The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2287: Come, come, two welcome to Chengfu Family Banquet

Xu Jingzong finally had time to start working as a county magistrate, while Li Yifu took up the work of the master.

As for Cheng Saburo, after the good brother Li Ke jumped over, the two brothers wandered to the backyard and squatted.

A rare start of a leisurely and entertaining trip during the duty time.

Hearing the energetic sound of playing cards from the back of the courtyard wall, the official identity of the county magistrate clerk, who was actually an embroidered clerk, couldn't help but wipe his face.

This Cheng Saburo, when there is no major event, will never sit if he can lie down, and never stand if he can sit.


"Comfortable, it's finally over the addiction, okay, I'll be here for the time being today."

Cheng Chubi grabbed three king bombs in a row, and blasted Li Ke until his face was pale and his lips were white. Then he stood up contentedly and stretched his waist.

Li Ke looked like a gambler who was eager to lose. He glanced outside the house and said unhappily. .

"I really don't want to fight, it will take some time before the next value, right?"

"You came to work as a brother, just to play?"


Li Ke didn't want to answer this kind of question he knew so well.

Cheng Chubi squatted down again.

"Brother, for the sake of your tacit understanding of playing cards with my brother today, I'll bring you a good meal today. Exiled Xian is drunk enough."

"Who treats you?"

"Of course it's my father, hey hey, brother, what are you doing?"

"Little brother, I have something to do tomorrow, so I won't go today, another day, another day."

"Forget it, it seems that today's dry pot bamboo rat can only be fed to Li Yifu and Xu Jingzong."

"What? You even invited them?" Li Ke was directly unhappy.

Lao Tzu's favorite dish, you actually used it to entertain those two people you don't like, Xiongtai, you've changed...

"No way, my father thinks that I happen to have two colleagues who have been entrusted with important responsibilities by my father-in-law, and decides to play with me, who is a son. By the way, let's touch the bottom of these two guys..."

When he heard that it was such a thing, Li Ke suddenly became energetic, especially when he thought of the Cheng family dish, the dry pot bamboo rat, he nodded his head without hesitation.

"But it's not time for the next value yet, let's go now?"

"Oh, of course not, let's go to invite one now, um, let's go and say hello to Li Zhubo first..."


Li Zhubo is busy at the moment, learning what a county owner should do.

As a person who can do the job of a traitor, his ability is naturally quite good, just like now, he is eagerly learning.

I heard the voices coming from outside the public house, and then I saw Cheng Sanlang and Wu Wang Li Ke approaching with a smile.

He quickly got up to greet him, and after a couple of greetings, Cheng Chubi didn't sit down, but spoke very cordially.

"Li Zhubo, it's a rare fate for you, Xu Xiancheng, and Cheng to be officials together."

"Today happens to be nothing major in the ya, and tomorrow is another day of rest.

Today, let's choose a day instead of hitting the sun, find a place together, and have a good meal. It can also be regarded as Cheng Mou taking office for the two new officials. "

"This, this is not necessary..." Upon hearing Cheng Sanlang's invitation, Li Yifu's first thought was that this guy was going to **** him off again.

"You don't need to be polite to Cheng, we'll just decide, and we'll go after we set the value."

Cheng Chubi waved his hand in a grand manner, but did not give Li Yifu a chance to refuse at all.

Then he did the same and pulled Xu Jingzong to the dinner team. Li Shimin, Longyan Dayue, praised Li Tai a few words, and decreed that he would give Li Tai two thousand horses of silk and two thousand catties of gold.

We encourage this Michelin-starred King of Wei to continue to work hard to complete the compilation of "Guodizhi" as soon as possible.

Seeing that King Wei Li Tai quickly bowed his thanks to Li Shimin with tears in his eyes, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but pouted. I almost wanted to vomit, Prince, you don't reward me with something, but Li Tai, King of Wei, rewarded you very quickly.

Li Shimin's eyes swept away if he was aware of it, and he fell on the pile of civil servants. He seemed to be tall and majestic. Cheng Chubi, who was brilliant and extraordinary, looked unhappy when he saw this guy, and he didn't know what he was muttering. Can not help but Yang.

"Where is Cheng Saburo?"

"Wei Chen is here..." Cheng Chubi quickly stepped out of the hall and bowed respectfully in Li Shimin's direction.

"Your Excellency has made the crown prince's foot disease healed, and I feel very relieved. Qing's writing of the "Three Character Classic" has enabled me to have articles more suitable for enlightenment in the Tang Dynasty, and it has also helped the prince to organize more than one million books to present to the court. Great honor."

"Come here, declare the decree." Li Shimin nodded to the side. Fang Xuanling stood up and bowed to Li Shimin first.

Only then did he take over the imperial edict from the eunuch, and after reading it, he began to read it.

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty looked at this Cheng Chubi, who had just received His Majesty's praise and became the youngest fourth-rank official outside the royal family just a month or two ago.

Once again received the emperor's award, this time, it is not a promotion, but a rank, from Dong'e County, directly promoted to Dong'e County Count, giving the first seat.

Give thousands of catties of gold, 5,000 horses of silk and silk, thousands of acres of fertile land, and give goldfish bags...

A series of rewards made Cheng Chubi, a greedy traveler, almost overjoyed. He quickly pushed the golden mountain to the ground and bowed to the ground, and sincerely thanked His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Seeing Cheng Chubi's mouth that couldn't close his smile, Li Shimin shook his head angrily and funny, thought about it, and couldn't help but exhort him again.

"Cheng Sanlang, you are also a fourth-rank official in the court. You should be cautious in your words and deeds, and don't make trouble, otherwise, the old man will not spare you."

It means that I used to be careless and fool around all day? Cheng Chubi was not happy to hear this.

But as an excellent example, Cheng Chubi was still honest and politely responded.

But this doesn't mean I'm that kind of person, it's just for the sake of money, I don't care about you, the Cheng Chubi didn't notice the surprised eyes around him, so he It was the eldest grandson Wuji, who couldn't help but spit out a sentence in his heart.

"This lucky bastard..."

Li Jing looked at Cheng Chubi with a smile. His Majesty's words were just like the emperor was instructing his subjects, but it was clearly the elders who were admonishing the younger generation with bright eyes.

Even Changsun Wuji's own son, Changsun Chong, and His Majesty's eldest daughter-in-law, His Majesty would never speak in such a different tone in front of civil and military officials in the courtroom.

Cheng Chubi had just stepped back, but when he heard His Majesty summoned the ministers of the Eastern Palace, Cheng Chubi could only twist his **** and run back.

This time, it means that His Majesty has healed the prince's foot disease, and because His Royal Highness is benevolent to the government and loves the people, this is of course the collective merit of the officials of the East Palace.

Therefore, the officials of the East Palace are given five hundred catties of gold and five hundred pi of silk and silk to encourage them.

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