. Why, do you like this workbench?"

"The structure of this thing is very simple, and it is easy to use. Not to mention Master Yan, you want to use it to sharpen knives, even if it is used to make holes in metal, there is no problem."

"It's just that if you want to make holes in the metal, you need to prepare the corresponding cutter head or grinding wheel."

For Cheng Sanlang's earnest attitude, Yan Lide can't make Yan Lide have too many expressions. After all, as an artist with a very sensitive touch, he is also very vengeful.

He is dealing with Cheng Saburo now, not to ease the relationship with this kid, but because these tools really attracted his attention.

Yan Lide just squeezed a smile towards Cheng Sanlang, then pointed to another workbench, took two steps forward, and flicked his finger on the thing a few times.

Hearing the crisp metallic sound, he spoke again.

"Yan sees that there is such a round saw here, can it also be used for sawing wood?"

"Of course there is no problem, but it was made by Cheng to cut jade, it doesn't matter if you want to use it to cut wood, after all, wood is not as hard as stone.

If you want to make it more suitable for cutting wood, it needs to be slightly modified. "

"Don't talk about cutting small pieces of wood, there is no problem even cutting wood with a larger size."

"Of course, if we do that, the power provided by this pedal alone will not be able to cut it, then we need high power like hydraulic power..."

Li Shimin stood aside. From the beginning, he just listened to Cheng Chubi and Yan Lide's answer with doubts and inquiry.

With the in-depth communication between these two famous mechanical experts in the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin's expression gradually became solemn.

Li Ke, who was beside him, was also dumbfounded, disappointed and regretful.

Seeing the mother-daughter Empress Changsun and Li Mingda, she was very curious.

Li Mingda leaned into his mother's ear and whispered softly.

"Mother, it seems that third brother Cheng invented another amazing machine in order to play with stones."

Empress Zhangsun also shook her head with an expression of disbelief, and it took a long time for her to spit out a sentence.

"Just like before, in order to develop normal saline for surgery, your husband came up with the method of producing refined salt..."

"Yeah, Brother Cheng San is really smart." Li Mingda clenched his small fist again excitedly.

Queen Changsun really didn't know what language she should use to express her feelings at the moment, except for a couple of hoops.

Li Shimin sucked in a toothache and stared at the workbench that he hadn't paid much attention to just now with a very serious expression.

"My son-in-law, do you mean that this thing can now be used to sharpen knives and sharpen knives?"

Hearing the question, Cheng Chubi calmly patted his own delicate workbench, which was carefully designed and made with great difficulty. He was very confident and authentic. As a result, Cheng Guang, Cheng Liang and Deng Chengxin, the three cheeky ones, also joined the industry of rubbing egg cones.

After a long while, Cheng Chubi finally completed one of the three daily self-examinations, slapped his hands and turned his head subconsciously.

"???" Hey, what's going on with this special mother, why is the egg cone still so small, and then I saw a big sinful hand reaching out to the egg cone plate.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw the three disciples' mouths full of egg cone crumbs. Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel bad in his heart. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he punched out one full of egg cones...

"Hmm, it's baked well, but there's a little more sugar, and it's a little sticky.

The three of you are still doing what you're doing, so why don't you hurry up and get some egg wash over here? If you don't see it, you're almost done with baking? "

Seeing that the three guys jumped out in a row, Cheng Chubi patted the servant on the shoulder with a blushing face, and turned his **** to go for a walk elsewhere.


Early in the morning of the next day, Cheng Chubi was still sleeping soundly. At this moment, there was a hurried knock on the door, which woke up the old Cheng family's good looks.

"Third brother, third brother is about to get up..." Outside the door, the loud voices of the three younger brothers came one after another, and they glanced at the sky.

Cheng Chubi yawned speechlessly and pushed open the door. "What do I mean by the three of you?"

"Third brother, we want to eat ice cream. Yesterday, you said you would eat it overnight. Now it's dawn."

Cheng Lao Liu pointed to the already bright sky, plausibly speaking.

"Yeah, third brother, we want to eat ice cream, you promised." The fourth and fifth were also booing.

Cheng Chubi looked at the three bear children with a dark expression on his face, unable to speak for a long time.

After a short while, Cheng Chubi finished washing up, and Cheng Liang went to bring the metal bucket for the ice cream.

The three bear children's younger brothers also squatted next to Cheng Chubi with their bowls and spoons.

Cheng Chubi took the special spoon and scraped it **** the frozen ice cream.

He whipped up a lump of Tang Cheng's secret ice and put it in Lao Liu's bowl.

It was only then that he handed it to Lao Liu, and he saw that Lao Liu took a big bite at a lightning speed.

Then his eyes bulged, and he kept breathing in there. "Cool, like (eat), like (eat)..."

"Don't freeze your teeth, just eat it with a small spoon. If you do this again, I won't give you any food next time."

Cheng Chubi complained angrily, but he didn't take it slow. He also scooped a lump of ice cream for the fourth and fifth.

Seeing how the three younger brothers were so excited to eat, Cheng Chubi asked Satisfaction to bring two bowls, and one of them made a bunch of them.

Cheng Chubi took a small spoon and scooped a spoonful and put it in his mouth. The soft cotton had a cool and refreshing taste.

There is also the rich aroma of milk and sweet-scented osmanthus, as well as the taste of sweet and preserved fruit.

It's really beautiful, but unfortunately there's no chocolate, but that's okay, cream is king.


Li Chengqian, Cheng Chubi, and Li Ke walked into the palace together and went straight to the Ganlu Palace.

Li Shimin had already ended the court meeting and was resting in the Ganlu Palace. Seeing the eldest son, the third son, and Cheng Chubi came together, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Why did the three of you come here together?"

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