The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2331: Our worthy son-in-law has never had a big heart

Empress Zhangsun looked stunned to see Li Shimin put down the tableware and chopsticks, got up and came to the map that had not been put away.

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Such a move made Zhao Kun and Hu Shanggong a little confused, what is your majesty doing?

"Zhao Kun, what did the embroiderer say that day when he came to report the whereabouts of the murderer who attacked Li Yifu?"

"Your Majesty, after the outlaw left Luonan, he passed through Zhengzhou, Huazhou, Puzhou, and Yunzhou.

Until the time of Jeju, I didn't receive any news about the broken tail mount and the knight..." The dozen or so horses galloped close, and Li Chengqian got off his horse in a dashing manner and strode towards this side.

"Brother Chubi, I didn't expect my younger brother to come back to watch the ceremony, hahaha..."

Cheng Chubi hurried forward to greet the Crown Prince who had sneaked out of the East Palace.

"Why did you come here, Your Highness? Could it be that you stole... Quietly left the palace?"

"Haha, those who know me, brother Chubi, yes, it's boring to stay in the palace today with Xiu Mu."

"I heard that the Cheng's University founded by brother Chubi will open today, and what kind of ceremony is to be held. If so, how could I not come and cheer, little brother?"

Cheng Chubi laughed as he looked at the high-spirited and chattering Highness of the Crown Prince.

Squinting his eyes slightly, his eyes began to become deep and dark, as if passing through His Royal Highness the Prince and looking into the distance.

Li Chengqian saw that Brother Chu Bi had just been amused for a while, but the expression on his face became suspicious and his eyes changed, so he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Brother Chubi, you are..."

"If I guess correctly, your father is here." Cheng Chubi whispered dryly. .

When Li Chengqian turned his head, he saw another team of fine horses galloping in the distance. Soon, Li Chengqian's face collapsed. Really father...

Li Ke looked at Cheng's University, which was getting closer and closer, and saw the crowd at the door, and couldn't help grinning happily.

"Father, it seems like a big brother..."

Li Shimin lifted the hat on his head and looked over. It was indeed the eldest son, Li Chengqian. Looking at his outfit, he seemed to have the same mind with him.

In a short time, Li Shimin's mount also stopped in front of Cheng's University.

Looking at the young people who came to greet him, Li Shimin rolled over and dismounted.

"Okay, the old man is also idle and bored today, so I came here to take a look, so as not to delay your business, nephew?"

"No, no, no delay at all. Uncle, your family is here, but your little nephew is flattered."

After a few words at the school gate, they entered the campus together. At this moment, the time for the opening ceremony is not far away.

Seeing that there were more and more people in the square, Li Shimin instructed Cheng Chubi.

"Nephew, you can do your own thing, the old man and Chengqian don't need you to say hello."

Cheng Chubi could only ask Li Ke to stay and greet the two bosses, and rushed over there with Fang Jun.

The father and son began to look around, and soon, they were attracted by a banner hanging not far away.


Li Shimin stroked his long beard and stepped forward slowly, reading the words above.

"Master Xun Xun Ran is good at seducing people. He inspires me with writing, and invites me with courtesy. I can't stop. The old master remembers that this is what Confucius said."

"This kid actually hangs this kind of persuasion in the university. Is this trying to make those students remember it all the time?"

Li Ke on the side nodded and smiled.

"My child asked the same thing, and Brother Chubi said that good words to persuade students to study are hanging high in the school.

Let the students see it all the time, and over time, it will make them remember these teachings in their hearts. "

Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help but feel happy.

"This is like the warning message of the old man hanging in the Nectar Hall of 'Three Reflections on My Body'. Interesting, this kid knows how to learn now and sell now."

Li Shimin swayed and walked leisurely, not seeing a few students passing by in a hurry.

However, these students just glanced here curiously, and then walked away quickly. Li Shimin soon saw a plaque hanging on the wall.

The above words made Li Shimin a little sluggish.

"A person who is inquisitive is only a fool for a quarter of an hour; a person who is ashamed of asking questions is a fool for life."

"This... who is this Aristotle Greek?"

"Father, this Aristotle was the educator of a country called Greece in the far west, and this is his motto."

Seeing his father's doubtful eyes, Li Chengqian smiled a little embarrassedly.

"I didn't know it at the time, but I only found out after asking Brother Chubi."

"Why does the old man feel that this handwriting is a little familiar, it turns out to be from my son, haha..."

"I can't imagine that there are such wise men in the extreme west. Although this adage is too straightforward, it also points directly to the hearts of the people."

After Li Shimin led his two sons around the area slowly, he heard the sound of a bell.

Li Ke approached and said that the opening ceremony was about to begin.

Li Shimin nodded and strode over there.

"Let's go, let's go and take a look, but don't get too close, if people recognize our father and son, it will not be beautiful."

At this moment, Cheng Chubi was standing on the high platform, watching the students coming from all directions.

Said to be students, but in fact, more than half of the students here are older than themselves.

More than a dozen teachers have already sat in the front row neatly.

And the students behind them all sat down on the pony bars under the guidance of the monitor of each class. UU reading

At this moment, in the center of the high platform, there is a towering flagpole, behind the high platform.

It was the dozen or so musicians that Cheng Chubi invited Tai Lezheng Zhang Wenchang to invite. They are all ready at this moment, and they are all silently waiting for the order of Principal Cheng, and they will start playing music.

And what they are going to play is a small passage from "The King of Qin's Breaking the Array". The length is also within a minute.

After all, the flag-raising ceremony, if there is no music, what sense of ceremony is there?

Cheng Chubi finally negotiated with Zhang Wenchang, who was Tai Lezheng, and asked him to invite some musicians to help, and Zhang Wenchang would naturally not refuse.

As the second bell rang, the leaders of each class began to count the number of people and reported it to the staff in charge of discipline.

Cheng Chubi swept his gaze and saw Li Shimin and his son standing in the distance with their hands behind their backs, pointing towards this side.

After seeing the reminder that Cheng Ji was beside him, Cheng Chubi raised his hand and made a gesture, and Cheng Ji and Cheng Li, who had a solemn face, stepped onto the flag stage.

Cheng Chubi took the flag, came to the flag stand, and began to tie the flag with the Tang character.

"All rise,"

As Cheng Ji shouted hoarsely, the teachers and students below all stood up one after another.


However, the movement of getting up was not neat at all, and after getting up, there was actually a chatter.

This made Cheng Chubi very happy, and he must emphasize discipline in the future.

Chapter 2331 Our worthy son-in-law has never had a big heart (please subscribe for tickets)


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