The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2272: Dare to doubt the eyesight of this official, how many limbs are given to me...

At this moment, Cheng Sanlang pulled his horse and stopped at the Fangshi entrance of Yujifang, and saw Song Fangzheng, whose face was swollen high and the corner of his eyes was still blue, standing there with a sad face.

After seeing Cheng Saburo, Song Fang, who was so sad that he could not be himself, hurried over and gave Cheng Saburo a respectful salute.

"Little officials see the process in Luoyang."

"Who fought?" Cheng Chubi looked at Song Fangzheng, whose half face was swollen high, his face sank involuntarily.

Song Fang was seeing the appearance of this notorious immediate boss, his liver trembled, and he hurriedly smiled.

"Cheng Luoyang, it's the little official who made a fool of himself, and that's why he was injured. It doesn't get in the way."

"..." Looking at the pitiful Song Fangzheng, Cheng Chubi raised his eyes and looked inside, this was Yujifang. .

Now, there are four palaces living next to each other here, even if the servants of those palaces take action, I am afraid that this poor Song Fangzheng can only spit out his teeth.

Cheng Chubi smacked his mouth, and was very angry in his heart, but seeing Song Fangzheng's appearance, it was really hard to ask.

His eyes swept over this Song Fangzheng, as well as the guards with dodging eyes, and not far away, a few guards with knives pointing towards him.

Needless to say, it might have been sent by a certain palace to follow him, and Cheng Chubi laughed.

He slapped Song Fangzheng on the shoulder and said earnestly.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask you, anyway, your injury must be caused by someone."

"???" Song Fangzheng couldn't help taking a deep breath when he heard this. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to explain it.

The guards with knives over there pulled their faces directly, and one of them wanted to stand up, but was stubbornly held by his companions.

Cheng Chubi saw that these guys had not left yet, so he strode over there without hesitation.

"This officer is here to discuss business affairs with his subordinates. What are you idle people doing here?"

When the leader saw Cheng Sanlang directly face to face, he came over and couldn't help but sneer in his heart, so he could only laugh.

"Seeing Cheng Luoyang, I'm just chatting here. Since Cheng Luoyang thinks I'm in the way, I'll wait and leave."

"Is this official letting you go?" Cheng Chubi suddenly shouted, raising his hand, the Cheng family, who were like wolves and tigers, rushed over directly.

Surrounding the guards with knives for this ticket, this time, it is really impossible to fix these guards with knives.

The man at the head was directly unhappy, but in the face of this notorious Cheng Saburo, thinking about it, he still didn't dare to be angry, he could only apologize.

"Cheng Luoyang, we are the guards of Prince Qi's mansion, and we haven't done anything to commit **** and crime. We also ask Cheng Luoyang to investigate."

"King Qi?" Cheng Chubi couldn't help scratching his head, and it took a long time to react, King Qi Li You.

Whenever Li Ke's good brother mentioned his half-brother, he would show a look of disgust.

Although he and Li You both learned from the same school, um, it was the two brothers who were under the tutelage of Quan Wanji, Li Ke was barely able to succeed.

And Li You is not even a dead wood, at most it is a pool of mud outside the pit.

I heard that this guy had been lying in Chang'an for more than two years in order not to go to the fief.

"Haha..." Cheng Chubi turned his head and asked the officer who went to report him.

A pot of tea, and then began the daily entertainment and leisure activities: playing cards.

It was quiet all around, there were no three arrogant younger brothers jumping up and down, and there would not be any stewards in the house to ask questions.

Nor will there be the annoying crows and owls of Lishan Tangquan Palace.

Everyone can sit safely in the room, sipping tea and playing cards. Days like this are really relaxing.

After playing about six or seven cards, he heard voices coming from the gate of the courtyard, and Cheng Chubi turned his head to look.

Sure enough, the courtyard door was slowly pushed open, revealing a charming and beautiful face, it was Miss Wu.

Cheng Chubi threw down the bamboo token in his hand and went forward. It was really many days that he hadn't seen the charming and moving girl Wu.

"Hello, third brother." Wu Meiniang stood pretty at the entrance of the courtyard, and when she saw Cheng Sanlang who strode forward to greet him with a sunny smile, she cried out crisply.

Cheng Chubi strode up to Wu Meiniang and took a closer look. Ouch, this girl seems to be in the season of rushing about, and it has only been less than two months.

Cheng Chubi felt that Wu Meiniang seemed to have grown taller for a little while, and couldn't help laughing.

"Mei Niang, come in quickly, long time no see, eh... You seem to have grown a little taller, not bad..."

Hearing such a greeting, Wu Meiniang's face darkened, and she felt wicked in her heart. This is not a topic that young men and women should talk about after a long absence, okay?

Alas, third brother Cheng is so handsome and handsome, but why does he have to have a mouth that can't speak.

"Third brother... Forget it, why don't you invite me in to sit?" Wu Meiniang stood there pretty, with a pair of bright eyes glaring at Cheng Sanlang with anger and joy.

This one glance, coupled with the charming and charming face and the more slender and slender figure, swayed all kinds of amorous feelings.

Cheng Chubi glanced over, um... According to his years of actual experience watching movies, it seems that this should be true.

After all, Cheng Chubi didn't think that the royal chef in the palace could be so bored that every once in a while, he would make the steamed buns or steamed buns a little bigger.

From the very beginning of B, it has gradually become bigger and stronger, and has a tendency to develop towards C.

"Brother Cheng, what are you looking at?!" In an instant, Cheng Chubi heard words that seemed a little annoyed and turned into anger.

He coughed dryly, and pointed his fingers around. "Well, your... belt is a nice color, and it matches your outfit very well."

"Come Come in quickly, Cheng Liang, boil the water quickly, be happy, and make a new pot of tea, just the tea I brought here today."

Wu Meiniang, who was pretty and rosy, looked down at her belt, bit her lip, and glanced sideways at this disciple who dared to be a disciple. Then she moved her lotus step and walked towards the house.

The handyman had long been accustomed to this scene. After seeing Miss Wu entering the door, the handyman watched a gossip beautifully and closed the courtyard door with satisfaction.

He continued to sit on the pony, leaning against the courtyard wall, squinting his eyes, enjoying the spring sun.


"Come on, this is the latest scented tea I made during this time, you can taste it..."

Wu Meiniang looked down at the tea bowl in front of her. There was a beautiful yellow flower like a miniature lotus floating in the bowl, and then there was a wild chrysanthemum. There were also lotus seed cores like pine needles floating around.

There are some cassia seeds scattered at the bottom of the tea bowl.

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