The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2309: Brother Xian, you understand me, but you don't understand the face of a traitor.

Li Ke's words are very simple and brief, meaning that if you want to save your lover and child, as well as your father's life, I beg this Cheng Saburo who is full of heart and soul.

Xu Ang and Xu Sheren, as a vassal of His Royal Highness the Prince of the Tang Dynasty, have not dealt with Cheng Sanlang at close range.

But the problem is that he is in the East Palace with Cheng Saburo after all, and he is very aware of the ability of this powerful Cheng Sablang, who is famous in Chang'an.

Whether it was his ability to do things or his ability to turn the tide, no one was dissatisfied. Of course, it was normal to be dissatisfied.

After all, this guy has offended almost all the civil servants in the East Palace, but he is very clear that the Crown Prince is able to have today, mostly because of this person Cheng. When Du Shi received the news and rushed over in a hurry, he saw Cheng San Gongzi sitting between his husband and brother-in-law with a heartbroken heart.

The fat and strong Xue brothers are toasting frequently.

"Husband!" Du Shi suddenly raised his voice by at least an octave, interrupting the lively atmosphere in the hall.

Even Xue Wanjun, who was prone to forget things as soon as the wine was served, was so frightened that the wine glass in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Why are you here, lady?"

Seeing his husband's dazed appearance, he knew that he might have left serious business behind again.

Du Shi gritted his teeth and forced a gentle smile.

"Husband, my concubine invited Cheng San Gongzi to come over the mansion today, in order to see the concubine's illness. When he sees the concubine's illness, he will come to accompany you."

Cheng Chubi still didn't know where Du Shi was here to teach him. .

"Yes! Two uncles, drink slowly, my nephew, I have to go to see my aunt..."

With Du's presence, he finally suppressed the two rough old men of the old Xue family, and rescued Cheng Sanlang who was in danger.

"Forget it, second brother, let's drink first, come!"

Xue Wanche reluctantly watched Du's pull away the little wine friend, grabbed the second brother, and raised the wine glass.

"Come here, do it!" Xue Wanjun would naturally not show weakness in front of his own younger brother, and the two brothers once again opened the prelude to mutual harm.

Cheng Chubi wiped the stinky sweat from his forehead and bowed towards Du Shi. "Thank you auntie for helping me, or else I'll be running for nothing today."

Du Shi hurriedly supported Cheng Saburo without knowing whether to laugh or cry, and explained to his husband with some guilt.

"I'm really sorry, you Ershu Xue and the others are that virtue. When you drink alcohol, you forget everything."

What could Cheng Chubi say, of course, he could only smile dryly and express that he understood these drunken lunatics.

Nima, after being pulled in for a while, she even ate a few mouthfuls of vegetables, and she has already filled five or six cups.

If Du Shi is late to Zhu Xiang's work, I am afraid that he will have to close and open his eyes again, and the sky will dawn...


Du's aunt is very gentle and generous, um, this makes Cheng Chubi have to sigh, why is this rough old man of the Tang Dynasty.

The daughters-in-law they marry are both so gentle and generous, and they speak like a spring breeze.

Could it be that this is what is often said to complement each other's personalities?

This made Cheng Chubi not want to think of Wu Meiniang again, so it seems that his character is indeed gentle, courteous, and very gentle...

Du Shi sat with him for a while, and when the servants brought the food and wine, he left, while Cheng Chubi started to eat Husai by himself and feasted fiercely.

Of course, he had been poured several cups in a row just now, and it was still a bit tricky, so Cheng Chubi didn't dare to drink any more.

After I was full, I held my stomach and began to think about what kind of words should I use to raise the topic when facing the drunk for a while.

Just after Cheng Chubi was thinking about it for a long time, the steward Xue Meng finally broke in and told Cheng Chubi with a happy face.

His master has fallen to the ground drunk, and the third master is almost swaying.

"Also ask Third Young Master Cheng to hurry over."

Cheng Chubi looked at the steward of Xue's house who was happy after seeing his master drunk, stood up straight, and strode towards the front hall.

After passing through the courtyard gate, Cheng Chubi was still worried, worried that Uncle Xue, who had been drunk for a while, suddenly jumped up from the ground and wanted to drink another round?

"That manager Xue, if you are like this, hurry up and find a few people to carry your master out."

"Now?" Butler Xue Meng didn't quite understand the operation of the third son of Cheng.

"Yes, right now." Cheng Chubi waved his hand. "Hurry up, I want to have a good chat with your third master about life and ideals, it's not suitable to have idle people around."

"..." Steward Xue Meng had a black line on his face. What kind of idiots are waiting, this is the Xue Mansion, and my master is the master of the Xue Mansion, okay?

However, considering his wife's instructions, everything was left to the arrangement of the third son of Cheng. The steward Xue Meng could only resist the strong urge to complain and call out a few servants to enter the front hall together.

Xue Wanjun, who had been drinking so much that his eyes were straight, still sat stably, and Xue Wanjun, who had an unfinished expression on his face, saw Cheng Chubi and was instantly overjoyed.

"Ha, nephew Chubi, hurry up and accompany the old man to drink some more, your second uncle Xue is useless, it's no longer possible."

Xue Meng, the steward who was carefully moving his master, almost crooked his nose in anger, but considering that the third master has never been able to speak.

He could only be too lazy to pay attention to him, and with a dark face, he and the servants lifted the master to the door, and then carried him outside with a murmur.

Cheng Chubi, who already had food at the bottom of his stomach, naturally wouldn't be cowardly in the face of Xue Wanche, who was already half-crippled.

Under the frequent toasts, this Xue Meng's eyes would still move from the beginning, and almost the whole person's expression became dull after that.

Grinning, seeing Xue Wanche like this, Cheng Chubi began to show off his words, bragging with Xue someone crookedly.

After talking nonsense, Cheng Chubi talked about Niu Weituo again, about this brother Weituo who had become a relative last year. UU reading www.

Now his wife is also pregnant, and Uncle Niu is so happy that he can't find Beidu during this time.

Then the conversation turned and landed on Xue Wanche. Cheng Chubi raised the glass towards Xue Wanche with a smile on his face.

"Now Sanshu Xue, you have already achieved fame, and you should get married and have children.

When you get married, Uncle Xue, your little nephew will definitely call friends and friends over to join in the fun. "

"Cheng Te Niang's kiss..." Xue Mengjiang, who had been drinking, heard this, his face suddenly became very ugly, and he slammed the wine glass in his hand on the table.

Seeing this third uncle Xue behave like this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but move in his heart and his eyes lit up.

It seems that the third uncle Xue is also a person with a story, but I don't know if his story belongs to the danmei category or the pure love category?

Under the inducement of Cheng Chubi's exquisite words, Xue Wanche, who was reluctant to tell the truth at first, hesitantly told the truth.

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