The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2339: Kwon Chang-shi's mansion is so dangerous...

Looking at the stinky socks that were close to three points, Liang Mengbiao looked desperate, I would rather die under the knife than be threatened with stinky socks.

"His name is Zan Junmo, but he is in the palace of King Qi. If you have the ability, go catch him yourself."

"Sure enough, it was all done by King Qi's subordinates. It's alright, hurry up and stop your mouth. You kid will inform the third son, and you will succeed."

"By the way, tell Third Young Master that Li Zhubo was injured by Liang Mengbiao, and Xu Xiancheng was injured by Zan Junmo."

The Cheng family nodded and walked out of the house quickly. But before that, we must first convince the subordinates who are loyal and courageous and will not surrender. Although they haven't spoken yet, in case any unscrupulous guy wants to sacrifice himself for the country and he doesn't want to die, this is the case. It is easy to cause conflicts.

I can't tell them with a sincere face: buddy, we can surrender together, and the ethnic minority brothers are not bad. Not only will they not abuse us, but they can also treat us with delicious food and drink. The so-called meal has meat. There is wine. After a long trip on the prairie, we can go back to the capital to sit in a small black house and eat vegetarian food for several years to clear our stomachs and so on. After that, the emperor will be angry again, and he will take the initiative to downgrade from the emperor to the emperor. I'll do it for you to seal the high officials.

Saying this now is completely bullshit, and it is also very shameless, and I can't hang my face. After all, he is also an excellent young worker who will serve as a model for others in later generations. He can't just throw his face away when he arrives in ancient times, right?

If you want to survive, you will definitely return to the capital one day, so why don't you do something now? At least give my good brother two sweet dates in advance, then maybe I will be able to have better conditions when I squat in the little black house in the future.

"Do you have a pen and paper?" Zhu Qizhen, who had made up his mind, turned around and asked the middle-aged **** beside him.

The middle-aged **** stayed for a while, and looked at Zhu Qizhen stupidly. "Your Majesty, I didn't bring my servants." Also, I almost lost my life when I escaped. Who still remembers the four treasures of the study? Besides, I am an **** and not a literary youth, so I carry those things with me?

"Bring a knife." Zhu Qizhen knew that the time was tight and he couldn't delay, so he reached out and grabbed the sword in the hand of the chief guard.

"Your Majesty, you can't." The head of the guard was stunned for a moment, then fell to the ground with tears streaming down his face. Everyone else knelt down in unison. After thinking about it, Zhu Qizhen, who knew what these people were thinking, was a little dumbfounded. "Don't worry, I'm not trying to commit suicide, but to write an imperial edict."

He grabbed the knife with his hands and lifted the cloak, revealing the bright yellow dragon robe he was wearing. After brushing with the big blade a few times, he cut off a large piece of the front.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"The imperial edict?..." Fan Zhong was also stunned, staring blankly at the front of the dragon robe cut by Zhu Qizhen.

Looking at the front placket spread out on the ground, Zhu Qizhen was in a bit of trouble for a while. If there is no paper, he can use a cloth bag, no pen, he can use his fingers instead, but if he has no ink, he can't spit to write, right?

Zhu Qizhen looked at his fingers, gritted his teeth, and was about to put the dirty index finger into his mouth, let himself bleed, and play a classic scene that often appears in historical dramas: "Blood Edict" the moment.

"Your Majesty, please use your minister's blood." The head of the guard was really a confidant. He soon understood the difficulties of Zhu Qizhen, and he generously lifted off a piece of armor on his body, revealing a still in bleeding wounds. Loyal minister... Zhu Qizhen couldn't help but have the urge to burst into tears when he looked at the head of the guard.

If in the later life, he was hospitalized for appendicitis, and the patient in the next bed had no ink, he would definitely not be able to voluntarily sacrifice himself. If that **** dared to speak to himself, saying that he wanted to use the blood of his wound to write a love letter to make a girl or something, It's weird not to be beaten into a pig's head by yourself.

"...Thank you." Zhu Qizhen knew that if he wanted to be moved, he had to look at the timing if he wanted to say something that brought tears to his eyes. At least it wasn't the time of the whole Qiongyao drama. His fingers were still warm when he touched the wound on the head of the guard's back. With hot blood, he took a deep breath and wrote his first imperial edict on the fragment of the dragon robe after he had traveled to ancient times and became an emperor: the edict of abdication and succession.

Just after crossing, you have to hand over the emperor's throne. Whose sister has me grieved? With blood dripping from his heart and tears in his eyes, Zhu Qizhen's fingers trembled.


I have no virtue, I believe in Wang Zhen, and I am ashamed to see my ancestors in the defeat of Tumubao. Today is in trouble... From now on, I have decided to pass on Zhu Qiyu, the emperor's younger brother. This short edict will be written soon. What makes Zhu Qizhen satisfied is that he not only inherited part of the memory in the original body, but even inherited a lot of his knowledge. Otherwise, he would not be regarded as a crazy maniac by writing a simplified script of his own. Weird.

The inscription is naturally Zhu Qizhen's name, and there is a **** finger print. After writing this short and very vernacular blood edict, Zhu Qizhen touched his body for a long time, UU reading www. finally touched the small seal that was tied around his waist, then put the seal in blood in the blood edict, and raised his eyes.

"Today, I will definitely not be able to escape, you listen to me first. Now, I am trapped outside, the Ming Dynasty can be without me, but not without the emperor, so someone must bring this blood edict back to the capital. From today From now on, I am no longer the emperor of Daming, and the emperor of Daming is my younger brother Zhu Qiyu." Zhu Qizhen looked at the dozen or so people in front of him and said every word.

Everyone was choking, even Fan Zhong was crying like a child, and Zhu Qizhen, who was pretending to act, couldn't help but feel sour. Thinking about it, he just came over and became the emperor, but he changed his hands and took the throne. It is true that there are some two in sending people, but no two is not enough, comrades.

Today's big step back is for the future big step forward. Comrade Zhu Qizhen's son Zhu Jianshen is now just a little child who has not been weaned at about two years old. In this kind of Ming Dynasty, it is at the juncture of life and death, and there is a crisis of changing the dynasty. , to pass the throne to a little kid who doesn't know anything, and what the famous Daming civil service group who always enjoys fighting with the emperor will listen, then the toad lying in the mud pond can also eat swan meat.

Therefore, classmate Zhu Qizhen would not be stupid enough to take such a risk, but decided to follow the original historical trend and give his position directly to his younger brother Zhu Qiyu, at least to win the favor of some ministers and his younger brother. Favorite, um, according to Taiwan's political elections, it is called adding impression points.

Chapter 2339 The mansion of Quan Changshi is so dangerous... (please subscribe for tickets) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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