The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2321: Xu Jingzong's car accident, Xu Xiancheng, may not be an accident

Cheng Chubi slowly walked inside the house, his brows tightly locked together, whether it was out of intuition.

Or because of various rumors and evaluations about this His Royal Highness King Qi.

Before this, Li You was so cowardly that Cheng Chubi felt surprised. He always wondered if there was some conspiracy here.

Even if the King of Qi, Li You, sent a handwritten letter, saying that under the threat of his own father, he could only be wronged and seek perfection.

However, grievances and seeking perfection, can it really mean that Li You really let go of him?

Maybe it was just a smoke bomb he let out in order to seek revenge. Hearing Brother Chubi's muttering in his ear, Li Ke's expression became very strange.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

"Brother Chubi, are you sure this is a serious matter?"

Cheng Chubi smiled sadly.

"Nonsense, why don't you take your uncle to Goulan, or donate your precious treasure and choose one yourself?"

"If you don't want to donate, hehehe..."

"Donate, my brother is willing to donate, isn't it?"

Seeing Brother Chubi's terrifying smile, Li Ke immediately persuaded him.

Although I don't know why I am so afraid, I think it must be the reason why my tangled handle fell into the palm of Brother Chubi's hand...

The group said goodbye to Uncle Xue and rushed out of Xue's house, and the big guys went back to their own homes.

Cheng Chubi also said goodbye to the two brothers, saying that he still had serious business to go to the Wu Palace. .

The eldest brother and the second brother, who had also suffered heavy losses at the banquet last night, waved lazily at the younger brother and walked towards the home.

With dark circles under his eyes, Cheng Chuliang shook his still dizzy head, with an expression that life was worse than death.

"Te Niang's, that grape wine is too unpleasant to drink. Even now, I still have a headache."

Cheng Chumo, who also had dark circles and a haggard face, drank a drink that even felt disgusting to him, and quickly raised his hand to disperse the smell.

"Who said no, sigh, I really don't know how these noble families drink that grape wine all day long, how can that thing be as comfortable as our family's Sanle syrup."

"Yeah, eldest brother, hurry up, hurry home, hurry back before lunch, or fill your stomach. Brother, I have already started thinking about our family's food."

While complaining, the two brothers hurried away towards home.

And Cheng Chubi and Li Ke came to Wu Wangfu. The two circled the corridor again and came to Li Ke's study.

Sure enough, I saw the two beautiful young ladies giggling and giggling while cleaning the study room.

After seeing their highness, the two young ladies bowed towards Li Ke with affectionate expressions, and the soft voice that deliberately squeezed her throat made Li Ke's heart sway.

Then, the huge shadow behind him completely shrouded Li Ke, and the faces of the two young ladies who were still winking all the time turned black instantly.

The damn, nasty, vulgar, Cheng Saburo who likes to take advantage of his highness the most is here again.


Cheng Chubi waited for the two to bow to him in a perfunctory manner, and then the young lady who was instructed by Li Ke to leave the study left.

He closed the door of the study, so that the private activities he was going to do with Li Ke would not be seen and misunderstood.

"Hey... What's the matter with these maids in your family? Looking at me, it's like they have some deep hatred for me?"

Li Ke waved his hand in disapproval. "It's normal, don't pay attention to them, come and come, let's go inside."

Cheng Chubi closed the door and quickly followed.

But it didn't make any sense at all, the two little sisters who were pulling their faces almost put their faces on the window lattice at this moment.

"Really, I didn't expect him to be so despicable. The door was open last time, but this time he even closed the door."

"Sister, is he trying to do something humiliating to His Highness?"

"Shh, be quiet, why are you so excited?"

"I'm not, I'm not... I'm just curious, are they really doing something?"

"What are you doing, you're poking at the window paper, isn't that rude?"

"Sister, I'm here to protect His Highness, what if that Cheng Saburo wants to use force against His Highness?"

"I just happened to be able to rush in to save His Highness, eh... If you don't teach me, what do you think will happen?"

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it too, oh... What should I do if the hole is too big?"

"You really are, hurry up and cover the paper next to you..."

Hearing the strange sound like a mouse eating from outside, Cheng Chubi couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the door.

Only seeing a figure swaying outside the window, Cheng Chubi shook his head and stood there with his arms crossed.

The two young ladies with beautiful eyebrows, but with a yellowish inner appearance, approached cautiously again.

"I said, brother, why are you acting so awkward."

"Can't you just tie your clothes into the belt yourself?"

"Come on, look at my..."

"As expected of brother Chubi, he is more powerful than the younger brother."

"Hehe, that's natural, let alone a couch, even putting you on the top is easy for me."

Listening to the puns inside, the two little sisters with yellow hearts blushed with excitement.

Not only want to continue watching, but also want to bravely rush in.

At this moment, they heard a coughing sound, and the two trembled for a moment. UU reading

The steward who passed by here couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and threatened the two girls who had been thinking all day in a low voice viciously before striding away.


"Brother Chubi, I can't bear any of them, these are all my treasures..."

"Look at this painting technique, look at this line, look at this figure, which one is not vivid..."

Li Ke felt that his heart was bleeding and his soul was twitching.

I have collected these at least... Wait, I have been able to collect so many precious works of art in a few years since I was fifteen years old.

It seems that he is indeed a person with a talent for appreciating art.

Before Li Ke was completely intoxicated, he saw Cheng Chubi lifted the lid of the third box and picked up a painting book that had just been unfolded.

Seeing a young man with a face like a crown of jade walking on the mountain with a horse, Li Ke's expression changed greatly.

"Brother Chubi, you don't need to read it over there, it's not suitable for General Xue San."

"What, just General Xue San, is there any position that is not suitable for General Xue San?"

Cheng Chubi flipped a few pages unwillingly.

Then with a stunned face, Li Ke snatched the very indecent thing, put it back into the box and put the lid on it.

Seeing Brother Chu Bi's shocked expression, Li Kechi hurriedly retorted.

"Those are just collectibles. If you don't understand the collectibles, they are everyone's handwriting. My brother is just a collection."

"Brother Xian, your hobby is really..." Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke, the dissolute prince, with a dark expression on his face. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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