The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2290: 1. Li Zhubo, who was sent into the soul, and 2. Xu Xiancheng, who was born in his arm

Li Yifu's soft cotton leaned weakly on the couch, while the charming concubine beside him was massaging his head.

When he opened his eyes, he had already returned to the house, and the sky was already bright.

Although the wine in Duke Lu's mansion was quite good, he didn't feel a headache when he woke up, but after all, it was too much, and his whole body felt soft.

Just like now, the charming and charming concubine is still being lifted from time to time while giving herself a massage, but Li Yifu's heart is still in the water at this moment.

Although alcohol can help, but too much, it can't help at all. At this moment, Li Yifu feels that he is no different from a salted fish lying on the beach.

"Master, at noon today, you only used some soup. Do you need to prepare more for the evening?"

The concubine's sweet and seductive voice rang in her ears, Li Yifu touched her empty belly, and nodded slightly in agreement.

"Alright, today's dinner is a bit richer, but remember to prepare a bowl of fish soup for me, sir, and put more pepper."

Just when Li Yifu and the concubine could only look at each other, unable to move.

The sound of hurried footsteps came over, and in a short time, the steward of Li's house appeared outside the house.

"Master, His Royal Highness King Wu has sent a steward to look for the master. He said that His Royal Highness King Wu has something important to do. Please come over to the house to talk."

"Wu, His Royal Highness King Wu?" Li Yifu, who had been paralyzed on the couch like a salted fish, was stunned when he heard this.

Seeing that the steward was confirmed, Li Yifu couldn't help but be full of doubts, didn't he just drink and eat meat with the versatile His Royal Highness King Wu yesterday?

Why did he come to him in a blink of an eye to have an interview with him?

Is there something strange here? Thinking about it carefully, yes, what did King Wu do when His Majesty arranged to be by Cheng Sanlang's side?

Of course, it played the role of supervision. In this case, his words and deeds with that Xu Jingzong were all seen by him.

He was looking for himself. Could it be that he wanted to find out some news from himself?

Maybe it wasn't him who wanted to inquire, but the one behind him. As a growing traitor with all his mind and body, Li Yifu thought about it.

Without hesitation, he got up and changed his clothes. Today, let's go to Wu Wang's mansion to see what's going on.

When Li Yifu rushed to King Wu's mansion and stepped into the mansion gate, he heard the sound of chatting and laughter coming from the mansion.

It seems that he actually heard Xu Jingzong's laughter. Li Yifu continued to move forward with doubtful strides. After entering the hall, he actually saw Cheng Saburo there.

I saw that His Royal Highness King Wu raised his hand to greet him with a smile.

"Alright, alright, Li Zhubo has finally arrived. The people who come here are still stunned to do something. Quickly prepare the banquet. Today, all the guests must have a good time, otherwise, this king will not be happy."

"???" Li Yifu stared blankly at His Royal Highness King Wu with a grin on his face. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the smile squeezed out by Xu Jingzong, which was no better than crying.

Today, because there are not many people, and it is not like being in the Lu Guogong Mansion, facing so many hospitable and hospitable Cheng family members, it is extremely stressful.

So today, Xu Jingzong felt that he should control himself. After all, he was almost in his sixtieth year, so he couldn't get drunk every day.

But in the face of the eloquent King Wu and Cheng Sanlang's persuasion, he had no choice but to drink.

Fortunately, Xu Jingzong was also a master at banquets for many years, so he decided to start using some small banquet skills to try to keep his mind clear.

Wu Meiniang took a calm breath and blinked her talking eyes, which meant that this girl would listen for a while.

Very good, this is what I want, Cheng Chubi thought about it, and clapped his hands. "You're welcome, come in."

Deng Chengxin, who was squatting outside with Cheng Guang and Cheng Liang and listening to the corner of the wall, looked bewildered, but he hurried into the house.

"Young master, did you call me?"

"Come here, let me ask you, how old are you?"

"Master, the villain is thirteen this year."

Deng Chengxin looked at the third son with a very serious and serious expression, and couldn't help but glanced at the girl next to him, and he couldn't understand the situation.

"I remember measuring your height at the end of last year. Come on, talk about it yourself."

"Yes, the villain is four feet two inches tall." Deng Chengxin replied.

"Well, very good, stand over there now, and I'll measure it for you..."

Cheng Chubi motioned Deng Chengxin to walk to the pillar of the house, drew a horizontal bar on the pillar with his head flush, and then took a ruler to measure.

"It's four feet two inches and three points now. It seems that you've grown a little taller, so let's go down first."

Wu Meiniang looked at Cheng Sanlang with a bit of confusion. Although she knew that he had his purpose in doing this, she always felt that something was wrong.

"Look, Deng Chengxin is the same age as you. He is still growing, and you are still growing. Do you know what that means?"

"Could it be the developmental period you mentioned before, the third brother?" Wu Meiniang was a little surprised.

"Yes, it is the period of puberty. At this stage, both men and women are in a period of vigorous growth and development, and the bones are not completely finalized."

"At a time like this, if we got married, there would be a lot of dire consequences..."

Wu Meiniang stared blankly at Cheng Sanlang, watching him gesturing and drawing in front of him, and even drew a quirky and quirky figure who pointed and pointed there.

But anyway, Wu Meiniang understood what Cheng Saburo meant, that is, if a woman gets married during puberty, giving birth prematurely will easily lead to dystocia and various diseases.

"...I believe that such cases should not be rare in this era. Maybe you can inquire carefully and you can..."

Before Cheng Chubi finished speaking, Wu Meiniang nodded subconsciously.

"I... I remember that my sister had a good sister, she got married when she was twelve years old, and she became pregnant within a few months of getting married.

At that time, my sister and I went to see her, but within a few months, the person was gone, and my sister told me that because of the dystocia, the mother and child could not be saved..."

Seeing Wu Meiniang's expression a little sad, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but sighed and continued to explain.

"So, the best way is for women to wait until they are at least 16 years old before getting married.

At that time, puberty development has reached a high point, and all aspects of the body have stabilized, and pregnancy will be safer at that time. "

Seeing Cheng Sanlang's appearance, Wu Meiniang couldn't help but snorted.

"But your majesty married a daughter before, and they were all twelve or thirteen years old. I heard that your majesty had just discussed with the empress, and I plan to marry your second brother at the beginning of next year when Princess Qinghe turns thirteen."

"Thirteen?!" Cheng Chubi sucked in a breath of cold air. At the age of thirteen, if he wanted an underage girl, he would fall into the hands of his second brother.

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