The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2278: What kind of ruthless words, how ruthless?

At this moment, one of the officers, who was hiding his identity as embroidered clothes, has been silently using his mind to record the answers between Cheng Saburo and everyone.

But hearing this for a while, my brain was in a mess, and I almost burst a cerebral artery.

Xu Jingzong's eyelids jumped wildly, and he looked for help towards His Royal Highness King Wu who had just entered the door.

I saw this King Wu raised his hand and patted his forehead. He seemed to think that there was something unresolved, so he turned around and walked out of the hall door, Sun!

Cheng Saburo's loud and confident voice came from his ears.

"As a local government official, writing materials is a basic project. You are new to it and you are not familiar with it, so I will teach you, hurry up, I say you write."

"Ah, this... is it really written like this?"

Xu Jingzong wiped the cold sweat from his face, Nima, so scared...

I felt that the brush in my hand was even heavier than the 82-pound Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

Li Yifu, who was on the side, breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, such an exaggerated rhetorical device, it was just a slap in the face.

As expected of the author of the rumored "Shun Liu Zhi Bai Family Names Nursery Rhymes", he and Xu Lao'er are at most a swordsman. .

The notorious Cheng Saburo is completely the rhythm of the enhanced version of the sword and pen official.

Xu Jingzong wanted to quit his job very much, and he regretted why he pretended to say that his calligraphy skills were amazing.

Knowing that Cheng Sanlang has already dug such a big hole, who would be so happy to jump into it.

But now, do you dare not write it yourself? Facing this coveted Cheng Saburo, he thought of the scene where his father, General Cheng, rolled up his sleeves to convince people if he disagreed.

Xu Jingzong felt that if he had old arms and legs, it was better to follow his heart.


Xu Jingzong, whose mind was full of wild thoughts, could only listen to Cheng Saburo's words and start writing. At this moment, he felt like a tool man with a completely empty head.

"Just write: Luoyang County Chancellor Xu..."

When Xu Jingzong, who had become a habit of listening and writing, subconsciously recorded Cheng Sablang's words in his letters.

"Hey, Cheng Luoyang, this..."

Before Xu Jingzong could finish speaking, the white piece of paper with wet ink had disappeared from under his eyelids.

"What's this, ah, Xu Xiancheng's calligraphy art is really accomplished, come and come, Li Zhubo, come and take a look, doesn't it look quite good?"

Li Yifu tried his best to control his micro-expression, for fear that he couldn't hold back his laughter. Facing Cheng Luoyang's question, he naturally had to bite the bullet and cooperate.

"Xu, Xu Xiancheng's calligraphy skills are indeed far more than that of Xiaguan, and Xianguan admires it."

Cheng Chubi patted Li Yifu on the shoulder with satisfaction, even though he was born as a traitor, ah no... Although this person's future upgrade path will go down the evil path, and the traitor skill tree will be filled.

But it does not prevent the other party from being a talent. Since it is a talent, if it falls into your hands, you have to think carefully about how to make good use of these two guys.

Seeing the third son's gesture, Deng Chengxin held back his laughter and hurriedly handed over the seal. Cheng Chubi slapped the big seal of Luoyang County Yamen on it.

Only then did he smile with relief, which represented the official document of the Luoyang government department in the eastern capital of the Tang Dynasty.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Xu Jingzong was still there staring at the brush in his hand with a look of regret.

"That Xu County Chancellor, Xu County Chancellor?"

Gu "..." Li Ke looked at the plausible brother Chubi with a bewildered expression. The one who wants to remind brother Chubi that your special mother is Taichang Siqing...

However, when he thought that he was also serving as the deputy director of the East Palace, he could only sighed bitterly.

Changsun Wuji, the chief official of the Ministry of Personnel, raised his face, calmly and with an expression of refusing to be thousands of miles away.

"It's not that it's inappropriate, it's just that there is no one like you. A person who comes to recommend with four papers, even if I am the head of the Ministry of Personnel, I can't do such a thing."

While the two of them were talking, the surrounding officials of the Ministry of Personnel came towards them one after another.

Even if he didn't dare to get close, he would stand in the distance and stared at him with his ears open.

Everyone already knew the identity of this Cheng Saburo, but they didn't expect that this man would dare to quarrel with his own boss in the official department, tsk tsk tsk... He really deserves to be the son of General Cheng.

Cheng Chubi calmly looked at the cold and arrogant eldest grandson, fat man, what if he was the uncle of the country?

"The words of the eldest grandson's officials are bad. Although I hold the papers, it doesn't mean that they are all recommended by me."

"Besides, I'm here to find Lu Chengqing and Lu Langzhong. There's no conflict with you, Changsun Libu, right?"

Changsun Wuji frowned impatiently, even though he was in such a large audience,

A vulgar warrior junior arguing is a bit of a bargain.

But what this guy looks like is really annoying. If you don't drive this kid away from the officials' yamen, it will feel as uncomfortable as a fly stuck in your throat.

"This official is the chief official of the Ministry of Personnel, and Lu Langzhong is the chief officer of my Ministry of Personnel Examination.

Even if he was appointed by His Majesty as the chief examiner of this year's imperial examination, this official has the right to govern. "

Hearing this, Lu Chengqing breathed a sigh of relief, quickly straightened his butt, and stated his position.

"That's right, this official is the official of the Ministry of Personnel Naturally, I have to act according to the words of the eldest grandson of the Ministry of Personnel."

Seeing this scene, Li Ke knew that if he continued to entangle him, Li Ke, who was afraid that things would only get worse, could only get close to Cheng Chubi and said in a low voice.

"Brother Chubi, do we want to..."

Cheng Chubi glanced at the officials around him who were watching, but suddenly took a long breath, and then a malicious smile appeared on his face.

Immediately, the eldest grandson Wuji was stunned, an ominous premonition arose, and then he heard Cheng Chubi speaking in a small and not small voice.

"Understood, Changsun's personnel department is worthy of being the head of the Tang personnel department. Not only does this Tang personnel department run like an iron bucket, water can't be poured in, and needles can't be inserted."

"His Royal Highness King Wu, let's go back and report back to your father, alas..."

"???" Changsun Wuji's expression changed suddenly. This is deliberately said to myself, but the problem is that Cheng Saburo dares to say so, could it be...

"Wait a minute..." Zhangsun Wuji, who was a little flustered for no reason, couldn't help but whispered softly.

When Li Ke heard Zhangsun Wuji speak, he had to stop for a while, but his brother Cheng Chubi, who chopped the chicken's head and burned the yellow paper, didn't care about Zhangsun Wuji at all.

He turned a deaf ear to that guy's snarky shouts, and wrapped his arms around the shoulders of Li Ke, who had a strange face, and sighed as he walked.

"It seems that the eldest grandson's official department is prepared to ignore even His Majesty's verbal orders.

What's more, it's a pity that His Majesty will help His Majesty Princess Jinyang select and recommend talents to be buried in the countryside, what a pity..."


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