The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2329: How clever is Li Shimin, who can become the hero of the Tang Dynasty

"Daughter, why are you here so early?"

Empress Changsun saw that Zhu Yuanyurun's own daughter was holding her already pregnant belly, and with the help of Wu Meiniang, she walked into the hall and hurried forward to meet her.

"My daughter misses her mother, and she also misses her father." Li Mingda smiled at the eldest grandson.

Then he raised his fingers and pointed to his stomach. "The little guy is not honest at all, he moves from time to time."

"My daughter was woken up by him early in the morning and couldn't sleep, so I wanted to come over to greet my mother and father." Xue Wanjun slept until midnight, then slowly opened his eyes and saw the virtuous lady, Sitting on the edge of the couch.

Hearing the movement on the couch, he put down the book in his hand and turned his head.

"Husband, you're awake, come, drink some sober soup."

Xue Wanjun took the hangover soup and drank it, wiped his mouth, and excitedly asked his wife Du Shi. .

"Thank you lady, how is it, did that kid Cheng Sanlang find out anything?"

Lady Du looked at her husband calmly, until Xue Wanjun asked for the second time, then she sighed helplessly.

"The two of you joined forces to get Cheng Saburo drunk long ago."

"..." Xue Wanjun looked at the lady with a bewildered expression, and looked at the determined look of the lady Du Shi.

He rubbed his nose with shy eyebrows, and then pulled out his thick beard. "Oh, my husband is drinking again..."

"Husband, don't forget, you invited Cheng Sanlang to come here, but for the important life of your third brother."

"It turned out good, I just got the doctor drunk..."

Speaking of this, Du Shi looked at the shy husband with an angry and funny look. "What should we do now?"

Xue Wanjun stood up with a dark expression on his face, and walked around the case in the room.

"What else can I do? Let me think about it, think about it..."


Cheng Chubi closed his eyes and opened them again, the sky is bright again... Sun!

This is a noun, because the warm sunlight has already shone through the window lattice on his handsome face.

Cheng Chubi slowly sat up and shook his head, why did he drink yesterday?

Well, for the sake of the wine that General Xue San was reluctant to marry, no, I didn't drink it for the sake of my mother.

Lao Tzu went to treat a disease, but was turned over by the Xue brothers.

When he thought that General Xue San, whose sexual orientation was unknown, was also there, Cheng Chubi subconsciously gave a cold war.

Huh... There is nothing out of the ordinary, which made Cheng Chubi a little relieved.

Just as he was sitting on the couch doing his first self-examination every day, the sound of footsteps and Uncle Fu's voice came from the door.

"Three sons?"

"Uncle Fu, come in, I'm already awake." Cheng Chubi quickly shouted loudly.

Walking to the door of the room and opening the door, Cheng Chubi's smiling face was instantly pulled down.

Because he saw that Xue Wanjun, who broke his promise and became fatter, stood shyly behind the housekeeper, Uncle Fu.

Seeing the culprit, Cheng Chubi twitched the corners of his mouth with a smile.

"Oh, it's actually Uncle Xue who came here. My nephew was too drunk yesterday, so I can't welcome him from afar. Please don't be surprised by Uncle Xue."

Uncle Fu, the housekeeper, looked at the shy-eyed General Xue and the third son with a strange look on his face.

I always thought there was something weird about it.

Xue Wanjun stepped into the room and smiled embarrassedly towards Cheng Chubi.

"Oh, nephew, don't talk about it, blame the old man, blame the old man, when the wine is over, I forget everything."

Cheng Chubi saw that the other party apologized to him so sincerely, what else could he say.

There was no choice but to ask the elder to sit down, and then let the housekeeper, Uncle Fu, get some refreshments.

"Second Uncle Xue, it's not that the little nephew doesn't help, but looking at this situation, it's the little nephew who really can't do it."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Hearing the words of nephew Chubi and the disheartened look on his face, Xue Wanche hurriedly encouraged this nephew, a famous doctor of the Tang Dynasty.

"No, no, nephew, don't say such depressing words, the old man has discussed with his wife, and there is a way."

Seeing Cheng Chubi's suspicious eyes, Xue Wanche leaned into Cheng Chubi's ear and muttered for a while.

"Is it possible?" Cheng Chubi asked uncertainly.

"Don't wait until Uncle Xue, your energy will come up..."

"Don't worry, I definitely won't. As soon as Xue's energy comes up, he is busy drinking and eating meat. How can he still have so much memory."

Cheng Chubi also thought about it, this guy can't even remember the serious things, let alone other things.

"How about it, nephew, you have to help Third Uncle Xue anyway. If you can let him start a family and start a business as soon as possible, you will be the great benefactor of our old Xue family."

"Okay, Uncle Xue, then let's do this?"

"Yes, just do that, don't worry, this afternoon, the old man will personally send someone to pick you up."

"There's no need for this, the little nephew has already recognized the door and knows how to get to your house."

"That's it, nephew, you must come."

After Xue Wanjun saw Cheng Chubi reluctantly nodded in agreement, he lifted his **** and left in a hurry.

Gritting his teeth, he strode away. Today, he must kill the third son's bastard, so that Cheng Sanlang has a chance to ask the truth.

Finally, it was dusk again, and Cheng Chubi rode his horse again and came to Xue Wanjun's mansion.

When he was far away, he saw someone looking around at the door. After UU Reading saw him, he ran over quickly.

"Seeing the third son of the process..." This is Xue Meng, the steward yesterday.

"Don't be too polite, how are you, have the three generals of your family come?" Cheng Chubi asked after raising his hand to help him.

"Don't worry, son, my third master has already come over, and now he is drinking with my husband."

Cheng Chubi took a step forward. He had just climbed the steps, and when he finished climbing the steps, Cheng Chubi paused hesitantly.

It always feels unsafe to go in, what if the pair of brothers happened to jump up and see me?

It is impossible to fall into the old Xue family one after another. This is too detrimental to the reputation of our old Cheng family.

"Well... or else I won't go in first, just wait outside the mansion."


Seeing that Cheng Chubi had reached the door, he stopped, and the manager Xue Meng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"This can't be done. Young Master Cheng, you are also our master's honored guest. How can we make you wait here."

"Let's go in with the villain. The villain will take you to find a quiet room for dinner. After a while, my master and the third master are almost drinking, and the villain will come back to find you."

Seeing this steward Xue Meng's attitude is so sincere and his tone so earnest, he really wants to squat at the door of Xue's house, which is indeed a bit unreasonable.

He could only nod his head, followed Xue Meng into the mansion, Xue Meng led Cheng Chubi along the edge of the open space outside the front hall, and then came to a courtyard gate.

Chapter 2329 How clever is Li Shimin, who can become the hero of the Tang Dynasty (please subscribe for tickets)


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