The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2274: Your 3rd brother told me not to mess with your 5th brother, saying that his heart is

Qi Wangfu *house dog* Lu Si couldn't help but wipe his face, okay, His Highness is just exaggerated rhetoric, what can he say,

Li You's face was blue, his eyes were about to burst into flames, but at this moment.

Zan Junmo, who had very long hands and looked like a hunchbacked horse and monkey, leaned over to Li You's side, and he was oblivious to the truth.

"His Royal Highness, that Cheng Saburo is very favored by the emperor now. If His Highness has a conflict with him at this moment, it will not be a good thing for His Highness."

"It's better, ask your Highness to find a middle person to talk to one or two, and see if you can close this matter privately."

"Firstly, it will not hurt His Highness's face, and secondly, avoid confrontation with Cheng Saburo."

Hearing this, Li You suddenly became unhappy, and couldn't help but glared at his confidant.

"In this way, isn't this king's face lost?"

Another Liang Mengbiao, who had a scar on his face and looked like he was definitely not a good person, also spoke up.

"His Royal Highness, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It's not too late for ten years to come back and find a way to trouble him Cheng Saburo."

"If Your Highness is unhappy, then the villain and Brother Zan will definitely give His Highness this bad breath."

Seeing that the two confidants he valued most expressed their opinions, Li You touched his bare chin, and finally nodded reluctantly.

"Forget it, let that Cheng Saburo be proud for a few days..."

While he was talking, he suddenly heard someone's voice coming from outside the courtyard. As soon as Li You looked up, he saw his uncle's wife and brother Yan Hongxin was walking.

And behind him, followed by a few fat and strong men with hideous faces.

"The villain has seen His Royal Highness. They are several brothers that the villain found from Jinyang. Each of them has unstoppable courage and is a top-notch man..."

"Oh?" Li You couldn't help raising his eyebrows, looking at these good warriors, his face couldn't help but look a little more proud.

"Okay, it's good to work for you, not bad, not bad. Now, the team of guests in this prince's mansion is getting stronger and stronger."

"It's natural, Your Highness, my brother-in-law has said that there is no need to harm others, but it is necessary to guard against others."

Yan Hongxin's face was also a bit more showy, and he said in a low voice.

"His Royal Highness is able to have strong soldiers and horses, and no matter what you do in the future, it will be very convenient..."

Hearing this, Li You gave a hearty smile, but when his eyes fell on Lu Si's body, he couldn't help but feel a little pained.

"Hahaha, it's hard work, come here, quickly set up a banquet, and wash the dust for the brave men.

That... Lu Si, you come here, I have a letter from Wang Xiu, you will rush to Wu Wang's mansion in a while and give it to my third brother, Wu Wang. "


After Cheng Chubi threw the guards directly into the prison, he looked at the trembling prisoners beside him.

Shaking his head helplessly, it seems that these guys are too poor, not like the prison of Dali Temple. Cheng Chubi was squatting in front of the mixer, observing the changes inside, and on the other side, he had prepared several egg yolks.

Sprinkled some fine sugar, this kind of fine grain was actually sold by Tianzhu merchants to Chang'an City, which made Cheng Chubi not expect.

Because the sugar eaten in Datang today is mainly stone honey and flake sugar, the so-called is actually the original solid sugarcane grain, which is also a kind of rock sugar.

And flake sugar is flaky brown sugar, which is called to describe it.

And fine granulated grain, that is, something close to white granulated sugar, currently only available in Tianzhu, so this kind of sugar is generally more expensive.

Just bought two catties of fine granulated sugar, which is two thousand dollars, but Cheng Sablang, who loves money like his life, is so distressed that he scolds the profiteer.

When Gu waits for the opportunity, he must make his own white sugar, so that even sweets like sugar have to be controlled by others.

Then a handyman was called in to use another mixer to keep stirring in one direction.

Whenever someone is tired, there will be a fat and strong Cheng family to take over the work of the predecessor.

Continue churning the human mixer, the mixing head of the mixer continues to spin wildly in the cream, trying to fluff...


Although it's not that hot yet, it shouldn't be a problem to eat some iced snacks.

At first, he wanted to make ice cream, but considering the temperature of the ice kiln, Cheng Chubi decided to focus on ice cream that did not require much molding.

When I was a child, the best flavor was naturally cream ice cream. As for how the cream came, hehe, please watch various small videos.

Here the machine continued to hum, and Cheng Chubi did not forget to add some crushed ice to the ice basin outside the bucket to keep the temperature low.

Finally, wait until Cheng Chubi

When he called to stop, in the kitchen, there were three more children who didn't know when, and their saliva was about to drip.

Taking a look at these three younger brothers who always show up in time when cooking their own food, Cheng Chubi really had nothing to say.

"You can't eat this stuff, okay?"

After adding the egg yolk and caster sugar to the goat's milk, Cheng Chubi, who was stirring while boiling over a low heat, advised.

"I can smell the fragrance, why can't I eat it?" Cheng Laoliu said unhappily, slobbering. "Third brother, you lied, mother said it's not good to lie to children."

The fourth and fifth next to each other nodded their heads.

Cheng Chubi turned his head with a black face and looked at the three bear children. UU reading

"This thing is used to make ice cream. It must be frozen before eating. If you eat it now, you are wasting materials. Do you understand?"

"Then when can I eat it, third brother?" The fourth pursed his lips and asked curiously.

"At least we have to wait until tomorrow, after freezing it overnight, before we can eat it."

"Then what to eat now, third brother, I'm hungry."

The old fifth rubbed his belly, looked at the busy people with clear eyes, smelled those smells, and felt more and more hungry.

"Over there, the egg rolls are being baked there. Let's go and eat them, but you won't have many of them. You have to eat them with ice cream, do you know?"

"Okay..." The three younger brothers agreed in unison, then rushed over, and then began to fight for the egg rolls.

Cheng Chubi shook his head with a dark expression on his face. The cooking temperature here was almost done, so he quickly cooked.

At this time, after the cream over there was fluffy enough to be used for decoration, Cheng Chubi stopped and poured the egg mixture into it.

After that, he took out a small bottle of sweet-scented osmanthus essential oil that he had specially brought before, and poured it into it. This is definitely the top natural edible flavor.

Then start stirring with a spoon, and sprinkle some dried fruit and preserved fruit in it, and wait until you can't see any creamy lumps at all.

Smell it, not only the milk fragrance, but also the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, which is more and more attractive.

Cheng Chubi asked people to directly lift the metal bucket out of the ice kiln and put it on the shelf. After finishing the business, Cheng Chubi turned his head.


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