The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2312: The good news is that you will have grandchildren, the bad news is that you will cont

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Xu Jingzong's eyes bulged in an instant, and his nostrils almost spurted out sparks. Special mother, if it weren't for the old man's broken leg.

Believe it or not, I'm definitely going to jump up and play the king and eight fists, so that you, a vulgar warrior who can't speak human words, know what blood splashes five steps.

Cheng Chubi was faced with this kind of expression, hehe... he had long been used to it, after all, good medicine is bitter, and honest words are hard to listen to.

Just because he doesn't like to hear it doesn't mean it's wrong, it is precisely because he has struck the heart of this old yin that he will nod towards Deng Chengxin as Cheng Chubi, looking at the two tortoises, He looked back at Zhang and Wang, the two doctors.

"Well, these two spirit turtles, but Cheng Mou specially sent someone to get them in a Taoist temple.

It is said that he has lived for at least thirty or forty years, and the kind that has a lot of spiritual energy. "

Cheng Chubi didn't ask how he got it, but he had the amiable and easy-going nature of the old Cheng family.

Thinking about it, as long as you don't steal those Taoist houses, all Taoist temples should be happy to deal with Lao Cheng's family with general small requirements.

Well, this was not from Cheng Chubi, but from Uncle Fu, the housekeeper. Cheng Chubi also took it seriously, and silently praised the prestige of the old Cheng family in Chang'an City.

There is no momentum, and when they do things, those guys will definitely push the three and four.

But once the Cheng family comes forward, it doesn't matter whether you are white or underworld or immortal and Buddha, you have to give some face, right?

When Wang Yiling and Zhang Yiling heard the word "getting", they always felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't ask anything. .

But seeing these two turtles, they are indeed very big and very spiritual.

Wang Yiling even subconsciously clasped his palms and saluted the turtle that was staring at him with the most eyes.

"Sure enough, it is very spiritual, as expected of a spirit turtle..."

"Well, that's it, I'll feed them a golden pill, give them a medical order, and take them home for observation.

It would be best if they could become immortals. Of course, if not immortals, how about I continue to feed them tomorrow? "

"..." Wang Yiling and Zhang Yiling resisted the urge to complain and nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry about Cheng Taichang, the old man (Xiaguan) will definitely be optimistic."

Although Cheng Tai often likes serious nonsense, he is still very solid and serious in his work.

Next, Cheng Chubi picked up the tortoise whose eyes had just been confirmed with Wang Yiling.

This is a tortoise with a high back armor and a few Taoist scriptures engraved on it. Cheng Chubi gestured towards Deng Chengxin.

Then, the big bosses and men just squatted, watching Deng Chengxin start to pick up a straw stick to molest the tortoise again.

Soon, the tortoise couldn't hold it any longer, its head suddenly stretched out, and it bit when it opened its mouth.

"???" The tortoise couldn't bite the straw, but felt that his neck was being pinched tightly, and he couldn't retract the tortoise shell.

The two medical orders Wang and Zhang just stared blankly at Cheng Chubi, watching him pour out a golden pill from the gourd with a smirk and stuff it into the turtle's mouth.

After wandering for a long time, I was sure that the tortoise had swallowed the thing, and then he released his hand contentedly.

Then, the tortoise retracted its head into the tortoise shell for the first time, with a posture that Lao Tzu couldn't come out even if he was killed today.

Cheng Chubi quickly grabbed another one and did the same. After finishing it, he packed the cage and handed it to the two.

Shaking the gourd, I felt that there were at least ten golden pills in it, the weight of which was heavy. tsk...

Well, this needs to be taken orally at one time. Cheng Chubi believes that there will definitely be another critically ill patient with severe heavy metal poisoning and gastric perforation in front of him.


Zhang Yiling and Wang Yiling left the Imperial Physician's Office with a turtle cage each under the gaze of their colleagues with sullen faces.

"What's the matter? What kind of hobbies are Zhang Yiling and Wang Yiling carrying a turtle?"

"Heh... Who knows, but I heard that people with high power like to feed some strange things."

"I even heard that there was a noble man who liked to keep snakes, and that thing made me feel uncomfortable just looking at the old man..."

"Please, although Zhang Yiling and Wang Yiling are our Shangguans, they can't reach the level of high authority, right?"

"Can't you have a different pet if you don't have a high weight?"

"Besides, it's good to keep turtles. That thing can live for dozens or hundreds of years. If you don't have it, you can pass your pet to future generations."

"Ouch... It's better to see Mr. Liu Gao, this is the truth. Buying a turtle can not only play for a lifetime, but also play with your grandparents and grandchildren for three generations if you are lucky."

"Brother Xian, are you saying this the other way around? It's people playing with turtles, not turtles playing with people, okay?"

Cheng Chubi ignored the gossip about the bureaucrats of the Imperial Physician's Office chattering on the side, and he had some pity on these two medical orders.

Carrying a turtle cage, don't you know how to cover it with a cloth? Alas, but this is not some crazy social death scene.

When he thought of letting people bring chickens and rabbits to the Imperial Physician's Office last time, he didn't know how to arrange these guys, and Cheng Chubi felt terrified.

When I go back to the court to start a pharmacopoeia, I will see how I toss you, and see if you still have the energy to gossip and gossip all day long.

Thinking of this, the smile on Cheng Chubi's face seemed much brighter and kinder. He smiled and carried his hands on his back as he walked slowly towards the layman of the Imperial Physician's Office.

When a group of medical officers saw this, they all saluted and greeted him.

Compared with the two approachable bosses, this boss's boss, but they absolutely can't afford to offend the Cheng family.


After leaving the Imperial Physician's Office, Cheng Chubi rode his horse towards Xue Wanjun's mansion and rushed outside the mansion.

Cheng Chubi cautiously inquired with the servants of Xue's house first, and made sure that there were no guests in General Xue's house today, so he happily followed Xue's family to the and just returned. In the mansion, Xue Wanjun, who was chatting with his wife Du Shi in the backyard, heard that Cheng Chubi came to visit.

Xue Wanjun slapped his thigh with a slap. "This kid is finally here. If it doesn't come again, the old man wants to go to the door to find him."

Du Shi, who was on the side, saw the excited husband, and said with a smile.

"Then husband, hurry over, since Cheng Saburo is here, maybe he already has a way to explain the trouble of the third brother."

"Well, the husband will go first." Xue Wanjun nodded, and after talking to his wife Du Shi, he walked away quickly.

When he came to the front hall, and saw Cheng Chubi who was sitting in the middle of the hall looking to the west, Xue Wanjun was very knowledgeable and hurriedly brought people drinks and food.

The table in front of Cheng Chubi was filled with delicious food and wine. Well, there is no wine at Xue Wanjun's table, his drinks are soup and water.

"Nephew Chubi, what is the situation of my third brother?"

After Cheng Chubi took a sip of wine, he explained to Xue Wanjun.

"Second Uncle Xue, in fact, Third Uncle Xue's disease is medically called phobia of women, also known as phobia of women."

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