The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2306: It is said that Xu Jingzong entered the palace, I want to ask him in person

"Bring it here and show it to me..." Li Shimin's face suddenly sank, he took the manuscript paper handed over by Hu Suiliang, and looked at it carefully.

On those manuscript papers is Xu Jingzong's calligraphy.

It's just that although the words are beautiful, the content inside is not quite beautiful.

"There's no reason for this, it's so outrageous!" Li Shimin couldn't help but slapped the case hard with his palm.

"How could he Xu Jingzong slander and arrange Feng Qing so much, even though Feng Qing has a lot of faults.

But it should be talking about things. He arranged it like this, and he was simply doing something wrong. "The real person Yongning saw the box that Mingxing respectfully presented, and after opening it, there was a golden object inside."

His eyes narrowed all of a sudden, and soon, with a displeased expression, he stood up and waved his sleeves.

"Don't use these Adu things to contaminate your teacher..."

"Yes, yes, it's the disciple's fault, but the disciple feels that this is a part of my friend's will.

If he didn't accept it, it would make him feel that Shizun was afraid that he would not be willing to take action in person. "

Hearing this, Immortal Yongning turned his back slowly. His eyes seemed to glance at the box of golden light, and he quickly moved away.

That unavoidable appearance made Ming Xing admire his master's moral conduct more and more.

"It's your friend, and I asked you to entrust it to you. That's all, then as a teacher, I will make a pot of gold pills for him."

"As for these things of Adu, you should keep them and give them to your senior brother in a while.

Let him pick it up, if there are natural and man-made disasters, you can do more good deeds, and you can live a long life..."

Then the real person Yongning solemnly asked the Taoist priest Mingxing about the birth date of his friend.

After listening to Ming Xing's announcement of Wang Yiling's birth date, Immortal Yong Ning made a series of gestures, and his fingers almost turned into afterimages.

After a long time, Immortal Yongning said this.

"Let him come back three days later to get the elixir, and the master will give him a pot of top-quality golden elixir, and when the elixir is released, it is most suitable for him only when the elixir is released at the beginning of the three days."

Hearing what Yongning said, Daoist Mingxing hurriedly bowed respectfully towards the master, expressing gratitude.

"Thank you, Master..."


"Third son, General Xue sent someone to spread the news, saying that he had made an appointment with the third son before,

Today, I went to the banquet in his mansion. I was worried that the third son, your nobleman would forget too much, so I specially sent someone to wait here. "

"General Xue? But Xue Wanjun..." Cheng Chubi was a little confused, when did he agree to this General Xue.

Uncle Fu, the housekeeper, saw Third Young Master's expression, and as expected, he explained with a smile.

"It seems that you really forgot, Third Young Master. When the master held a big banquet in the mansion that day, General Xue did mention it, and you agreed."

Hearing Uncle Fu's explanation, what else could Cheng Chubi say, it seemed that he should have been drinking too much at that time, so he had no impression.

However, since he had promised, Cheng Chubi naturally couldn't fail the appointment. After greeting Uncle Fu, he followed the steward of General Xue's house towards Xue's house.

Stepping into the Xue mansion, he saw Xue Wanjun, the general Xue Meng, standing proudly on the front hall steps.

"I've seen Second Uncle Xue. My little nephew is busy with official business today. I'm really sorry for being one step late."

Xue Wanjun patted Cheng Chubi's shoulder with his big hand, and walked straight into the hall with a smile.

"Okay, nephew, please come in quickly. The old man is worried that your kid is too busy. If you don't come today, the old man will come to visit in person."

The fat General Xue in front of Cheng Chubi came to the hall and sat down.

After a while, delicious food and wine were placed on the table, and Cheng Chubi took up the wine glass and wanted to invite General Xue.

As a result, Xue Wanjun waved his hand. "It's easy to make mistakes when I drink alcohol, nephew, just drink it by yourself."

Hearing such a statement, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but remember that at the family banquet that day, the second uncle Xue took the wine glass to death and took the initiative to respect this and the other.

Well, it seems that this guy is a little drunk, so Cheng Chubi drank a glass of it unceremoniously, and General Xue began to compliment Cheng Chubi's medical skills.

Cheng Chubi was implicitly modest, but he was pondering in his heart that this big guy came to him and flattered his junior so earnestly.

I'm afraid there must be something strange here.

Without disappointing Cheng Chubi, General Xue suddenly sighed with emotion.

"It's been almost ten years since this old man got married. Unfortunately, there are only two daughters under his knees. My brother is also a daughter under his knees..."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi was stunned for a long time, a little shy. "Second Uncle Xue, my little nephew can't help you in this matter."

"Having a boy or a girl is a matter between your husband and wife, and there is nothing my nephew can do."

"..." Xue Wanjun looked at Cheng San with a dark expression on his face. Is this what the old man means? This is not the point, you kid is in such a hurry to make a fart.

"No, nephew, you have misunderstood. This is not what the old man said, but another. You must know about my third brother Wan Che."

"Of course, Uncle Xue is a man." Cheng Chubi, who knew he had said something wrong, hurriedly flattered.

"Yes, he is a man, but he is obsessed with martial arts all day long, and now he is in his early thirties, and he has no intention of marrying a daughter-in-law."

"A few days ago, I persuaded him again, but this kid is still that stupid...cough, insisted not to marry.

What else was said, the woman would interfere with his Xiangwu heart, and the old man was so angry that he almost wanted to kick him. "

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi almost choked on the wine. What kind of nonsense is this God interfering with Xiang Wu's heart?

If I was a middle schooler like this, wouldn't it be similar to the way that women in later generations would affect the speed at which I draw my sword?

"Today, the old man is here to find you, nephew, just to ask you if the third child of my family is sick."

Having said this, Xue Wanjun also blinked at Chu Chubi with a sneaky expression.

Cheng Chubi slapped his mouth and slapped his mouth, hesitantly said. "It shouldn't be a disease..."

"How could it not be a disease? UU reading Our five sons of the Xue family, now, the eldest, the second, the fourth and the fifth are married, and he is the only bachelor."

"Eat all the time, go to the west, what's the matter, let him get married, this kid is just not happy."

"..." Cheng Chubi stared blankly at Uncle Xue in front of him, and asked a question after a long time.

"Uncle Xue doesn't look like a very stingy person. Isn't it to save money?"

"That's definitely not the case. Anyway, all day long, he is only happy to play with a bunch of rough men, to learn martial arts skills, and find a few good women for him."

"The result was good, I didn't even see his face. Asking him, it's not that it will disturb his Xiang Wuzhi, or that he is still young and not in a hurry..."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi was also aroused by curiosity, and he couldn't help but start to diverge his thoughts and ask a question.

"Could it be that Uncle Xue doesn't like women? He likes that..."


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