The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2368: Cheng Lao 3! Is this what the old man said? !

In the face of Kankan, His Majesty the Emperor who is frank about the importance of Frank's horse to the replacement of the Tang cavalry.

For the veterans and ruffians with ulterior motives, I am really embarrassed to do something inauthentic with a shy face.

Since there can't be so many, all the important ministers of the Tang Dynasty who have recovered the thought of worrying about the country and the people have also begun to offer suggestions.

Even these rough gentlemen can't give any effective advice on cultivating the frank horse. Cheng Chubi really remembered that, after all, as a man, as a man who studied medicine, especially a real man who even had a collection of secret recipes for the Great Health Wine.

How could one not pay attention to these good things? After all, he is a big man, and he is afraid that there will be a day when I want this iron rod to be of any use.

Therefore, as early as in the dormitory of the medical school, a lot of real men who studied Western medicine paid attention to collecting the health care prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine.

If you are someone who has no immediate worries, there must be far-reaching concerns...

Besides, doctors can't do it, who else can? After all, when I was in medical school at that time, there were many male hospitals that recruited students in the school.

As a top student in the academy, why, before leaving school, I have to have a few secret skills.

If one day you lose your job, and there is no hospital to see it, you can go to the telephone pole to put up an advertisement for an old military doctor and make serious money by selling serious medicine.

Seeing Wang Yiling's expression, Cheng Chubi immediately laughed...

Wang Yiling also seemed to realize something, and smiled rather embarrassedly. "The subordinate has lost his words."

Cheng Chubi smiled confidently and calmly. In this era, no one knows how to care for middle-aged and elderly men better than me. . nobody!

"Wang Yiling doesn't have to be like this, but I can tell Wang Yiling that your majesty's illness can be saved..."

"..." Wang Yiling smacked his mouth, and always felt that Cheng Chubi's words were a little wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Doctor Wang ordered you to do your work first, I'll think about it, don't worry, there will definitely be no problem with your Majesty's illness, it's covered by me."

After Wang Yiling left itchingly, Cheng Chubi sat behind the table and began to figure it out.

What should I do? Yes, these prescriptions are to be contributed to the happiness of middle-aged and elderly men in Tang Dynasty, or I should keep them for myself.

After all, if you want to run a medical school yourself, the medical school cannot always rely on its own money. It always needs to make ends meet before it can grow and develop.

Cheng Chubi thought for a while, and finally made a decision.

After all, I want to sell Chinese patent medicine in the future, after all, it is very difficult for the old Cheng family to support their family.

In addition, you can contribute a portion to the royal family. Anyway, your old Li family is not short of money, you can eat it yourself.

On second thought, Cheng Chubi felt that in order to increase His Majesty the Tang Emperor's confidence in himself as an excellent professional andrology worker.

Therefore, we can first give His Majesty the Tang Emperor a certain stimulus to let him understand that Cheng Laosan is definitely not bragging when it comes to male medical care.

After thinking about this section clearly, Cheng Chubi didn't delay in the slightest, and jumped out of the Imperial Physician's Office.

After returning straight to the mansion, a quarter of an hour later, Cheng Chubi had a pair of porcelain bottles that he usually used to hold wine, and then stuffed the two bottles of wine into a small wooden box.

It's just that this kind of porcelain bottle is a bit special. Well, it is a porcelain bottle for the kind of big health wine that the old driver Liu Hongji used.

It's not big, a bottle is about a pound, and every time you take it, it's only one or two taels, which is enough for Uncle Li to repeatedly experience and feel the true masculinity of a man five or six times.


Having said that, Cheng Chubi gave Liu Hongji medicinal wine before, so that the old driver could regain his youthful vitality and let him regain his confidence as a man again.

That Wei Weiqing was blushing now, walking like a tiger, and his words became more sonorous and powerful. Cheng Chubi only found out when he went to check on him.

The boss's concubine is already pregnant, and he is considering taking another concubine.

Cheng Chubi, as a junior, only vaguely reminded him of the old driver's rambunctious behavior.

As for whether to listen or not, that is the old driver's own problem. Cheng Chubi is not his father, so it is impossible for him to work hard for him all day long.

Cheng Chubi carried the wooden box and went to the palace again. The palace guards had long been insensitive to Cheng Chubi's entry and exit.

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After saying hello to these familiar guards, Cheng Chubi just carried the wooden box, strode forward, and walked towards the Hall of Nectar.

Cheng Chubi was very proud in his heart. He had just left the palace for less than two hours and then jumped back, and he had already brought the potion.

I believe that Uncle Li will be very surprised. After he has tasted the big health wine, he will be completely conquered by his medical skills.

If this is some absurd emperor, a debauched emperor, maybe he can make himself a national teacher for these two bottles of wine.

Naturally, it was impossible for the wise and powerful Tang Taizong, but Cheng Chubi believed it.

After Li Shimin drank this wine, he would feel that the Huangzhuang and the wealth he had paid for were definitely worth the money.

Just as Cheng Chubi strode towards the Ganlu Palace, Li Shimin was lying idly in the Ganlu Palace. UU Reading

However, I felt a little uneasy in my heart. I had been treated for this disease for several months, but not only did it not work.

It's even getting more and more serious. What the **** does this mean? Could it be that I can only do this at such a young age?

Li Shimin, who tossed and turned on the couch, couldn't fall asleep, stood up again, and paced the Temple of Nectar anxiously.

If it goes on like this, how can it be good, or... ask those Taoist alchemists for help and see if they have any way to solve their dark ailments...

"Your Majesty..." Just as Li Shimin was thinking about it, Zhao Kun's voice came from the door of the hall.

When Li Shimin turned around, he saw Zhao Kun approaching him. "Your Majesty, Cheng Saburo is here again. He said that he brought medicine to you, Your Majesty."

"???" Li Shimin stared blankly at Zhao Kun in front of him, and subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the dripping copper pot placed not far away.

Cheng Sanlang left the palace, I'm afraid it's less than two hours, and he has already brought the medicine?

Li Shimin smacked his mouth and slowly paced back to the back of the case. After he sat down calmly, he signaled to Zhao Kun.

Zhao Kun took a quick step to the door of the temple. "Come in, Your Majesty is waiting for you."

Cheng Chubi nodded, carried the wooden box and walked in, and saw that he was sitting behind the desk.

With a book in his hand, his expression is very serious, and his eyes are full of majesty, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Cheng Chubi almost laughed... The more serious and serious Li Shimin's expression was, the more embarrassed he was.

2368 Chapter 3rd! Is this what the old man said? ! (Please subscribe for tickets) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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