The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2262: The original plateau hero, Tubo, is dying...

Wang Xuance was quite embarrassed, as the so-called child has no mother, it is a long story.

As the deputy envoys of the envoy, Wang Xuance and Li Yibiao accompanied the envoys from the Brahman kingdom to return to the country, and by the way were ordered to send envoys to the Tianzhu countries.

As a result, after sending the envoy of the Brahman country back to the country, the envoys of the Tang Dynasty began to walk around the streets, walking among the Tianzhu countries to make friends, and by the way to see if there were any good treasures that could be traded.

Of course, they also carried a lot of good things with the characteristics of the Tang Dynasty, whether it was silk, tea, or exquisite porcelain, as well as all kinds of beautiful treasures from Zhao's Western Regions Liulifang.

Of course, there are also soaps, lotions and perfumes produced by Zhao's Western Regions Liulifang.

These good treasures that were popular all over the country in the Tang Dynasty were naturally sought after by these Tianzhu buddies.

After enjoying the benefits of these things, many kings and dignitaries have great enthusiasm for going to the Tang Dynasty to pay tribute and make friends by the way.

And also took out very rich property, expressing a sincere heart to pay tribute to the Tang Dynasty.

And Li Yibiao and Wang Xuance were also quite happy, and their mission seemed to be quite successful.

There were no more than fifty people in their party, but there were dozens of carts of goods from the countries alone.

However, as a powerful diplomatic mission of the Tang Dynasty, they were not afraid of looting by the Tianzhu kingdoms. After all, they did not have the courage.

The unexpected result is that when they came to the powerful Zhongtianzhu, they also took out those good treasures as a gift to the lord of the Zhongtianzhu country.

The lord of the Zhongtianzhu Kingdom had been sluggish for a long time, but he still received them warmly, and was very fond of the treasures they presented.

He left them in the capital of the Central Tianzhu Kingdom for a while, and prepared to send their important ministers as envoys to go to the Tang Dynasty with Li Yibiao and others.


That night, the beloved concubine of the lord of Zhongtianzhu received soap, lotion and perfume from the lord, and she was so excited that she was about to go crazy.

So, naturally, he served the old, frail, sickly lord of Zhongtianzhu with great enthusiasm.

In the end, no one thought, not even the envoys of the Tang Dynasty, that the lord of Zhongtianzhu was under the enthusiasm of his concubine.

Disregarding his long-term illness, he forcibly did that, which resulted in excessive excitement and smoked it.

When the shopkeeper Qin listened to the words of the slightly embarrassed deputy envoy Wang, he immediately laughed out loud. "Isn't this just the wind right away?"

"I can't think of the reason for the death of the lord of Zhongtianzhu, but then again, he died so easily, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Xuance looked at the excited shopkeeper Qin with some resentment, and sighed up to the sky.

"Naturally, the matter has nothing to do with my mission, but the problem is that Shi Luo Yiduo, the lord of Zhongtianzhu, died so violently, and the prince under the lord's knees is still young."

"And the powerful minister of the Central Tianzhu Kingdom, Nafudi Alona, ​​attacked the palace on the grounds that the princess had an affair with another minister, Shiboa, and murdered the lord of the country."

As a result, in the chaos of the army, the prince died under the chaos of the sword, and the princess also did the same.

Nafudi Aronashun became the victor of this great chaos in China, crowned the king of China, and rewarded the soldiers who rebelled.

This poor and powerful official actually set his eyes on the tribute of the dozens of carts of the Tang envoys.

How did he not forget the poor scholars in the world during his recuperation, and finally presented 1.4 million books to the court?

Seeing that the complexion of King Wei Li Qin gradually turned from ruddy to dark, I even saw that in the article, it was extremely brazen to tout the family relationship between His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor, as well as the prince and grandson.

He even described himself, the noble and elegant His Royal Highness King Wei of the Tang Dynasty, who has always admired and respected his own brother, Prince Li Chengqian.

Ever since I heard that His Royal Highness had a foot disease, he really didn't want to eat and drink, and even took the initiative to help his brother seek medical treatment...

Seeing this, King Wei Li Tai felt that he was about to lose his breath.

Wei Wang Li Qin, whose face was like a pig's liver, slapped the table viciously and said angrily.

"Who, who is this, who dares to talk nonsense like this, when did this king stop thinking about food, and when did he go to seek medical treatment for the prince?!"

"This, this "Chang'an Xunbao", what the **** did this **** thing come up with? It's so mad at this king."

"Go, let the steward take someone to collect it quickly."

Seeing that King Wei Li Tai was furious, Eunuch Li, the housekeeper, explained with a sad face.

"His Royal Highness, the slaves have already sent people to go, but only when I got to the market did I know that Chang'an is full of "Chang'an Xunbao" everywhere..."


The nostrils of Li Tai, King of Wei, have a tendency to smoke. "This, how is this possible..."

At this moment, a steward ran over in a very depraved manner.

"His Royal Highness, just now Zhao Guogong's mansion has sent a servant to ask the villain to bring you this thing..."

When King Wei Li Tai received it, he lifted the sealant, opened the paper roll, and glanced at it, his face turned black.

"His Royal Highness, Zhao Guogong and his old man have said something..."

"There are also people outside the yamen in Chang'an who are allocating this thing... He actually had people confiscated outside the official department, but in other places, his uncle, he can't do anything..."

"Isn't there any way for the eldest grandson to do anything?" The steward's face couldn't help but look a little more ugly.

King Wei Li Tai was so angry that he gnashed his teeth and copied the "Chang'an Xunbao" and smashed it **** the floor.

Inexplicably, he stepped on his feet several times, and the fat that was stretched out by the clothes trembled up and down with this action.

"What can I do? This "Chang'an Xunbao" is full of compliments. It's simply... it's just killing people and killing people, killing people and killing people!"

This king can't wait for the prince's foot disease to be cured in his life, so that the prince and the prince can't be at odds with each other, okay?

This king presented the first three volumes of "Guo Di Zhi", definitely not to congratulate the crown prince for the recovery of his foot disease, right?

But now, it has been distorted into that way by that serious nonsense article.

It made Li Tai, the king of Wei, who was determined to overthrow the prince, leave the position of the prince, and reach the pinnacle of his life, felt that life was so unhappy.

"Check it out for this king. Since the whole city is full of this kind of thing, this king doesn't believe that there are no clues. We must find out who is behind the scenes for this king?"

"His Royal Highness, slave, slave has a word, I don't know if I should say it or not..."

The housekeeper, Eunuch Li, looked at the furious King of Wei Li Tai in front of him with some trepidation.

"Speak!" King Wei Li Tai's eyes suddenly fell on Eunuch Li's face, and he shouted coldly.

"The slaves always feel that this kind of handwriting is not the same as before.

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