The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2317: Look, look for Cheng Luoyang to save me, hurry up...

From here to another construction site, it takes about two squares of distance, and the land of Luonan, especially the square market in this area, is completely in ruins.

Therefore, there is no need to worry that the construction will affect the production and life of the people. The project here is progressing rapidly.

Having said that, since Xu Jingzong injured his leg, he lacked a supervisor, which led to the slowdown of the progress of the project in the area in charge of Xu Jingzong. For nothing else, just because this thing was made by the famous Cheng Saburo, and it was praised by His Majesty and named it himself.

Think about it, this thing has been tried by His Majesty, so how can it go wrong?

From the moment I saw the propaganda in the newspaper, many ironware shops began to let their masters make them, and then they bought peat and burned the Zhenguan furnace.

It was placed at the door of his shop, so that those who passed by could feel the heart-warming power of the iron stove.

Even if I didn't read the newspaper before, I only knew the hardworking people all day long.

Passing by the blacksmith shop, I felt such a warm warmth.

I will also start to inquire about what this object is and why it is so warm when placed in the open space.

This kind of publicity effect is really powerful, and the number of orders has shown explosive growth. .

Fang Xuanling stroked his long beard, and was happily following Ma Zhou as he walked towards the Liangyi Hall, whispering in a low voice.

The topic they were talking about was also the Zhenguan Furnace that the entire Chang'an court and opposition had been talking about in the past few days.

Ma Zhou didn't have much dealings with Cheng Saburo, but he still admired this young man who could make a fool of himself.

"As Chang'an's population becomes more and more dense, today's charcoal and bamboo charcoal are becoming more and more expensive."

"The poor people are often worried about heating in winter, but now, there is actually another way."

Fang Xuanling nodded, deeply agreeing.

"The price of one catty of charcoal is enough to buy seven or eight catties of peat, which is still the price of transporting it to Chang'an City."

"And there are quite a lot of peat in Guanzhong, but in the past, because too few people used it, the amount of peat purchased was not large."

"Now that this zhenguan furnace is released, I'm afraid those things that were originally like mud bumps have become golden bumps again..."

"Fortunately, Your Majesty has the foresight to strictly control the price of peat."

"His Majesty has begun to send more artisans to find peat according to the dispatch department, and is preparing to excavate more peat to supply the people."

"In the house of the Prime Minister, I must have used this thing too?"

"Haha, that's not right. Erlang, the incompetent Erlang in my family, got a Zhenguan Furnace directly from Cheng Sanlang."

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"At that time, the old man was not very happy. He thought that this kid was fooling around, but after the fire started, it was really warm..."

Speaking of this, Fang Xuanling couldn't help showing a kind smile on his face, and the second child followed Cheng Sanlang.

Although he has been away from home all day long, he seems to be a lot more sensible.

It's not like the old days, squatting in front of him is like a piece of wood, and he can't fart for a long time, which is really unpleasant.


At the same time, in the Liangyi Hall, the eunuchs were busy.

The eight huge copper furnaces that used to burn charcoal for heating that originally stood in the Liangyi Hall have been withdrawn.

At this moment, it was replaced by eight very beautifully shaped Zhenguan furnaces about half a person's height, and the bottoms were covered with stone slabs about a foot thick for heat insulation.

On the furnace body, there are even beautiful decorations in relief, and around the Zhenguan furnace, it is specially surrounded by railings.

This is to prevent the very high temperature Lu Guanlu from scalding some people who are curious and intend to kill.

The difference in appearance between this thing and the iron stove that Cheng Chubi donated that day.

It's as if the elegant and artistic metal sculptures are so different from the iron bumps on the roadside.

And the heat radiated from the eight Great Punishment Zhenguan Furnaces made the entire Liangyi Hall become very warm.

It is a world of difference from the feeling of heating with a carbon stove in the past.

In addition, in accordance with His Majesty's instructions, two iron stoves were also built behind the Emperor's Imperial Plan.

In the past, the emperor had always thought it was too cold. Now that the heating facilities are to be replaced, it is natural to satisfy His Majesty's wish for sufficient heating.

When the servants had gathered outside the Liangyi Hall, with the sound of the drum, the powerful warriors of Wukong slowly pushed open the heavy hall door.

At the moment when the door of the palace was opened, all the important court officials felt a warm wind blowing towards them.

"It's actually so warm... It seems that His Majesty really cares about me. Look, the original carbon stove here has been replaced by a Zhenguan stove."

"Yeah, you look at that long pipe, like a long rainbow..."

"Comfortable, really comfortable. It seems that today's court discussion will finally stop wearing this annoying coat."

"Hahaha... Brother Yaojin, your third child has made a great contribution again."

"It's nothing, it's just a few peat-burning stoves, for my Saburo.

Inventing such gadgets is as common as eating and drinking. "

Cheng Yaojin Mingming had already laughed so much that the copper bell's big eyes were squinted into two slits, but UU Reading had to be very reserved and modest.

This very Versailles language art makes Wu Chen want to spit at this cheeky one.

Cheng Yaojin saw Li Ji's unhappy face, hehe, he jumped over, and grabbed the good brother who cut the chicken's head and burned the yellow paper.

"I said, Brother Xian, what happened to the bet you made with my third child?"

"Who, I said Duke Mao, what bet did you make with that Cheng Saburo?"

Qin Qiong looked at Li Ji with a confused expression.

Li Ji broke away from Cheng Yaojin's arm with a black face, and said unhappily.

"My little brother is just playing around with that kid Cheng Sanlang, but the result is good. Your third child has the cheek to want to cheat the old man's salary for half a year."

"Yo yo yo, what, brother, are you really being tricked?" Li Keshi, who was beside him, came over with a look of excitement and asked curiously.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. This kid made a bet with my Saburo that if my Saburo could make a light-weight and full-bodied army ration."

"He just lost half a year's salary to my Saburo, hehe..."

Cheng Yaojin caressed his needle-like thick beard and said happily.

"Don't say it, my third child really took out that kind of military ration."

The military ministers who heard it came over to inquire.

"True or false, if there is such a military ration, then the mobility of our Tang soldiers will be even more powerful."

"That's natural. Saburo of my family is solid. If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Mao."

Seeing that pair of eyes cast over, Li Ji nodded helplessly. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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