The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2303: Your father assigned Cheng Mou's 2 talents, and the other one is...

"By the way, Xu Sheren, Cheng Mou remembers that you are an official of the East Palace, so why are you in Luoyang and not in Chang'an, do you have another appointment?"

"That's not true. It's because Xiguan misses his father, so he specially asked for leave to visit, but he didn't expect..."

Having said this, Xu Ang couldn't help but blushed.

"What a dutiful son..." Cheng Chubi looked at Xu Sheren, who was older than himself, with satisfaction.

It seems that the courtiers chosen by His Majesty for His Royal Highness are indeed very discerning.

Anyway, Cheng Chubi only knew that Xu Jingzong was a big traitor named in the history books. As for whether his son was a good person, let's not say it.

But at least his behavior can be regarded as a filial child, it seems that the old Xu family has a good family education.

For some reason, the expression of Li Ke, who was sitting beside him, became a little strange, but he concealed it well and didn't let anyone notice.

After all these things had been dealt with and all the idle people had retreated, Cheng Chubi sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, it seems that starting tomorrow, Cheng will never have the chance to be as relaxed and comfortable as he is now."

"And there are so many things in the south of the city. Li Yifu alone will definitely be too busy."

Li Ke nodded thoughtfully, and looked at this brother Chubi, who had been wandering for a while with sympathy.

"That's true. After all, Xu Jingzong suffered such serious injuries, and I'm afraid he won't get better in a few months."

At this time, Qin Zhaotou finally returned to the county office and reported to Cheng Sanlang.

There were no marks on the horse, and it was a very common variegated horse, so no clues could be obtained from the horse.

As for the carriage, it looked very old, even a modified car.

"Modified cars?"

Cheng Chubi looked at the head of Qin in front of him with a dazed expression, and rounded his eyes exaggeratedly.

"These days, there are all modified cars. Which factory is the engine from?"

"Fa, what is the engine?" Qin Chautou looked at the confused Cheng Luoyang with a confused look.

"That Qin catcher, just explain to Cheng Luoyang what a modified car is, and don't care about the rest."

"Yes, yes, the so-called modified car is an old car that has been used for many years, the hood has been broken, or other parts have been broken."

"It was installed with roughly equal parts from other vehicles that were also damaged..."

"How can this be called a modified car? At most, it can only be regarded as an assembled car."

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but glared at this guy, causing Lao Tzu to think that when he encountered a cross-travel peer, such a refitted car, in later generations, privately refitting a vehicle would be a violation of traffic laws, okay?

All in all, there are no clues at all about the car that was pieced together and has now fallen apart.

"...But the lower official still left a few officers to investigate the area to see if they could find the owner of the car."

After watching that Qin catcher left the room, Cheng Sanlang reluctantly stroked his forehead.

"It seems that this hit-and-run case can only be done with human resources and fate."

"Fortunately, your father assigned Cheng Mou's two talents, and one who has all beards and tails.

I hope he can continue to do well and do a good job for the infrastructure construction of Luoyang County. "After all, that old friend said, Immortal Yongning is very powerful, he knows a lot of methods, and the medicine pill that Immortal Yongning makes.

It is said that they are specially provided to those dignitaries, so that they can prolong their lives.

Since those princes and nobles are willing to take it, if it really doesn't work, why would anyone want to take it?

Cheng Tai often made a lot of money, and all of a sudden he took out 500 pieces to let himself go to the immortal Yong Ning to make medicine pills.

If you can get them back, you should hide one or two of them first, in case it really works, hmm...

Even if you can't be vulgar and immortal, you can live longer.

Caressing his long white beard, Wang Yiling showed a beautiful smile on his face.


Cheng Chubi rushed to Cheng's University outside the city. At this time, he was in class, and Cheng Chubi walked around the teaching area of ​​the campus.

I saw that the teachers were teaching their students energetically at the moment.

The students also listened attentively and attentively, and especially on the wall behind where the teachers sat, there were a few aphorisms hanging.

Cheng Chubi strolled around in satisfaction and then returned to his headmaster's office to squat.

Soon, as the bell rang for the end of the get out of class, it didn't take long for Dr. Hu and Zhang Jin to rush over.

"You two don't need to be too polite, Elder Hu, Junior Brother Zhang, what do you think of this place, but are you still used to it?"

Cheng Chubi motioned for the two to sit down, looked at them with a smile and asked.

Zhang Jin exclaimed in great spirits.

"It's very good. The students here are very focused on listening to the class. Many students are even asking when they will start practicing."

Dr. Hu also nodded again and again with a smile. "The students are very motivated and never slack off in their studies."

"And most of them are young people, but they are all born in doctors, so it is not difficult for students to learn."

"That's good. Cheng Mou is here today because he actually has an important matter, and he wants to discuss something with the two of you."

Cheng Chubi told the two that now, Datang has entered a period of rapid development, and all walks of life are flourishing.

However, the medicine of the Tang Dynasty seems to be too lagging behind. Many teaching materials still use the "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" handed down from the Han Dynasty.

There are still many mistakes and omissions in this thing, and Cheng Chubi has not concealed what he has seen and heard in the Imperial Physician's Office.

Hearing these two dumbfounded, they couldn't make a sound for a long time.

"So, Cheng decided to rebuild the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" and give a name to those medicines that are not listed in the Dianyao, but are used by many doctors."

Hearing Cheng Chubi's words, Dr. Hu and Zhang Jin immediately lit up and looked at Cheng Chubi expectantly.

"Cheng Taichang can have such a will. I can't ask for it. Although the old man is old, he is willing to obey Cheng Taichang's dispatch."

Zhang Jin also nodded vigorously, but soon, Zhang Jin was a little worried.

"Senior brother, I naturally want to listen to you about this matter, but it's just me and Dr. Hu.

I'm afraid that even if you try your best, you won't be able to do your best. "

"I've also informed you about what's going on at the Imperial Physician's Office, they can't help you for the time being.

However, you can select some available talents from among the students in the school. "

"Besides that, I also found you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Chubi saw five painters including Master Xu and Painter Dong coming together.

With the arrival of these five painters, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but be overjoyed and said to Hu and Zhang. "This is the helper I found for you."

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