The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2355: Xu Xiancheng seems to be just a little lame, nothing else...

Li Mingda looked at the picture of the prosthesis with hot eyes, and fortunately he had a high level of aesthetics.

Coupled with the edification of the husband all the year round, it is possible to recognize the general meaning that the husband wants to express.

But these patterns, it is best not to go out, after all, it will damage the reputation of the husband's versatility. Li Chengqian, who was sitting reservedly behind the desk, stood up directly, bypassed the desk and walked towards the eunuch.

Before Ning Zhong, he took the envelope directly from the little eunuch's hand and looked at the familiar, slightly crooked writing on it.

Li Chengqian let out a voice and raised his voice towards his wife Su Shi.

"I didn't expect that I just talked to you about Brother Chubi, and I received a letter from him in a blink of an eye. It seems that being a husband is really good luck."

Crown Princess Su pursed her lips and smiled and sat there quietly.

"Husband, won't you take it apart and take a look?"

Li Chengqian walked back, and after sitting down, he said happily while opening the letter.

"That is naturally to be opened. I hope that Brother Chubi's letter will not disappoint me. I hope he can take me to see the people and customs of Shuzhong."

After opening the envelope, what was inside revealed that it was a full five postcards made of hard yellow paper and a few pieces of letter paper.

Half of the front side depicts a steep cliff, and on the cliff wall is a long plank road made of wood.

Li Chengqian's eyes lit up, tsk tsk said.

"It turns out that the long-known Shu Dao looks like this..."

Next to the small and exquisite picture is Cheng Chubi's handwriting.

Although the postcard was not big, Cheng Chubi still wrote three or four hundred characters on the front and back.

He described the process of his entry into Shu in detail, and the inconvenience of transportation caused the team to move forward slowly.

As a result, it took more than half a month to complete the process.


In the postcards sent by Cheng Chubi, in addition to the Shu Road, there were also beautiful landscape paintings of places such as Brazil, Shuzhou, and Mount Emei that he passed through.

Of course, the written description of the talented master Cheng is also indispensable. Seeing Li Chengqian's tsk tsk, his spirits are soaring.

Su shi looked at the beautiful postcard curiously, and looked at the small but artistic picture on it.

There is also the content of Cheng Saburo's writing so small, but the handwriting is clear.

"Husband, this General Cheng really took a lot of thought. Even writing letters seems so unique."

"Yeah, it's indeed a good thing, worthy of being Brother Chubi. In addition, Brother Chubi also said.

In a few days, after the Yuqian green tea and black tea prepared by him are ready, they will be sent to Chang'an.

At that time, the husband must have a good taste. "

"Tea is still divided into dividends and greens?" Mrs. Su glanced at the card Li Chengqian was appreciating carefully.

The card is, the drawing is a plant, it should be the tea tree that the husband said.

Li Chengqian nodded and smiled.

"That's right, Brother Chubi said, green tea is unfermented tea, its flavor is high and fragrant, and the soup color is clear and bright.

It has the effect of refreshing the mind, quenching thirst and relieving dryness. "

"Drinking black tea has the effect of promoting digestion and relieving fatigue, and black tea is fully fermented tea, which is warm in nature and has the effect of moisturizing and warming the stomach."

Of course, Cheng Chubi produced not only black tea and green tea, but also black tea.

It's just that dark tea needs to be fermented for too long, and it can't be drunk for three or five years, so Cheng Chubi is too lazy to show off for the time being.

In the letter, Cheng Chubi mainly explained the situation in Luzhou.

However, the key point is to give Li Chengqian a detailed explanation of the rich products in the south of Shu.

In particular, bamboo in the southern area of ​​Shu is definitely a very good building material.

Not only can it be used to build houses, but it can also be used to make furniture.

Now Cheng Chubi is recruiting bamboo craftsmen, and plans to send some beautiful bamboo furniture after a period of time.

Prince Li Chengqian was enjoying the letters and postcards written by brother Chubi.

In the Hall of Nectar, Li Shimin looked at the two envelopes in front of him with a dark expression on his face. One is for himself, and the other is for his beloved daughter Li Mingda.

The sender of the letter was Cheng Saburo, who was good at making a fuss about demon moths.

As a father, Li Shimin wanted to burn the envelope addressed to his beloved daughter, Li Mingda.

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Then he sent a fast horse to Luzhou to let Cheng Chubi have a good taste of the deliciousness of the hip stick.

However, reason reminded Li Shimin that he should not do this. After all, the girl had already told him, and she had told Brother Cheng San.

If you go to Shuzhong, if there is anything interesting, delicious or beautiful, remember to tell her.

Therefore, if Daddy receives a letter from third brother Cheng, he must tell Xiao Sizi, otherwise Xiao Sizi will be unhappy.

Hehe... Li Shimin clutched his faintly sad heart, alas...

Queen Changsun, who has been sitting quietly and virtuously beside her, has been paying close attention to her husband's expression.

Seeing her husband gnashing his teeth and wanting to jump into a rage, but hesitating and undecided is really funny.

Of course, Empress Zhangsun, who has been professionally trained and has always been able to maintain a good image of Ziyi, does not reveal the slightest.

After all, in this world, there are too few people who can make Queen Changsun lose their temper.

Hmm... Cheng Sanlang's unassuming little **** was purely an accident, and he couldn't be side by side with ordinary After waiting for a long time, she didn't see anything from her husband, and Empress Changsun could only speak.

"Husband, what to do with these letters?"

Li Shimin took a painful breath and glanced at Cheng Saburo's handwriting.

In the end, with a bit of disgust, he put aside the letter that Cheng Saburo sent to his daughter, and picked up a few memorials and wanted to press them on it.

But considering that his wife was by his side, he groaned helplessly.

"Xiao Sizi must be practicing calligraphy. I'll give it to her when I get a chance later."

Just about to reach out and pick up Cheng Chubi's letter to him, after thinking about it, he copied Cheng Chubi's letter to Xiao Mingda in his hand.

"Guanyin maid, what do you think that kid will write to our daughter?"

Empress Zhangsun laughed directly, and slowly sorted out the corners of her clothes.

"In addition to talking about fun, that is to say delicious, is it possible that he can write other things?"

"Also..." Li Shimin thought about it seriously, and finally gave up the idea of ​​transcending the letter for his daughter.

Although this idea is very moving, if that quirky girl finds out that her letter has been passed on, her own father will probably have a hard time.

Li Shimin shook his head, put aside those messy thoughts and thoughts, and copied the letter that Cheng Chubi sent to him.

After opening the envelope, I also saw the letter paper inside, as well as the cards made of yellow cardboard wrapped in letter paper.

Seeing the scenery depicted on those cards, Li Shimin couldn't help but feel happy.

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