The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2292: With talent, it is better to study life than to die...

The imperial censor wanted to move, but at this moment, the fat and sturdy Cheng family stood with their knives and murderously blocked the street that should not be considered spacious.

As for His Royal Highness King Wu, after hearing that Brother Chubi was not planning to move, he completely relaxed.

He smiled and tucked his hands in his sleeves, posing as if it was nothing to do, the king decided to stand by and watch.

Li Ke was very much looking forward to the fact that Brother Chubi, a vulgar martial artist full of talent, finally started to write poetry again.

When he was asked to write poems on weekdays, Brother Chubi was not willing to lift his eyelids, and would rather play a few more cards than leave a famous masterpiece.

But whenever you fight with those gentle people, once you can't move your hands and feet, hehe...

Brother Chubi likes to show off his talents very much, taking the gadgets and talents that scholars are best at, so that life is worse than death.

This kind of ability, I am afraid that I have never encountered such a strange flower in all the history.

Li Yifu looked at the group of former colleagues, and then looked at Cheng Luoyang, who was tall and straight, with a calm expression on his face. .

What a sad heart, I can't wait to pick up a big stick and beat this group of troll colleagues wildly, even if you are looking for Li.

Anyway, hide it a little bit, poke a little bit secretly, that way, Li can tell you with snot and tears that I have no choice but to be wronged.

It's better now, Shengsheng is blocked here, let Cheng Saburo, a vulgar martial artist, catch him.

He is his current immediate boss, and he is so bad at attacking people that he will never be soft-hearted. Wouldn't he dare to say something bad in front of him?

Then again, in the face of Cheng Sanlang, the notorious moth, Li Yifu, who was resourceful and full of mind and body, gave birth to a feeling of a dog biting a hedgehog and having nowhere to speak.

I don't mean to be a righteous gentleman without means, but the problem is that I have a lot of black tricks.

If it is used on those civil servants who are self-absorbed and pay attention to reputation, Li Yifu feels that he can definitely take the opponent out of consideration.

However, the Cheng family's reputation was already stinky, no matter how much sewage was poured, let alone the Cheng family themselves.

Even the onlookers on the side, in addition to shaking their heads in disgust, feared that the most annoying thing in their hearts was two words: This is it?

Coupled with Cheng Saburo's thinking mode, it is simply confusing. He has never been uneasy about routines or even messed up when he does things.

This made Li Yifu not even think of using it to deal with it, and his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his eyes were full of gold stars.

Just when Li Yifu was so sad that he couldn't help himself, the servants in the house sent pen and ink.

##### I fell in love, but unfortunately age is a poisonous point.

Cheng Chubi rubbed his brows and felt that it was necessary for him to discuss with this girl Wu, who he admired, what is big and what is small.

Of course, it's the kind of serious big and small, which has nothing to do with cups.

"Meiniang, don't rush to get angry, listen to my explanation." Cheng Chubi raised a finger and said to Wu Meiniang with a very serious expression.

When an ordinary woman encounters such a situation, nine times out of ten, she will cover her ears with her hands and shake her head frantically. I won't listen, I won't listen.

But fortunately, Wu Meiniang was not an ordinary woman, and saw Cheng Saburo's rare serious expression.

Wu Meiniang took a calm breath and blinked her talking eyes, which meant that this girl would listen for a while.

Very good, this is what I want, Cheng Chubi thought about it and slapped him. "You're welcome, come in."

Deng Chengxin, who was squatting outside with Cheng Guang and Cheng Liang and listening to the corner of the wall, looked confused, but he hurried into the house.

Gu "Young master, did you call me?"

"Come here, let me ask you, how old are you?"

"Master, the villain is thirteen this year."

Deng Chengxin looked at the third son with a very serious and serious expression, and couldn't help but glanced at the girl next to him, and he couldn't understand the situation.

"I remember measuring your height at the end of last year. Come on, talk about it yourself."

"Yes, the villain is four feet two inches tall," Deng Chengxin replied.

"Well, very good, stand over there now, and I'll measure it for you..."

Cheng Chubi motioned Deng Chengxin to walk to the pillar of the house, drew a horizontal bar on the pillar with his head flush, and then took a ruler to measure.

"It's four feet two inches and three points now. It seems that you've grown a little taller, so let's go down first."

Wu Meiniang looked at Cheng Sanlang with a bit of confusion. Although she knew that he had his purpose in doing this, she always felt that something was wrong.

"Look, Deng Chengxin is the same age as you. He is still growing, and you are still growing. Do you know what that means?"

"Could it be the developmental period you mentioned before, the third brother?" Wu Meiniang was a little surprised.

"Yes, it is the period of puberty. At this stage, both males and females are in a period of vigorous growth and development, and the bones are not completely finalized."

"At a time like this, if we get married, there will be many, many terrible consequences..."

Wu Meiniang stared blankly at Cheng Sanlang, watching him gesturing and drawing in front of him, and even drew a quirky and quirky figure who pointed and pointed there.

But anyway, Wu Meiniang understood what Cheng Saburo meant, that is, if a woman gets married during puberty, giving birth too early can easily lead to dystocia and various diseases.

"...I believe that such cases should not be rare in this era. Maybe you can inquire carefully and you can..."

Before Cheng Chubi finished speaking, Wu Meiniang nodded subconsciously.

"I... I remember that my sister had a good sister, she got married when she was twelve years old, and she became pregnant within a few months of getting married.

At that time, my sister and I went to see her, but within a few months, the person was gone, and my sister told me that she could not save her mother and child because of the dystocia..."

Seeing Wu Meiniang's expression a little Cheng Chubi couldn't help but sighed and continued to explain.

"So, the best way is for women to wait until they are at least sixteen years old before getting married.

At that time, puberty development has reached a high point, and all aspects of the body have stabilized, and pregnancy will be safer at that time. "

Seeing Cheng Sanlang's appearance, Wu Meiniang couldn't help but snorted.

"But your majesty married a daughter before, and they were all twelve or thirteen years old. I heard that your majesty had just discussed with the empress, and I plan to marry your second brother at the beginning of next year when Princess Qinghe turns thirteen."

"Thirteen?!" Cheng Chubi sucked in a breath of cold air. At the age of thirteen, as soon as he wanted an underage girl, he would fall into the hands of his second brother.

Cheng Chubi couldn't calm down for a while, anyway, the lady of the Mo family that the eldest brother was looking for heard that she was already fifteen years old.

"No, definitely not, I must tell His Majesty when I have the opportunity, this is his daughter, how can he do this."

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